Hello Birch Bloggers! Today we welcomed the boys to Camp Asto Wamah! Campers got settled into their cabins, meeting cabin-mates, counselors, and reconnecting with old camp friends. Once the parents drove up the camp road the campers were getting a tour from their counselors, going over rules, and playing games to get to know one another. Campers were also given the opportunity to sign up to play tennis and go to archery archery during their sports classes. Then the bell rang and all of the campers and staff met around our counsel ring. Our director, Nancy, went over general expectations of the campers and also got the campers excited about the fun two weeks we are all going to have.
Then Catherine, our water front director, gave our first year campers their swimming placement tests. Each camper showed their best swimming strokes and then were assigned to a swimming level so they are all set for their first swimming class tomorrow. Shortly after the swim test, all of the campers got into the water for our first general swim. Catherine gave all the water front safety information. The water was very nice!
After general swim campers were given a little bit of free time right before dinner. It is a Camp Asto Wamah tradition for the first meal to be hot dogs and tater-tots with brownies for dessert. The campers loved it!
Now, as I type, the campers are learning the rules to our first evening program game, Medical Wars. Dodge-balls will be flying all over the A-field as campers are running around. A nice twist to our version of dodge-ball is that each team has to Medics which can bring the players back to life.After the game campers will head back to their cabins, get ready for bed, and then the counselors will read a book that they have all picked out for their campers.
The weather is great here, and we hope that after a full game of running around everyone will be able to fall asleep easily.
That's all for now, thanks for reading!
- The Birch Blogger