Dear Friends of Asto Wamah,
Now that the weather has improved there is a lot of activity at camp preparing for the first arrival of campers on June 29th. Last Saturday, on a beautiful day, 40+ men, women and children pitched in - raking leaves, cleaning cabins, the bathroom and the infirmary. After a long and cold winter’s sleep, Asto Wamah is finally awake and looking wonderful.
One improvement you will notice is the new partitions in the bathroom. They look amazing: clean and flawless. This is clearly an upgrade I am sure everyone will appreciate.
Within the next 2 weeks, fans will be installed in each cabin to make sleeping on those hot nights more comfortable. Now everyone in the cabin will enjoy a breeze and there will be no need for extension cords :). If 2014 is anything like 2013, these fans will be put to good use.
I reported last month that session 3 was full. Now session 2 is also full. Both have waiting lists. At this moment session 4 is just about full with 1 opening left. Coed does still have room. This had been a very good enrollment year at CAW and thanks go to all of you who have spread the word and encouraged friends and relatives to give us a try. Thank you!
Open Camp Day is on May 24th from 3 to 5 pm and will offer new and returning campers a chance to visit camp. Tours will be given by staff and even ‘old’ campers so that new campers will have a better idea of where they will be living for a week or two. Seeing camp before your arrival is very important and we hope that all who can will take advantage of this opportunity on the 24th.
It is a pleasure to be writing about spring weather at last! I have included some pictures of camp that prove that spring is here. I cannot send you pictures yet of trees in leaf, or the undergrowth full and green, but for now the two most evident signs of the long awaited season are the skunk cabbage by the Icky Water Bridge and in front of Cabin 6 as well as Columbia Lake full! It is really quite early for the lake to be so deep, but the spring rains and the melting snow have allowed that to happen.
All is good in Columbia and we hope all is well with you!
Take care,