CAW's January 2021 Update

Dear CAW Family,

We have now arrived at January and are beginning a new year!  I am excited about the possibilities of 2021.  Hopefully, the vaccine we have all been waiting for will allow camp to happen this summer!  That is at the TOP of my wish list!

January is a very important month each year in preparation for the coming summer.  This is the time when we ask you to reach out to your friends, relatives, and anyone you know who may be interested in the program Asto Wamah offers each summer.  We hope they know why you love to come back each year!  All households will receive an email notification with updates regarding the online registration process. Registration opens on February 1st at 7:00 am! If you haven’t done so already, we strongly encourage you to register for an Ultracamp account on the camp website so you don’t miss updates!

Letters are arriving daily from 15-year-olds who want to be included in our Leadership Training (LT) program this summer.  Staff are also completing their applications.  We are very excited!  We have missed you all and look forward to returning to Asto Wamah to spend time with friends and participate in activities we love.  

In addition to “Spreading the Word” about CAW, please stay strong: wear a mask, maintain social distancing, wash your hands, and avoid large gatherings.  Do your part to help ensure that we can all return to Columbia Lake this summer and enjoy the fun, friendships, and experiences we have treasured in the past!

If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to email or call Nancy Maclean at 860-649-8614 (evenings are best).

Take care, stay well and Remember the Other Fellow,

Jen, Chris, Catherine, Nancy

CAW's December Update

Oh, how we have missed all of you!  We think of you and your families and hope you are staying well.  Even those of us who are not in school can realize how difficult virtual learning, limited contact with friends, and handling the anxieties that are ever present can be.  With each new day we are more and more anxious to get back to what used to be considered normal!

Traditionally, the beginning of December is the time for final preparations before the cold of winter descends.  The important tasks at Asto Wamah are now done.  Leaves have been removed from the tennis court and the A-Field, the water has been drained throughout camp, and the lower Lodge has been set up to serve as our winter workshop for indoor projects.  We consider ourselves ready for whatever Mother Nature sends our way.  

December also brings us to the time when we begin to prepare for the upcoming summer.  Staff applications will soon come in, and Leadership Training applications are arriving daily. The dates for the 2021 camp season have been announced.  UltraCamp is ready to process camper applications for the summer.  Now, it is everyone’s responsibility to follow the State of Connecticut guidelines to keep the Covid-19 virus from spreading.  It is imperative that the virus is under control if residential summer camp will be a reality this summer.  That is what we have wished and hoped for during these past 9 months.  Each person’s efforts are important.  Following the rules is a clear and valuable way to “Remember the Other Fellow”.

Remembering YOU,

Nancy, Catherine, Jen and Chris

 P.S. As many of you know, to protect docks from moving ice, the lake is drained down about 8 feet starting in October.  Thought you might find this  “winter view” of the swimming area interesting.  Great opportunity to build a Cairn!

 P.P.S. Don’t forget to SPREAD WORD OF ASTO WAMAH!  Tell friends, family and anyone else about CAW, an awesome experience away from home, in a warm and caring community where respect and inclusion are the way of life!

CAW's November Update

Greetings to all of you who have been a part of the Asto Wamah Community!!

It has been too long since we published a CAW Blog.  Hope you missed us as much as we have missed you.  Although we all yearn for the lake, the woods, and the buildings, the real and deepest loss comes from missing our friends and the many people who are an important part of the Asto Wamah experience.  We trust you have discovered ways to connect with those you miss most.

By now you all must be back to at least a somewhat normal routine.  It may be a school day in the building, online, or some of each. We hope that you are staying safe and well.

In the future, we will return to a new Blog early every month.  We need your help!  If you like to write, please consider submitting an entry about camp, somewhat like the Birch Barker.  Tell about a memory that has stayed with you or a person who became a true friend or a special event that you will never forget. Interview a parent or friend who attended years ago. The more articles the better!!!  All submissions will be gratefully received!!  Please email them to  We are looking forward to receiving your Blog entries!! Thank you!

Who would have guessed we would see an early snow at Asto Wamah on October 30??? In addition to the snow, you can see what the lake looks like at its winter level.

We will continue to keep you updated on what is happening at camp as we prepare and make ready for the 2021 season with anticipation and optimism.  The dates for the new season will be announced soon.  Stay tuned!

Keep on Remembering the Other Fellow!!!

Jen, Catherine, Chris, and Nancy

CAW's June Update

Dear Friends and Followers of Asto Wamah,

No one would deny that the previous 3 months have been unprecedented and challenging. Between a statewide shut down, online learning, and social distancing, life feels very different and unsettling. Now we have to add the cancellation of our time at camp to the already long list of new realities.  

ALL the camp staff wants you to know that we are just as upset and disappointed as you are. It is very hard to get our brains around all the ways the near future will look and be different. 

So many of you have faithfully attended Asto Wamah since you were eight or nine. Camp is where Catherine and her team of instructors taught you to swim. Of course there are the skills of rowing, paddling, and maybe even sailing that you improved every summer. You may have been looking forward to Arts and Crafts with Deb or making baskets with Carol.  After months of being at home you were likely ready to be on the A-field with Drew – free to run on the field, play Capture the Flag, explore the woods during Pirates, and participate on Ropes elements.  Maybe you wanted to learn how to shoot a bow and arrow, play tennis, or play a song on the ukulele with your friends and prepare a Talent Night act. There is always so much to do and so much fun to have whether it is setting tables, cleaning your cabin, jumping off the tower, or fishing from Fisherman’s dock or Cook’s dock. Life at camp is unique and special. You are part of a community where being respectful is expected and everyone is included and valued.  

As each week passes by this summer, we will be thinking of you and hoping that you are happy, healthy, and engaged with activities that you enjoy.  We invite you all to communicate with us via Asto Wamah’s website:  We will write back. Ask us questions, give us advice, or let us know what you are doing.  We hope to stay connected with you online. Check our postings and please jump in.

We are thinking of you and are looking forward to when we will SEE you again.


CAW's May Update

To our faithful campers, staff, families and friends,

This May Blog has a very different message than our usual monthly Blogs. Ever since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in mid-March, when schools were closed along with many businesses, we have been struggling to figure out what impact this virus will have on Asto Wamah in June, July and August.

We have all been practicing social distancing and serious hand washing and hoping for a miracle that will allow camp to continue to be the important part of our summer lives.  We listen to the medical professionals on the news and are staying informed by the Center for Disease Control, the State of CT Department of Public Health, and the Office of Early Childhood, hoping to hear something positive and hopeful. Although we are willing to be flexible in restructuring our camp schedule and program to meet social distancing guidelines, we do not want to create an environment that does not contain the most important elements that have made Asto Wamah special to our campers and staff for decades.

There is nothing we want more than to be with you this summer.  We trust that in the next week(s) we will be in a better situation to make a wise decision about the viability of proceeding with the 2020 Asto Wamah season.

Stay tuned, stay well and stay healthy!

Think of you and sending our best,
Catherine, Chris, Jen and Nancy

CAW's April Update

Dear Friends of Asto Wamah,

What a strange time. Quarantining and social distancing have become the rule of the day.  No friends, no eating out, and no school.  This change in routine gets tiresome quickly.

We trust that all of you are well and doing what is necessary to stay healthy.  COVID-19 has clearly turned our lives upside down.  There has never been a time when Remembering the Other Fellow was more important.  Being kind and helpful, responsible, and hopeful will go a long way in making sure we all get through this crisis soon.

Of course, the big question is “how long??” When can we get back to the life we had before?  When will we be able to do all the things we used to do?  

Asto Wamah currently has over 300 enthusiastic campers registered and families are uploading health forms each day.  Talented and devoted staff members have been hired and are anxious to welcome you to the 2020 season.  The buildings and grounds are being made ready for the start of coed on June 28th.  Supplies have been purchased.  We are optimistic and ready!

We are doing everything possible to prepare for another wonderful summer at CAW.  You can help too by staying home and using social distancing rules to prevent the transmission of the virus.  Keep washing your hands (sing “Happy Birthday” twice!) and stay hopeful.

We hope to see you very soon,
Chris, Catherine, Jen, and Nancy

Asto Wamah's February Update

Greetings to our Asto Wamah Friends,

Welcome to the February BLOG! 

Hope your January has provided you with some fun winter activities.   We certainly have not had the snow fall necessary for sledding or the cold required for ice skating.  This has been an unusual winter at Asto Wamah as well.  Usually by now the Camp Road has been plowed 4 or 5 times. So far this winter, there has only been plowable snow twice (and neither time was deep).  Several weeks ago it seemed as though ice was closing over the lake, but then we went into a warmish spell and now there is just a thin covering of ice and open spots in the middle.  We haven’t entered the mud season yet, but at this point, it seems more likely than ice-skating or sledding.

The work crew at camp has been successful in getting some big projects done thanks to the lack of snow and warmer temperatures.  The White Raft now has a lovely new surface.  Quite a bit of work has gone into upgrading the supports of the Main Dock so it will survive for at least another decade of pre-swim exercises.  Right now Little Dipper is being redecked.  Everyone will be pleased to learn that all the leaves that have found their way into the Intermediate and Aquarium areas have been raked out thus eliminating one of the least favorite jobs of staff orientation!

It is hard to believe that it is now time to register for the 2020 season, which will be Asto Wamah’s 111th year!  We are looking forward to 7 weeks of friends, old and new, and learning all those important life lessons that are best learned at camp.

Don’t forget registration is on a “first-come first-served” basis.  Right now there is room for all.  We hope to see you!  Don’t miss out!  

BTW if you have any interest in contributing to the March Blog we would love to have your thoughts and ideas.  How would you describe Asto Wamah to a stranger?  What makes camp special?  What is your favorite part of camp?  Send any thoughts or observations about CAW to our camp email: We look forward to hearing from you!

Only 5 months until camp!  Stay healthy, safe, and happy!

Our best to you always,

Catherine, Chris, Jen, and Nancy

Happy New Year from Camp Asto Wamah!!

Happy New Year to all FRIENDS and FOLLOWERS of Camp Asto Wamah!!

We trust that 2019 ended on a happy note and you are looking forward to a NEW YEAR of peace and goodwill to all (same as Remembering the Other Fellow!).  A new year always presents to each of us a fresh start and a chance to be better and make life better for those in our lives. 

Thank you for visiting our website and reading about what is happening at Asto Wamah during these dark days of winter.

One major improvement that may be of interest is a new stonewall from the Store Room door to the Bell Ramp.  Last summer took a toll on that wall resulting in many loose stones and thus an unsafe structure.  After a few weeks of backbreaking work, 3 stonewall builders rebuilt the wall and the result is awesome.  The picture doesn’t fully represent the improvement.  This wall will make a notable first impression for visitors to CAW!

New Stone Wall

By the time you read this, all the applications for the 2020 Leadership Training group will have been received and the decisions for inclusion made.  We are very enthusiastic about the 15-year olds who have expressed an interest in continuing with Asto Wamah beyond their years as campers.  They will become a fantastic LT group!

December was spent preparing for the start of the 2020 Camp Registration that will begin on February 1.  If you already have an account with UltraCamp (our registration program) your job on the 1st will be easy.  We have been delighted that feedback on the registration process from parents has been positive.  If however you run into a wrinkle, please email us at  It is impossible to predict how registration will go but it is on a first come first served basis.  Remind your friends!  Spread the word!

Wishing you all a happy January!

Our Best,
Jen, Catherine, Chris and Nancy

Asto Wamah's December Update

Welcome to December 2019,

We hope you all had a terrific Thanksgiving with the food, family, and friends you love.  Now we are into December and we look forward to all the anticipation and excitement it brings. We trust you are ready for a busy and fun-filled month!

 Right now it is very cold and snowing.  Yesterday was somewhat warmer as I walked through camp.  Peace and quiet was all around.  At this point there are hardly any leaves on the trees and the lake has been drained off enough that you can easily walk from the main dock to Little Dipper (where the White Raft is secured) without fear of getting your feet wet.  It is interesting to see that part of the lakebed with all the rocks (some enormous) that sit well under water all spring, summer, and fall.  If all goes as usual, ice fishermen will soon dot the ice as they wait for fish to bite at their hooks.

The plan now is to begin re-decking the White Raft.  The new lumber has been delivered.  Now we just need weather that will allow our crew the opportunity to do the work without frostbite!  I will attempt to keep you informed of the progress through pictures.  

 Presently, much effort is being directed toward preparing the camp’s registration website, Ultracamp, with all the 2020 information for new and returning families.  Right now you can update your account (or if this is your first year, you can open an account).  On February 1, 2020 at 7:00 AM registration will begin.  We hope you are as excited as the staff about the upcoming season!!  Hope you have been successful in “spreading the word” about Asto Wamah and you will be bringing school friends, neighbors, and relatives to camp this summer.  Thank you for helping to keep the bunks at CAW full during the 111th season!

As you work your way through December and this season of sharing and goodwill, we hope you remember Asto Wamah’s motto and our focus on “Remembering the Other Fellow”.  Whatever holiday you celebrate, don’t forget to spread peace, joy, and caring to all.  That’s the Wamah Way!

We look forward to your time at CAW in 2020!  Stay well!

Happy Holidays,


Asto Wamah's November Update

To our valued followers:

We trust that you enjoyed the Halloween fun and treats, and are looking forward to the approach of the holiday season!

Now that November is here, there is a remarkable difference in how Asto Wamah looks. Some trees are already bare and the ground is covered with fall-colored leaves. The paths are buried and quiet fills the air. From Cabin 3 on the hill, you can easily see the lake and from Cabins 7 and 8, Hungerford is clearly visible.  Without the leaves, camp is taking on a very different, “empty” look.  

At this time of year, we send a postcard to all families announcing the dates for the 2020 season. The sequence of sessions will remain the same as in 2019.  Here is the official schedule for our upcoming season:

Coed: June 28 to July 4

Boys: July 5 to July 18

1st Girls: July 19 to August 1

2nd Girls: August 2 to August 15

Online registration will open on Saturday, February 1st, 2020.  We hope a session (or two) at Asto Wamah will be a part of your summer plans!

Remember to spread the word about camp to your friends! If they would like more information, please direct them to

May November remind you of the many things for which you are grateful.   We are grateful for you and your family’s involvement at CAW!  THANK YOU!  

Happy Thanksgiving!

Catherine, Jen, Chris and Nancy

Asto Wamah's September Update


For weeks now, we have said, “where did summer go?”  This summer, although hot, was perfect for living and playing outside day after day.  We luckily had enough rain to keep the dust down and rarely had to cancel or change our regular program, as you could have counted the number of thunderstorms on one hand.  The lake got warmer during the summer, but never so warm that it was not refreshing.  So without question, Mother Nature was good to us! 

The “End of the Session” camper evaluations have painted a happy picture of Asto Wamah as a place where respect for each person, the environment, and the facility is the norm.  We continue to foster the expectation that everyone will make new friends and be part of an inclusive community. Repeatedly, challenges were met and new skills and attitudes expanded.  Trying new things, whether in the dining room or program areas, was frequently reported by campers of all ages.  Amazingly, there was success in adapting to life without a cell phone! Many campers reported “it was like being on vacation.”  The freedom of being disconnected was a powerful and positive lesson.  This list could go on and on.  The lessons learned cannot be replicated in the ‘real’ world.

We are grateful for the families who chose Asto Wamah for their child’s camping experience this summer. We are truly thankful for the staff whose leadership skills and devotion to CAW provided this incredible experience for the 300+ children who attended during this 110th season.  Thank you all!

Surely you have all returned to school or work by now.  Hope the new year has gotten off to a terrific start and you have brought with you all the awesome social skills that are embedded in CAW’s motto: Remember the Other Fellow.

Our best to you,
Catherine, Jen, Chris and Nancy

P.S. We have recently had so many requests for tours of camp that we have decided to offer a Fall Open Camp Day on Saturday, October 12th between 2:00 and 4:00 pm. We will work to gather staff, LTs, and campers in the area to give tours. A reminder email blast will be sent out soon, so if you would like to stay up-to-date, don’t forget to create an ultracamp account through the camp website!

June Update

May was a very busy month at CAW.  The LTs began the month taking a CPR course. This is a requirement for Lifeguard Training and a skill all the Asto Wamah staff have.  At the end of the month we held Open Camp Day to give new campers a glimpse of what the campsite is like.  Both ‘old’ campers and staff led tours for the new campers and their families.  Our tour guides also spent time talking about the program at Asto Wamah and answering questions.  It was a beautiful day and everyone appeared to have had a great time.  There was lots of excitement and anticipation in the air! 

 It is hard to believe that in one month Coed camp will have started!!  

We are anxiously looking forward to the arrival of our 40 girl campers and 47 boys on June 30th.  Each day we are getting closer to being COMPLETELY ready.  We still need to get out all the sports, archery, crafts and swimming/rescue equipment. The rafts will need to be floated into their proper places in the lake. Clotheslines need to be hung and each cabin needs to get its final cleaning.  Of course the food needs to be ordered!

Prior to the 30th, the entire staff will spend 4 days in Staff Training preparing for the 7 weeks ahead.  This is a very important part of the season.  It is a time of sharing, learning, playing and bonding.  The staff works as a team so team building is a focus.

You are all surely getting to the end of your school year.  We hope it has been a success and you are counting the days until you will be at camp.  We are too!

Watch for the next BLOG on June 30th. From that time on you can expect to read a daily accounting of life at Asto Wamah!  Stay tuned.

Can’t wait!

Catherine, Chris, Jen and Nancy

May Update

Welcome to Asto Wamah’s May BLOG!

Hope this new month finds you well and happy! 

 We have just survived a VERY wet April at Asto Wamah.  Because of the record-breaking rain, Columbia Lake is now FULL.  It is very unusual for this to happen so early in the year but we are not complaining.  A full lake will result in lots of fun in and on the water.

Saturday, April 27 was our traditional Spring Work Day at Asto Wamah.  Thirty-five energetic volunteers spent the morning raking, stacking brush, cleaning cabins, washing dishes, and in general, getting camp ready for the 2019 season.  Camp looks great and is well on its way to being prepared for the first campers to arrive on June 30. THANK YOU to all who participated!  The improvement is obvious!  Your help is sincerely appreciated! 

Hope you have all marked your calendars for our May 25th Open Camp Day.  This is an opportunity for new families to visit camp that Saturday between 3 and 5 pm and have a tour of the grounds.  Counselors and returning campers will be present to show you around and answer questions.  We are all looking forward to meeting first-year campers and their families!

There are still a few places open in Boys’ camp and Second Girls’.  If you know someone who may be interested, please spread the word. We are close to having a full camp and your help is always appreciated.  Thank you!

We trust you are as excited about the upcoming Asto Wamah season as we are.  The staff has been hired and they are exceptional!  They have all been a part of Asto Wamah as campers or LTs in the past.  All are enthusiastic and focused on providing the 2019 campers with an awesome Asto Wamah camping experience!  Only 2 months to go!

 Catherine, Chris, Jen and Nancy

April Update

Greetings to ALL Asto Wamah followers,

The April Blog should be filled with images from camp, but unfortunately I waited too long and lost the opportunity for sunny, bright pictures. During the first week of April, I will be sure to take pictures that will give you an idea of the changes that are transforming camp from bleak and stark to full of new life.  Stay tuned!

There is finally a buzz of activity here.  The snow is gone and the lake is free of ice.  The winter seemed to hold on a bit too long, but I believe we are now on the path to warmer times. We are at the time of year that will bring camp back to its recognizable, summer-like look. Many tasks are underway. One of the major jobs at Asto Wamah each spring is turning on the water.  Our water pipes are on the ground’s surface so they need to be drained each fall to avoid having them freeze and break during the winter.  

The last Saturday of April is always our Spring Clean-up Day. Volunteers come to camp and rake leaves, clean up fallen branches, wash windows, clean the cobwebs out of the buildings, and spruce up the cabins. In general, we prepare Asto Wamah for the new season.  We start working at 9:00am and end with lunch at noon.  There is a lot to be accomplished and many hands make the jobs easier.  If you are interested in helping, email Nancy through the CONTACT page on the website – that way there will be enough food.  We work RAIN or SHINE. (Come prepared!!)

This is an exciting time for camp!  We are ordering new fun activities and equipment as well as upgrading programming supplies.  The A-Field has weathered the snow and heavy rainstorms and is now green, level, and waiting for the FUN.  We are filled with anticipation for the new camping season on the horizon.

Asto Wamah’s staff is looking forward to your time at camp.  There are a few spots still open for campers (coed is the only session with a waiting list). If you have a friend or relative that may be interested, SPREAD THE WORD!

Wishing you a terrific April!!

Jen, Catherine, Chris, and Nancy

February Camp Updates

Dear Asto Wamah Followers,

Welcome to a new month!

February is the month of enrollment at Asto Wamah.  Beginning on Friday the 1st, registrations come in and the season officially begins!  We cannot wait!

Because camp looks so different in the winter, I am sending 2 photos that will make the difference between summer and winter clearer. Both pictures were taken on January 28th from the Little Dipper Dock.  The first is looking toward the Main Dock.  You can see that the water has been drawn down leaving a lot of sandy bottom and rocks exposed.  In the foreground you can see the anchors for the White Raft sitting atop the raft, then the Pollywog Dock. Beyond that is the Gray Raft which is hard to make out, then the floating dock and finally the Main Dock.  The rafts are floated into shore at the end of the summer to keep them safe during the winter.

Picture #2 is looking the other way, toward Hungerford and the Icky Water Bridge. I hope you can make out Cabins 7 and 8 on the right side and a slight glimpse of the White Cottage and the Tool Shed in the background.  The most interesting aspect of this picture is the rocks.  They cover the shore.  Aren’t we lucky that we swim in another area?  Can you see the ice?  I would guess the ice-fishermen and skaters will soon be out enjoying those winter sports.

Thanks to all of you who have ‘spread the word’ to friends, relatives, neighbors and others who may be interested in an Asto Wamah experience.  You are our best form of advertising and we appreciate all your efforts to introduce new people to CAW!  Thank you.

Stay well and happy!


November Update

Greetings to all CAW BIRCH BLOG Followers, 

Welcome to November and Eastern Standard Time.  We trust you are happily embracing the arrival of cold and snowy weather.  At this point it seems that those bone-burning days of summer are a distant memory.  Today the camp road is covered with a blanket of leaves, the lake has been drawn down to its winter level and the woods are thinner, more open.

As was noted in the last blog, the A-Field has been leveled, graded, de-rocked and seeded.  We are now seeing a lot of green on this new flat playing field.  The picture does not do credit to the wonderful improvement.  It doesn’t look like the same place.  You will be amazed when you see it!


We are well into the planning stage for the 2019 CAW season.  The biggest hurdle has been to decide on: THE START DATE. You may remember that last summer many schools were not out until quite late in June.  That meant some of our ‘teaching’ staff did not finish until after staff training was over.  With that memory clear in our minds, it has been decided that coed will begin a week later that usual.  So coed will go from June 30 to July 6. The boys’ session will go from July 7 to 20.  First girls will go from July 21 to August 3 and second girls will finish the season from August 4 to August 17.  A postcard will be sent to you shortly with all this information. 

For the past 2 years Mother Nature have kept us from having our traditional Camp Reunion.  We will try again on Jan 5, 2019.  Save the date and we will be sending you more details via email very soon.  We are keeping our fingers crossed for good weather so that you can all come and enjoy an afternoon of games, fun and reconnecting with camp friends. 

As in the past, we ask that you help us spread the word about Asto Wamah!  YOU are our sole means of advertising.  Introduce your friends, neighbors, relatives, and everyone you know to the Asto Wamah experience.  Direct anyone who is interested to visit our website: and set-up an account with Ultra Camp.  That will allow them to access the latest news and information about camp and be prepared when enrollment opens on Feb. 1.  If anyone would like to ask questions or learn more they can call Nancy, evenings, at 860-649-8614. 

Enjoy November!!  It is the month of Thankfulness!  Show Gratitude!


Jen, Catherine, Chris and Nancy

October Update

Welcome to fall,

            We are now officially in the fall season with Halloween right around the corner.  Hope all is going well for you!

            Life at Asto Wamah at this time of year is usually very quiet; however, this year has been a bit different.  As you may remember, the basketball court was resurfaced in June to replace the old, broken up one.  Well, now the entire A-field has been dug up!  There will be no more holes, rocks, or bumps.  The field has been graded so that it is now smooth and flat. Grass seeds have been planted and by mid-June, the A-field will be green and lush. The logs have been raised so seating is more comfortable and not so close to the dirt.  Both the running long jump and standing jump areas are now clearly defined with wooden frames and will provide us with more of a “regulation” area for our Track Meet during two-week sessions.  We will post pictures in the next Blog.  We use the A-Field so many hours each day and for many different activities.  We look forward to this improvement and think you will enjoy it!

            Between Hurricane Florence and last Tuesday’s 8 inches of rain, Columbia Lake is overflowing.  The dam is now open to allow the excess water to run off.  At this point, it appears that there will be no worry that the lake will be low next summer.

            In October, information about the dates and fees for the 2019 season will be announced.  STAY TUNED!

            Hope your memories of the past summer are still vivid and make you smile!

Our best to you all,

Catherine, Chris, Jen, and Nancy

September Update

Dear Asto Wamah Blog Followers,

This is the first of the off-season blogs since the end of camp on August 11th.

My intent is to update you with information about Asto Wamah so that you can know what is going on during the ‘quiet’ season.

To begin with, we hope you are well, have enjoyed this wet and hot summer, and are now ready to begin a new school year with energy and determination.

Camp is very quiet and peaceful.  Major activities include the squirrels and chipmunks running about.  The latest change is that the canoes and sailboats are packed away in the Activity Room, the rowboats are lined up on the logs where you are used to seeing the canoes, and both rafts are now in winter mooring next to Polywog dock (grey raft) and Little Dipper (white raft).  Columbia Lake is strangely empty off Main Dock.  The cabins are all locked and the clotheslines have been put away.  The Gaga Pit and tetherballs are the only evidence of past fun and laughter.

Now that our contact information for campers and parents is managed through UltraCamp, there will be some changes in the way we communicate.  Moving forward, you will be notified of important information via email, which means it is necessary to have an account in UltraCamp.  If you came to camp this summer you are all set.  However, if you have a friend or relative who is interested in getting news and updates, please encourage them to go to create an online account using the Log Into/Create An Account link on the  Camp Asto Wamah website menu bar or by using the following link, UltraCamp/Camp Asto Wamah.  We would greatly appreciate if you would kindly spread the word.

May Update

Greetings to all Asto Wamah Fans,

Although the temperature has not yet been too spring-like, the woods are bursting with new green growth so I have to assume that warm days will be here soon.  If you doubted the arrival of spring, you should see the area beyond the Icky-Water Bridge. The stream is flowing high through a plush green carpet of skunk cabbage and the bright yellow flowers of marsh marigolds.  It is an undeniable sign of spring on Columbia Lake.

Last Saturday, Asto Wamah was fortunate to have about 40 hard working volunteers (including 5 staff member!) rake mountains of leaves, clean the winter debris from each cabin and building, wash all the dishes and pots and pans - all in an effort to make sure camp is ready and welcoming for this new season.  

On Saturday, May 26th from 3:00 to 5:00 we will be holding our annual Open Camp Day where new Asto Wamah families come to visit camp. Present and former staff and LTs take groups on tours and explain our program and answer questions as they walk.  There are refreshments in the Lodge where people gather to learn more about CAW.  Everyone is invited!  Hope you can be a part of this enthusiastic group.

For the next 7 weeks we will be holding several trainings for our staff to make sure everyone is prepared and qualified for the amazing and challenging job ahead.  Additionally, delivery trucks arrive daily with equipment/supplies we will use in programming and throughout each camp day.  Plans are being made for some new and engaging activities.  Nature will be front and center - fun along with instructive.

Hope you will be a part of this, our 109th season!

With great anticipation,

April Update

Greetings All Asto Wamah Fans,

Hope the start of spring finds you all well and excited to welcome in the new season.  It surely means that Asto Wamah is getting nearer which is a wonderful thing!

March was a difficult month at camp.  The wind took down a good number of large branches and many small twigs.  Cleaning up the woods has taken a lot of time and effort but we are not complaining because there was no damage to buildings, docks etc.   Now with the arrival of warmer temperatures and with most of the snow melted we are gearing up to turn on the water and get the facility up and running.

April is the month when lots of cleaning and sprucing up takes place.  On Saturday, April 28th from 9 to noon we have our annual Work Day where leaves are raked and removed, cabins are cleaned, the bathrooms are readied for use and the infirmary and Hungerford are opened and organized.  We usually have lots of help and by noon the place looks awesome. It you would like to come and help we would be delighted.  There are all kinds of tasks that need willing workers. Everything is completed by 12:00 at which time lunch is served.  Call or email me to let me know that you are coming so we have plenty of food.

As I indicated in March, 2018’s registration has been like none from the past.   Each session filled in record-breaking time and all the waiting lists are LONG.  I attribute this success to all of you (and your mothers) who have been spreading the word about the value of an Asto Wamah experience.  We are very appreciative of the excitement your ‘word of mouth’ has generated. Thank you!

Last month I reminded you about Open Camp Day that will be held on May 26th from 3 to 5.  This is a wonderful time for first year campers to see the campsite and learn about our program and activities.  Staff and old campers will be present to give tours and meet new camp families.  If you know a first year campers that might be interested in visiting on the 26th please let them know.  Everyone is welcomed.

During April we continue to make programming decisions.  We’d like to focus on healthful choices for maintaining wellness.  Our plan is to have a yoga instructor and a marshal arts instructor offer opportunities to campers and staff.  We hope to have our Basketball/Newcomb Ball court replaced by the time of your arrival.  It will be nice to have one without cracks!

Wishing you a great month ahead as we get closer to the 2018 camping season.

Think camp!

Catherine, Chris, Jen and Nancy