Q: How will I know that my registration has been accepted?
Once you register your child on UltraCamp, you will receive a confirmation email with important information about check-in day, open camp day, and health form requirements.

Q: What happens on check-in day?
A: Upon arriving, you will be informed of where your camper(s) will be living and will be given a checklist, which outlines various tasks to be completed. Once your camper’s belongings are brought to his/her cabin, please be sure to bring your child with you to the Lower Lodge for medical form review. If your child takes medication, you and the camper will need to go to the “Medication” line to meet with the Nurse. If your child does not take medication, you and the camper will need to go to the “No Medication” line. On the outside porch of the Lower Lodge, you will be able to set up a store account and pay any outstanding camp fee balances with the Treasurer. 

Q: How do I set up a store account?
A: You can set up a store account with the Treasurer on check-in day. The Treasurer’s table is located on the porch of the Lower Lodge. It is recommended that you pre-pay on check-in day; however, you can pay the balance when you pick up your child at the end of the session. Twenty dollars is typically sufficient enough for a 2-week stay.

Q: What kinds of activities are available to my camper(s)?
A: All campers participate in swimming (both instructional and a free swim), small crafts, arts and crafts, and sports each day. There are also a variety of optional activities. Staff members offer activities, such as the ropes course, archery, tennis, Pickleball, Gaga, and playing music. Campers also have time each day during which they can choose the activities they would like to do, such as fishing. Campers who have passed into an advanced small craft level may also elect to take out a boat, canoe, or sailboat during free time.

Q: If something happens to my child, how will I find out?
A: If there is an emergency that involves your child, you will be notified by one of the Directors by phone. If a camper needs to be transported by ambulance or camp vehicle, a Director will attempt to contact you by phone before taking the camper to a medical facility. If you are not reachable, your provided emergency contact will be called. Please note: your child’s emergency contact should be someone other than a parent or guardian. 

Q: What if something changes with the drop-off or pick-up day or camp need to communicate non-emergency information?
A: In the case of any unexpected changes or updates where all parents of campers attending a certain session need to be notified, an email blast will be sent out. Please be sure the “primary email contact” information is correct and up-to-date. 

Q: My child has dietary restrictions; can he or she still attend camp?
A: Yes! Please provide information regarding any dietary needs in advance during the registration process. Advanced notification allows us to be prepared for camper needs. The camp will provide reasonable accommodations for vegetarians. Camp is unable to fully provide for gluten-free or vegan needs, so parents are asked to provide certain foods as a supplement. 

Q: My child has a severe allergy or medical need; can he or she attend camp?
A: Yes! Camp requires advanced notification of all medical needs, including food allergies, allergies that may cause anaphylaxis, and suspected allergies. An Individual Healthcare Plan might be developed depending on your child’s needs. If this form is required, a Director will provide it to you for your signature. Upon arriving at camp, you and your camper will need to check-in with the Nurse in the “Medication” line. If your child’s medical needs are particularly significant, the Nurse may recommend a meeting with you and the camper’s counselors

Q: If I want my child to have an over-the-counter medication (e.g. multivitamin, Claritin, melatonin), do I need a signed medication authorization form?
A: Yes, camp requires a medication authorization form signed by your child’s pediatrician in order to administer medication(s).

Q: My child takes a daily medication that is listed on the camp’s standing orders list. Do I need a signed medication authorization form?
A: Yes, standing orders are intended to be administered as needed, not as a daily medication.

Q: Is it an option for my child to keep his/her inhaler on his/her person and in the cabin?
A: Yes; the Authorization for the Administration of Medication form must indicate that you wish for your child to self-administer the medication. Please note: the option for self-administration is located at the bottom of the form.