First Full Day of Camp

Hello Birch Bloggers! Today completes our first full day here at Camp Asto Wamah, and boys camp is off to a terrific start. This morning we had corn bread and cereal for breakfast, which was followed by cabin cleanup. It’s still early in the session, but I’m sure that as the week progresses this will definitely be a hefty job. When the first period bell rang everyone was off to their classes. Today was a beautiful day here on Columbia Lake; we had the perfect weather for all of our outdoor activities.

Lunch consisted of chicken parm, spaghetti and salad (yum!). After lunch the campers settled in for their first rest hour of the session. This gives them a break where they can recharge for the rest of the day’s activities; it also gives the LTs (Leadership Training) a chance to practice their life guarding skills. The LT program is unique to the boys and first girls session of camp. This year we have ten guys – who are too old to be campers, but too young to be counselors – participating in the program. They will be helping out with a little bit of everything around camp. They will assist counselors in teaching classes, sit with campers during meals, and learn the ropes of being a counselor.

Following rest hour, everyone went in the water for general swim and then headed off to fourth period. Activity period begins immediately after fourth period ends; today’s activities included aquarium games, archery, and basketball among others. For supper we had pulled-pork with a side of salad and applesauce and lemon cake for dessert. The campers are now enjoying a bit of free time before heading to the A-field for an exciting game of capture the flag!

Be sure to check back daily for updates on the rest of the session. Also, parents with children who attended the coed session – be on the look out for a parent survey to be posted on our website. We would love to hear your feedback on you and your child’s Asto Wamah experience!

-The Birch Blogger