Sun-shine Saturday

Hello Birch Bloggers! Today we enjoyed bagels and oatmeal for breakfast, sheppard's pie - many campers' favorite- for lunch, and then hot dogs, chips, fruit and cookies for dinner. The kitchen staff had off after lunch so they extra staff and counselors whipped together a tasty dinner and then we all enjoyed the meal outside in the water front area.

The weather today at Asto Wamah was amazing! We have been very lucky with the weather so far but I found today to be perfect: not too hot, a nice breeze, and plenty of sunshine! Campers enjoyed another day of classes but are looking forward to a break from their classes tomorrow when we have track and field day - more to come on that tomorrow!

Today, six more of the campers were able to go out on the camps paddle boards and I came along on a kayak. We all went out at activity period, right around 4:40, and I cannot describe how beautiful it was to be on the lake at that time. We had a gracious sky above us while the boys paddled and splashed around, I had a great time and could tell that the boys really did too.

Tonight we will be playing King Dodge. Another game of dodgeball with a Wamah twist. Players are given the chance to rejoin the game by running to the other teams side, standing behind a marked line, and trying to throw the ball at a player on the other team. It is an especially fun game of dodgeball because there are balls flying from either direction, you really need to be on your toes to succeed.

I look forward to giving you the update on a fun-filled day of track and field tomorrow!

- The Birch Blogger