Happy New Year to all Asto Wamah Blog Readers! I hope your holiday season was filled with family, friends, good food and fun. Now that the new year has arrived, it is back to school and the usual routines. Hope you are ready for the transition.
The Camp Reunion on the 26th happened despite the black ice that mysteriously appeared on the highways as people made their way to Hartford. Fortunately, we had a good group of campers and staff who came to enjoy the storytelling of Andre Keitt, an ice-cream treat, and games that reconnected us with the people and places from our time at camp last summer. It was wonderful to see so many and feel the community spirit that is Asto Wamah. We missed all who were unable to attend.
You will be interested to know that a new project is underway right now at camp. The old bathroom partitions are being replaced with new ones. This will be a huge improvement! Another upgrade concerns the floating dock between the intermediate area and pollywog. That dock will no longer float, but will be on piers, like all the other docks in camp. The aim is to make it more stable and secure. As these projects develop, I will take pictures and post them.
On January 23rd , between 6 and 8pm, I will be at a Camp Fair at Horace Porter School in Columbia. If any of you should be in the area at that time, I would love to have help telling prospective families about Asto Wamah and why their child would enjoy coming. Old campers are the best salespeople!
Which reminds me, if you know of a relative, neighbor, fellow student, anyone who might like to attend Asto Wamah, please send me their name and home address so I can send them the 2014 brochure on Feb. 1st. Thank youJ
Hope 2014 brings peace and plenty to the world and finds you content and grateful.