First Full Day!!

Welcome Birch Blog Readers! Camp is off to a great start! Yesterday we welcomed new and returning campers, for the first day of the Asto Wamah season. Staff just finished up their training and did a great job welcoming in their campers. First year campers took their water level placement tests, so that when they had general swim today they were either in Deep Water, Intermediate, or Aquarium, based on their swimming skills. We ate a delicious meal of hot dogs, tater tots, and brownies, a Camp Asto Wamah tradition. Then campers took to the field for a rousing game of Medical War; a fun game of dodgeball with a fun Asto Wamah twist.

Campers were awoken by the bell for the first time this morning. We gathered around the flagpole, raised the flag, and did our daily morning stretches - Chicken Fat. For breakfast we had blueberry bread and cereal; campers who finished their orange juice got some piping-hot hot chocolate. Breakfast was followed by cabin clean up and camp duties (making their beds, sweeping the cabins, bailing boats, etc.).

The campers  all went to boating, sports, swimming, and arts & crafts during the day. In boating and swimming campers met their instructors that will be teaching them all week. They learned the rules of the lake and how to behave in the boats. Sports class included a fun game of nuk'em and some campers got to do archery or play tennis! In arts and crafts campers were given the opportunity to make a collage, basket, fuse beads, or learn about nature and survival. Then there was a little bit of free time before lunch; campers were all around the knock-hockey tables, ping-pong, tether ball, and horse-shoes. Then lunch time came and we all enjoyed baked ziti, followed by tasty apple turnovers.


After lunch campers were able to buy a piece of candy from the camp store to take with them to rest hour. During rest hour they had quiet time on their bunks where they read, slept and (hopefully) wrote letters home! When the bell rang everyone met at the waterfront for general swim, a free swim period. Next the went off to fourth period and then activity period. The activities offered included: nuk'em, aquarium games, hula-hoop dancing, and fishing. That brought us to dinner which was chicken patties and applesauce with cherry cake for dessert.


Campers are currently on the A-field learning the rules to capture the flag! Soon they will be running around and getting rid of some energy before they are off to bed. Counselors have all picked a book that they read to their cabin last night, and will read for the rest of the week to calm them down before bed. The campers did a lot of running around today so we are sure they will sleep soundly tonight!


Thanks for reading and we look forward to updating you tomorrow!!

- The Birch Blogger