Today got us off to a great start to the final week of boys camp here at Asto Wamah! We had blueberry bread for breakfast, pork chops for lunch, and burgers for dinner. At lunch we had butterscotch pudding for dessert and at dinner we had peach crisp (yummy!). This morning we woke up a half hour later than usual, giving everyone a chance to sleep-in. After breakfast we began our day according to schedule, everyone headed off to first, second, and then third period. It was a bit chilly today, so we did not have our regularly scheduled general swim. Instead, campers were given the opportunity to go back to their cabins and work on their skits for talent night (tomorrow). They could also use this time to prepare for our themed breakfast on Wednesday. This session’s theme is cabin’s choice, so each cabin will pick a theme and show up to breakfast dressed in costume (this is always a fun way to begin the day). We eventually moved into fourth period – which was held indoors – where hilltop built towers and mazes with wooden blocks, boating played board games, and arts and crafts went on as planned. Activity period was held mostly indoors as well, counselors offered various board games around the upper lodge.
Evening program was a rainy day classic here at camp, Murder by Night. Murder by Night is essentially a live version of the game of Clue. A counselor on their day off has “died” and the campers travel around camp with an LT as their leader trying to figure out who committed the murder and with what as their weapon. This game keeps the kids off the damp field, but still active and going around camp. The rain has begun to set in, so hopefully things will cool down a bit and everyone will have a good night’s sleep.
-The Birch Blogger