An Awesome Tuesday!!

Even with a little bit of rain we still had a fun day here at camp. We were able to have all classes today around the rain but instead of having sports outside, classes were in the upper lodge. I don't think anyone minded being inside because we still played some fun games including Wild West Showdown. During activity period the wind on the lake was great so our sailboat, the Hunter, went out with six campers and many of the intermediate and advanced sailors took to the lake as well. Other campers played basketball, ultimate frisbee, and can-jam.

During free-time many of the campers have been preparing for the talent show tonight and dress up breakfast tomorrow. We always have a talent show at girls camp but this is the first time in years that boys camp will be having a talent show and the campers, LT, and staff all seem very excited! Then tomorrow morning each cabin will dress up and put on a little skit. The theme is "cabin's choice" and I've heard rumors of Super Heroes, Counselor impersonations, and Spartans; it is definitely going to be a fun breakfast.

Thanks for reading!

- The Birch Blogger

Marvelous Monday!

Today got us off to a great start to the final week of boys camp here at Asto Wamah! We had blueberry bread for breakfast, pork chops for lunch, and burgers for dinner. At lunch we had butterscotch pudding for dessert and at dinner we had peach crisp (yummy!). This morning we woke up a half hour later than usual, giving everyone a chance to sleep-in. After breakfast we began our day according to schedule, everyone headed off to first, second, and then third period. It was a bit chilly today, so we did not have our regularly scheduled general swim. Instead, campers were given the opportunity to go back to their cabins and work on their skits for talent night (tomorrow). They could also use this time to prepare for our themed breakfast on Wednesday. This session’s theme is cabin’s choice, so each cabin will pick a theme and show up to breakfast dressed in costume (this is always a fun way to begin the day). We eventually moved into fourth period – which was held indoors – where hilltop built towers and mazes with wooden blocks, boating played board games, and arts and crafts went on as planned. Activity period was held mostly indoors as well, counselors offered various board games around the upper lodge.

Evening program was a rainy day classic here at camp, Murder by Night. Murder by Night is essentially a live version of the game of Clue. A counselor on their day off has “died” and the campers travel around camp with an LT as their leader trying to figure out who committed the murder and with what as their weapon. This game keeps the kids off the damp field, but still active and going around camp. The rain has begun to set in, so hopefully things will cool down a bit and everyone will have a good night’s sleep.

-The Birch Blogger

Track & Field Day!

Today was an exciting day here at Asto Wamah because it was track and field day! The campers were split into two teams, green and white, and competed both individually and as a team in various events. The morning began with four big events on the A-field: the softball throw, standing long jump, running long jump, and a 50 yard dash. For these events the campers traveled in their cabin groups (hilltop, lakeside, seniors) competing for first, second, and third place. The morning was filled with cheers for both the green and white teams. The afternoon featured a camp-wide event known as the Indian War Relay. This is the first team event that includes each member. The race begins at the top of the camp road; runners pass a baton between each other until they reach main dock. At main dock the baton is passed off to a swimmer who swims to white raft and hands it to another swimmer who goes to grey raft. Once the baton gets to grey raft, it is handed off to teammates in a row boat. There are two sets of boats who then pass the baton off to a canoe. The canoes eventually get to Hungerford dock (near where the LTs live), and pass the baton to more runners. The runners get it to pollywog dock where the last two swimmers swim back to main dock. In the end the white team was victorious! This is a big win because the relay gets the white team a lot of points.

This evening we had meatball grinders for dinner and the traditional green and white cake for dessert. Those on the green team had vanilla cake with green frosting and those on the white team had the same cake but white white frosting. Tonight we continue on with team events. The campers will once again be competing by their cabin groups (hilltop, lakeside, seniors), in a series of relay races on the A-field. Tonight’s events are worth even more points than this morning, so this is a great time for one team to really take the lead.

Track and field day has been a huge success thus far, but you will have to stay tuned to hear the final results! The final scores will be released in the Birch Barker (our camp newspaper) on Banquet night. All of this running around will definitely have everyone exhausted just in time for bed.

Until next time,

-The Birch Blogger

Sun-shine Saturday

Hello Birch Bloggers! Today we enjoyed bagels and oatmeal for breakfast, sheppard's pie - many campers' favorite- for lunch, and then hot dogs, chips, fruit and cookies for dinner. The kitchen staff had off after lunch so they extra staff and counselors whipped together a tasty dinner and then we all enjoyed the meal outside in the water front area.

The weather today at Asto Wamah was amazing! We have been very lucky with the weather so far but I found today to be perfect: not too hot, a nice breeze, and plenty of sunshine! Campers enjoyed another day of classes but are looking forward to a break from their classes tomorrow when we have track and field day - more to come on that tomorrow!

Today, six more of the campers were able to go out on the camps paddle boards and I came along on a kayak. We all went out at activity period, right around 4:40, and I cannot describe how beautiful it was to be on the lake at that time. We had a gracious sky above us while the boys paddled and splashed around, I had a great time and could tell that the boys really did too.

Tonight we will be playing King Dodge. Another game of dodgeball with a Wamah twist. Players are given the chance to rejoin the game by running to the other teams side, standing behind a marked line, and trying to throw the ball at a player on the other team. It is an especially fun game of dodgeball because there are balls flying from either direction, you really need to be on your toes to succeed.

I look forward to giving you the update on a fun-filled day of track and field tomorrow!

- The Birch Blogger

Fantastic Friday!

Hello again Birch Bloggers! Today was yet another fun-filled day here at Camp Asto Wamah. We had cinnamon bread and cereal for breakfast, chicken tenders for lunch, and tacos for dinner. Tonight’s dessert was apple crisp with whipped cream topping, one of our favorites! When the sun was out it was pretty hot, so it was the perfect day to be on the water. Swimming during both classes and general swim gave the kids a chance to cool down after running around during sports or rowing during boating. All this time spent outside makes rest hour a great opportunity to have a little peace and quiet. Rest hour also lets the campers recharge before heading to things like activity where they are running around yet again. Today we offered activities such as Frisbee golf, jumping off the tower, nuk’em, soccer and more! If they choose not to go to an activity, many campers can be found gathered around the tetherball pole, on fishing docks, or out in a boat.

Today is Friday, which means that we are almost at track and field day (Sunday)! This is a camp tradition where camp is split into green and white teams and the campers compete in track events. The captains for the green and white teams were picked after lunch; these are people who are both great leaders and full of energy. These green and white teams will come in handy for tonight’s evening program. The bell just rang which means everyone is heading up to the A-field for Pirate Gangs. This is a favorite amongst the boys because they get to run all around camp pretending to be pirates. Each person is given a sack of flour which is they can attack their opponents with. In addition to this there are two green jugs, which act as “treasure” hidden somewhere around camp. If it is found, the points awarded for finding the treasure usually determine the winning team.

This game is sure to have everyone running up and down camp throughout the evening, so (hopefully!) we will all be exhausted when it’s time for bed. We hope you have enjoyed reading the blog, so be sure to check back tomorrow!

-The Birch Blogger

Fun Filled Thursday!

What a great day at Camp Asto Wamah! Today we had English muffins for breakfast, some Swedish meatballs and mashed potatoes for lunch, and chicken patties for dinner with Sue’s famous cheese cake for dessert, YUM!

The classes went off without a hitch as usual! Since today wasn’t windy the sailboats practiced capsizing. Instructors flipped the sunfish upside down, then two or three campers worked together to flip it right side up. This is a very important skill for every sailor in order to be prepared for any sailing situation. The kids had fun holding onto the daggerboard and using their body weight to flip the boat around. Canoeing and row boating classes also enjoyed a break from fighting against the wind. A few classes rowed or paddled out to Frog Island, a sandbar in the middle of Columbia Lake. Swimming classes improved their strokes, and a few higher-level classes learned some important life-guarding skills like “Reach and Throw, Don’t Go,” “Think so you don’t Sink,” and how to help someone with a head, neck, or back injury.

The game for evening program tonight is Spies and Smugglers. Smugglers are given a piece of paper that has an amount of points on it, they will hide it in their pockets, shoes, bandanas, etc, and try to run up to the A-field. It is the Spies job to stop and tag the smugglers, to prevent them from getting points up to the A-field; spies get three guesses to try and find the piece of paper and if they guess incorrectly the smuggler gets to run free, until he runs into the next spy at least…

Since the game involved a lot of running around, the campers will have an opportunity to go in for a Quick-Dip, a quick jump in the lake to get rid of the sweat and dirt, and to cool off right before bed.

That’s all for now!

- The Birch Blogger

A Terrific Tuesday at Asto Wamah

Hello again Birch Bloggers, We've had a great Tuesday here at camp! The second full day of camp is always lots of fun because the staff is all done giving directions so there is plenty of time for swimming, boating, arts and crafts, and sports!

The day began with a delicious serving of blueberry bread, cereal, and tasty hot chocolate. After cabin cleanup and camp duties campers ran off to their classes. No one minded jumping into lake for swimming class since it was so warm outside. Sports classes played a big game of kickball while campers in their arts and crafts classes got to choose between making survival bracelets, clay, pillows, or baskets with Carol. Boaters were happy that the wind died down from yesterday so it was much easier to row around the lake.

By the time we got to rest-hour I think that most of the boys were ready for a break from running around and enjoyed the time in their cabins. There were some great activities offered for activity period including jumping off the tower, aquarium games, nuk'em, soccer, and volleyball.

Everyone is currently all done with dinner, tasty grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup. Now campers are running around playing tether-ball, ping-pong, horse shoes, and getting ready to head up to the A-field. We're going to have a quick game of triad, a soccer game with three balls and three goals. Then after running around everyone will go down to the lake for a nice general swim. It will be a great way to cool off after running around.

That about wraps it up for our Tuesday here at camp!

- The Birch Blogger

P.S. Parents of co-ed campers, there will be a survey on our website soon for your evaluations of camp this year. Please keep an eye out for it, we would love to hear your feedback!

First Full Day of Camp

Hello Birch Bloggers! Today completes our first full day here at Camp Asto Wamah, and boys camp is off to a terrific start. This morning we had corn bread and cereal for breakfast, which was followed by cabin cleanup. It’s still early in the session, but I’m sure that as the week progresses this will definitely be a hefty job. When the first period bell rang everyone was off to their classes. Today was a beautiful day here on Columbia Lake; we had the perfect weather for all of our outdoor activities.

Lunch consisted of chicken parm, spaghetti and salad (yum!). After lunch the campers settled in for their first rest hour of the session. This gives them a break where they can recharge for the rest of the day’s activities; it also gives the LTs (Leadership Training) a chance to practice their life guarding skills. The LT program is unique to the boys and first girls session of camp. This year we have ten guys – who are too old to be campers, but too young to be counselors – participating in the program. They will be helping out with a little bit of everything around camp. They will assist counselors in teaching classes, sit with campers during meals, and learn the ropes of being a counselor.

Following rest hour, everyone went in the water for general swim and then headed off to fourth period. Activity period begins immediately after fourth period ends; today’s activities included aquarium games, archery, and basketball among others. For supper we had pulled-pork with a side of salad and applesauce and lemon cake for dessert. The campers are now enjoying a bit of free time before heading to the A-field for an exciting game of capture the flag!

Be sure to check back daily for updates on the rest of the session. Also, parents with children who attended the coed session – be on the look out for a parent survey to be posted on our website. We would love to hear your feedback on you and your child’s Asto Wamah experience!

-The Birch Blogger

Boys Camp is off to a Great Start!

Hello Birch Bloggers! Today we welcomed the boys to Camp Asto Wamah! Campers got settled into their cabins, meeting cabin-mates, counselors, and reconnecting with old camp friends. Once the parents drove up the camp road the campers were getting a tour from their counselors, going over rules, and playing games to get to know one another. Campers were also given the opportunity to sign up to play tennis and go to archery archery during their sports classes. Then the bell rang and all of the campers and staff met around our counsel ring. Our director, Nancy, went over general expectations of the campers and also got the campers excited about the fun two weeks we are all going to have.

Then Catherine, our water front director, gave our first year campers their swimming placement tests. Each camper showed their best swimming strokes and then were assigned to a swimming level so they are all set for their first swimming class tomorrow. Shortly after the swim test, all of the campers got into the water for our first general swim. Catherine gave all the water front safety information. The water was very nice!

After general swim campers were given a little bit of free time right before dinner. It is a Camp Asto Wamah tradition for the first meal to be hot dogs and tater-tots with brownies for dessert. The campers loved it!

Now, as I type, the campers are learning the rules to our first evening program game, Medical Wars. Dodge-balls will be flying all over the A-field as campers are running around. A nice twist to our version of dodge-ball is that each team has to Medics which can bring the players back to life.After the game campers will head back to their cabins, get ready for bed, and then the counselors will read a book that they have all picked out for their campers.

The weather is great here, and we hope that after a full game of running around everyone will be able to fall asleep easily.

That's all for now, thanks for reading!

- The Birch Blogger

Happy 4th of July!

Hello Birch Bloggers, Happy 4th of July! The past two days have been filled with lots of activity – we have not let the rain get us down! Thankfully we were able to get a full day of classes in yesterday along with most of a regularly scheduled evening. For dinner we had grilled cheese and tomato soup which was followed by chocolate pudding pie (a camp favorite) for dessert! For evening program we put on a carnival in the lodge. Each cabin picked an activity they wanted to run and they were given beans that acted as money where they could play and win. The games offered were musical chairs, limbo, a hair braiding station (for the girls), an obstacle course, cards, and more. Campers could turn in the beans they earned for an ice pop as a tasty treat to end the night.

This morning we were treated to a delicious meal of waffles and peanut butter. I had never had peanut butter on waffles until I came to camp, so don’t be surprised if your children as for a side of peanut butter the next time they have waffles! Most of the morning ran smoothly; we moved inside for third period where we played games as an alternative to the regular swimming and boating classes. The swimming class played an exciting game of Scattegories followed by a game of Categories and a sing-off.

For lunch we had another camp favorite, Shepard’s Pie, with some refreshing watermelon for dessert. Then we moved into rest hour where most campers headed back to their cabins for some quiet time. Those who had unfinished arts and crafts projects were given the option to stay in the lodge and work on them. Rest hour has ended, so the campers are currently in the lodge playing games offered by the staff. There are activities like Catchphrase, cards, arts and crafts, and Scattegories being offered.

Next we will move into fourth period, which will most likely be held indoors. They will have a little bit of free time before enjoying pizza and applesauce for dessert. Tonight evening program will consist of a skills challenge. For the skills challenge, they are divided (hilltop, lakeside, and seniors) and then compete as a cabin to win. Skills challenge is always a fun rainy day evening program because some of the skills – picking up marbles with your toes, writing with your opposite hand – are pretty ridiculous.

As per tradition, the last night of the session will conclude with a modified version of campfire. Instead of s’mores, campers will be treated to ice cream sundaes in celebration of the 4th of July. This will be accompanied by an awards ceremony that takes place in the upper lodge. They will get an award based on how many years they have come to camp (first years receive a hat, second years receive a feather, etc.). You can ask any returning camper and most of staff and they will tell you they still have all of their year awards. Campers will also be receiving awards for passing boating and swimming classes.

This will conclude the final night of the coed session; I can’t believe how fast time has flown! It seems like just yesterday they were moving in and we were learning the names of our cabin-mates. When you arrive to get your campers (8:30-10am tomorrow!) be sure to ask them all about this week because I am sure they will have plenty of stories to tell. I think I can speak for all of us when I say that the Asto Wamah season is off to a great start!

- The Birch Blogger


-Pick-up time tomorrow is 8:30-10am!

We had a Wonderful Wednesday

Hello Birch Bloggers, We had a fun and busy day yesterday, not letting the hot weather or the rain put a damper on any of our activities!

The day started with Sue’s chocolate chip bread, a camper favorite! The campers have really learned their way around camp and all did a great job cleaning their cabins and getting ready for their classes, you would not believe how perfectly and wrinkle free their beds were! Sports classes included a riveting game of either kickball or Ultimate Frisbee. Then campers happily got in the water to cool off and work on their strokes. It is great seeing the campers who arrived saying that they didn’t know how to swim, now swimming under the water, blowing bubbles, and using kickboards. During arts and crafts class, many campers made their own fishing pole and were able to catch some fish! Kevin, the nature and survival expert, is doing a great job teaching everyone important lessons. Canoeing and Sailing classes got to practice capsizing, or flipping their boats over, it was a perfect way to cool off in the heat.

That brings us to lunchtime, everyone enjoyed delicious Swedish meatballs, mashed potatoes, and blue ice for dessert. A few of the campers were a little skeptical about trying the meatballs at first, but after taking a bite they found the food to be great! Then we had one of the quietest Rest Hours I had ever heard! Even the younger campers enjoyed a break to read, write, enjoy their candy, and take a quick nap. It wasn’t long till everyone was back in the water and enjoying General Swim. Some of the activities offered by the counselors included jumping off the tower, a big nature walk, aquarium games, and archery.

Wednesday dinners are a little different at camp because our kitchen staff takes their time off. Instead of eating in the lodge, campers make peanut butter and jelly, turkey, or ham sandwiches and each cabin has a picnic, counselors bring the chips, bug juice (lemonade) and chocolate chip cookies. We were so lucky because we were able to finish dinner outside right before the rain started!

Usually Drew, the Sports Director, is in charge of evening program but last night we put it in the hands of the campers and WOW, they did a great job! We had a big carnival spread throughout the lodge and each cabin was in charge of a different booth. The campers worked together to figure out what they wanted to do. The booths included pin the star on the American Flag, musical chairs, battleship, hair braiding, and an obstacle course. It was great seeing the campers having fun running their booth and also enjoying the other booths.

When the campers get home you will have to ask them what their favorite songs are because they have learned so many! We sang a couple favorites after evening program to get everyone to settle down from all the excitement. Then campers and counselors went back to their cabins, got ready for bed, and listened to the counselors read. It was a wonderful Wednesday here at Camp Asto Wamah!

Thanks for reading and I’ll be sure to update you soon about the awesome day we are having here at camp!


- The Birch Blogger

First Full Day!!

Welcome Birch Blog Readers! Camp is off to a great start! Yesterday we welcomed new and returning campers, for the first day of the Asto Wamah season. Staff just finished up their training and did a great job welcoming in their campers. First year campers took their water level placement tests, so that when they had general swim today they were either in Deep Water, Intermediate, or Aquarium, based on their swimming skills. We ate a delicious meal of hot dogs, tater tots, and brownies, a Camp Asto Wamah tradition. Then campers took to the field for a rousing game of Medical War; a fun game of dodgeball with a fun Asto Wamah twist.

Campers were awoken by the bell for the first time this morning. We gathered around the flagpole, raised the flag, and did our daily morning stretches - Chicken Fat. For breakfast we had blueberry bread and cereal; campers who finished their orange juice got some piping-hot hot chocolate. Breakfast was followed by cabin clean up and camp duties (making their beds, sweeping the cabins, bailing boats, etc.).

The campers  all went to boating, sports, swimming, and arts & crafts during the day. In boating and swimming campers met their instructors that will be teaching them all week. They learned the rules of the lake and how to behave in the boats. Sports class included a fun game of nuk'em and some campers got to do archery or play tennis! In arts and crafts campers were given the opportunity to make a collage, basket, fuse beads, or learn about nature and survival. Then there was a little bit of free time before lunch; campers were all around the knock-hockey tables, ping-pong, tether ball, and horse-shoes. Then lunch time came and we all enjoyed baked ziti, followed by tasty apple turnovers.


After lunch campers were able to buy a piece of candy from the camp store to take with them to rest hour. During rest hour they had quiet time on their bunks where they read, slept and (hopefully) wrote letters home! When the bell rang everyone met at the waterfront for general swim, a free swim period. Next the went off to fourth period and then activity period. The activities offered included: nuk'em, aquarium games, hula-hoop dancing, and fishing. That brought us to dinner which was chicken patties and applesauce with cherry cake for dessert.


Campers are currently on the A-field learning the rules to capture the flag! Soon they will be running around and getting rid of some energy before they are off to bed. Counselors have all picked a book that they read to their cabin last night, and will read for the rest of the week to calm them down before bed. The campers did a lot of running around today so we are sure they will sleep soundly tonight!


Thanks for reading and we look forward to updating you tomorrow!!

- The Birch Blogger


June Update

At long last, June is finally here! May was a busy month at Asto Wamah with LT trainings in CPR and First Aid, Open Camp Day with many visitors, and the usual painting, cleaning and preparations for the new season. It is wonderful to have the warm, sunny days that June brings. Camp is very green and looking more beautiful everyday. This is an exciting time of year!

One of the projects that was completed during May was the installation of ceiling fans in every cabin. There is a noticeable difference in temperature once the fan gets going. The expectation is that sleeping on hot nights will be much more comfortable. Please remember that because of these new fans, individual ones will not be needed so leave them home.

So far, 70+ Fast Passes have been sent to people whose medical forms have been found to be complete AND are bringing no medications to camp. June 14th is the cut off day for per-camp form reviews. Any forms that come in after the 14th will be held for your arrival but will not be able to be reviewed. Thank you to all of you who were able to get your forms sent in advance. This allows us to run more efficiently on check-in day.

This June Blog will be the last of the monthly entries. Once camp begins we will attempt to write everyday to give you an update on what we are doing, eating, playing and experiencing. Beginning on June 29th, check out the latest and stay informed.

We are looking forward, with great anticipation, to 7 weeks filled with challenges, successes, growth, friendships and fun. Hope you will be a part of it!



May Update

Dear Friends of Asto Wamah,

Now that the weather has improved there is a lot of activity at camp preparing for the first arrival of campers on June 29th. Last Saturday, on a beautiful day, 40+ men, women and children pitched in - raking leaves, cleaning cabins, the bathroom and the infirmary. After a long and cold winter’s sleep, Asto Wamah is finally awake and looking wonderful.

One improvement you will notice is the new partitions in the bathroom. They look amazing: clean and flawless. This is clearly an upgrade I am sure everyone will appreciate.

Within the next 2 weeks, fans will be installed in each cabin to make sleeping on those hot nights more comfortable. Now everyone in the cabin will enjoy a breeze and there will be no need for extension cords :).  If 2014 is anything like 2013, these fans will be put to good use.

I reported last month that session 3 was full. Now session 2 is also full. Both have waiting lists. At this moment session 4 is just about full with 1 opening left. Coed does still have room. This had been a very good enrollment year at CAW and thanks go to all of you who have spread the word and encouraged friends and relatives to give us a try. Thank you!

Open Camp Day is on May 24th from 3 to 5 pm and will offer new and returning campers a chance to visit camp. Tours will be given by staff and even ‘old’ campers so that new campers will have a better idea of where they will be living for a week or two. Seeing camp before your arrival is very important and we hope that all who can will take advantage of this opportunity on the 24th.

It is a pleasure to be writing about spring weather at last! I have included some pictures of camp that prove that spring is here. I cannot send you pictures yet of trees in leaf, or the undergrowth full and green, but for now the two most evident signs of the long awaited season are the skunk cabbage by the Icky Water Bridge and in front of Cabin 6 as well as Columbia Lake full! It is really quite early for the lake to be so deep, but the spring rains and the melting snow have allowed that to happen.

All is good in Columbia and we hope all is well with you!

Take care,


Icky Water Bridge

Skunk Cabbage

Lake View

April Update

Dear Asto Wamah Campers of All Ages, Hope this 1st of April Blog finds you well and delighted that winter is behind us (I hope) and spring is just around the corner. That means that summer and time at Asto Wamah cannot be that far off. It has been a very long and cold winter in Columbia. There is still a trace of snow on the ground and ice on the lake, but for the most part the ground is visible and there are faint signs of spring green poking up in the woods. This is an exciting time of year at camp. Each day brings recognizable changes to the landscape and before you know it the place is looking more and more hospitable. As you may remember, Columbia Lake is drained down about 6 feet each winter to give the lake a chance to “turn over” and this also keeps the ice away from docks and walls that can be easily damaged by moving ice. Well this year, without closing the dam, the lake has risen considerably already. Snowmelt, rains and the lack of evaporation because of ice cover have contributed to what should be a full lake come summer. That is good news for all of us who depend on the lake for our summer recreation. One of our big projects this winter has been to make the floating dock stationery to improve its stability. Well that job was completed just ahead of the lake coming up. I think you will like the new look and the fact that it can’t sink or rock the way the old one did. It looks as though we will have a full camp during all 4 sessions this summer. Already the 2-week boys’ and the July girls’ sessions are full. Waiting lists are growing. There are still openings in the coed week and the August girls’ sessions. It is exciting for me to see how many old campers are returning and equally exciting to register new campers to CAW. A very talented group of people will make up the staff. They are looking forward to the opportunity of providing you with an awesome camping experience at Asto Wamah this summer. Remember, there are still openings so continue to spread the good word. I will send pictures so you can see for yourself the change from bleak to green.

All the best,


March Update

FYI:  Asto Wamah's email accounts and were interrupted by technical issues during the past few weeks.  If you had sent a message and have not received an answer, please email us again or call 860-649-8614.    We are anxious to reply and apologize for any inconvenience.

Dear Asto Wamah Folks,

Hope this new month finds you well and excited about the fact that camp is getting nearer and nearer.  I know this weather is not conducive to visualizing grass, trees in leaf and the warm sun on Columbia Lake but surely these things cannot be far off now.

Because of the unusually hostile weather any outside projects that were planned for Feb. have been put on hold until we can see the ground and get around easily.  The deep and icy snow has made travel along paths and through the woods nearly impossible.  The cold has been a big deterrent to progress as well.

Luckily, the US Postal Service still delivers mail despite the weather and we have been pleased with the number of applications that have been received.  Within less than a week the third session was full.  Right now the waiting list for that July 20 to Aug. 2 session is quite long.  The good news is that there is still room in the coed week (June 29 to July 5) as well as the all boys session (July 6 to 19) and the all girls session from Aug. 3 to Aug. 16th.   Please continue to spread the word about Asto Wamah to friends, relatives and classmates that may be interested in attending this summer.  Thank you!

I have not including any pictures this month because the only thing that has changed since the start of February is the depth of the snow (which is terribly deeper) and the thickness of the ice.  As March progresses I will send some pictures your way.

Hope wherever you are, you are enjoying life and anticipating the summer of 2014 and some time at Asto Wamah.

All best,


February Update

February is a very important month on the Asto Wamah calendar.  The first is the traditional day on which the new brochure is mailed.  The days following mark the start of registration and the beginning signs of what the new season will look like.  On Sat. 2/1 over 400 brochures are mailed.  Thanks go to all of you who helped spread the word of Asto Wamah by sending in names and addresses of prospective campers.  It is never too late; so don’t hesitate to keep the new contacts coming.

January weather brought everything from muddy paths to ice thick enough to lure hearty fishermen onto the wind swept surface of Columbia Lake. Because of the weather, much of our work at camp was confined to projects by the fire in the lower Lodge.  Camp saw a fair amount of snowfall, luckily in a number of small amounts rather than in one deep accumulation.

All of you who remember the heat of last July will be happy to hear that this summer each cabin will be outfitted with a ceiling fan.  It will take the place of the numerous individual fans that have been scattered around the cabins in the past to move the hot air at night.  The ceiling fan will provide relief to all in the cabin and eliminate the small fans and extension cords running throughout the bunkhouse.  As the new ones are installed, I will post pictures and the latest news on the project.

Improvements and upgrades are in the works all around camp.  As the months between now and June 29th progress, I will be sure to give you updates and pictures.

I hope that many of you who are reading this will be coming to camp this summer.  Remember to get your application in as soon as possible.  Sessions can fill quickly and although the waiting list can be successful at times, there is nothing like knowing that you have made it in.

Wishing you a safe and happy February,




January Update

Happy New Year to all Asto Wamah Blog Readers! I hope your holiday season was filled with family, friends, good food and fun.  Now that the new year has arrived, it is back to school and the usual routines.  Hope you are ready for the transition.

The Camp Reunion on the 26th happened despite the black ice that mysteriously appeared on the highways as people made their way to Hartford.  Fortunately, we had a good group of campers and staff who came to enjoy the storytelling of Andre Keitt, an ice-cream treat, and games that reconnected us with the people and places from our time at camp last summer.  It was wonderful to see so many and feel the community spirit that is Asto Wamah. We missed all who were unable to attend.

You will be interested to know that a new project is underway right now at camp.  The old bathroom partitions are being replaced with new ones.  This will be a huge improvement!  Another upgrade concerns the floating dock between the intermediate area and pollywog.  That dock will no longer float, but will be on piers, like all the other docks in camp.  The aim is to make it more stable and secure.  As these projects develop, I will take pictures and post them.

On January 23rd , between 6 and 8pm, I will be at a Camp Fair at Horace Porter School in Columbia.  If any of you should be in the area at that time, I would love to have help telling prospective families about Asto Wamah and why their child would enjoy coming.  Old campers are the best salespeople!

Which reminds me, if you know of a relative, neighbor, fellow student, anyone who might like to attend Asto Wamah, please send me their name and home address so I can send them the 2014 brochure on Feb. 1st.  Thank youJ

Hope 2014 brings peace and plenty to the world and finds you content and grateful.



December Update

Greetings to Asto Wamah Friends, Well December has arrived with the predicted cold weather and expected short days.  Hope this new month finds you well and happily awaiting the exciting events December traditionally brings.

Asto Wamah is looking rather stark with bare trees and the ground covered in a deep layer of crunchy leaves.  The pictures posted this month focus on Columbia Lake.  Some of you may not realize that the level of the lake is lowered each winter.  One reason for doing this is to keep docks (and rafts) safe from ice.  It also provided landowners the opportunity to repair and rebuild their docks.  It additionally allows for a turnover of water that keeps the lake clean and healthy.  I think you will agree that the waterfront area is barely recognizable.

December is the month when we have a Camp Reunion where campers and staff from the previous summer have a chance to get together to reconnect and have fun.  You will soon be receiving an invitation.  It takes place on Dec. 26th from 2 to 4 at Center Church House, 60 Gold Street in Hartford.  Hope the Camp Reunion will fit into your schedule.  The more the merrier!  RSVP online at

This is also the time of year when we ask you to let us know of friends, neighbors, siblings or other relatives who might enjoy a session at Asto Wamah in 2014.  Spreading the word about Asto Wamah helps camp to remain strong and successful.  Thank you for your assistance.

Hope December is a great month for you.  See you on the 26th.

Wishing each camp family the joy of this magical season and a New Year of peace.


Dec13swimarea Dec13-7&8 Dec.13view-of-shore

November Update

Dear Wamahites, November has arrived and I hope you are well and happily anticipating the approaching season of holidays.

The landscape throughout CT is changing by the day.  I took the attached picture of the Camp Road on Oct. 20th because it looked so beautiful, covered in colorful leaves and lined with brilliant fall foliage.  I also knew that in a matter of days, the scene would be less lovely as the trees would become more bare and stark.  It happened just as I knew it would.  Hope you enjoy this fall view down the Camp Road.


Today, November 1st is the day that the dam is opened on Columbia Lake (sorry, I mistakenly reported earlier that the opening of the dam would be Oct. 15th). Soon the water will recede to its winter level.  The rafts have been fastened to the Pollywog Dock and Little Dipper since Labor Day, bobbing and rolling.  Once they are sitting on the floor of the lake it will be possible to work on the docks and shoreline without getting wet.

Many maintenance projects have been keeping us busy during the exceptionally fine month of October.  Hilltop cabins are painted, as are their floors.  The Store also has been spiffed up with a new coat of stain.  The water has just been drained from all buildings and pipes to hopefully avoid free-ups and broken pipes during the winter.

In a few days, a postcard will be sent to each camper’s home with the dates and fees for the 2014 season.  If by the end of the week you have not received it, let me know so that I can get that information to you.  I know that many families are already planning ahead for summer, working to fit in vacation times as well as a session at Asto Wamah.

I am looking ahead to the Camp Reunion that will take place on Dec. 26th from 2:00 to 4:00 at Center Church House in Hartford.  You will receive an invitation and more information in early Dec.  In the meantime, save the date if you can.

Wishing you a great month of November and a Thanksgiving filled with family, food and fun.

