First Day of Classes!

Today the campers awoke at 7:30 to cloudy, cool weather. Everyone gathered around the flagpole for Chicken Fat (our morning stretches) and flag raising. Breakfast was blueberry bread and cereal! After breakfast, campers and counselors worked together to tidy up their cabins, make their beds, sweep, and help out with various duties around camp. Every day, the nurse inspects cabins, and the cleanest one from hilltop, lakeside, and seniors wins Cabin Cleanup for that day. At the end of the session, the cabin with the most wins receives candy!

We gathered in the lodge as some morning showers passed by. We played indoor games until first period began. Due to the weather, seniors and lakeside had swimming inside, where they did zumba and yoga! By third period, the weather had cleared up, so hilltop was able to go swimming in the lake! Sports classes played games that incorporated learning everyone's names from their area of camp. Boating classes learned parts of the boat and important safety rules. Arts and crafts classes began work on bracelets, pillows, geckos, and knitting. Some girls are making baskets.

Dinner was chicken fingers and rice, with peaches for dessert!

After the meal, everyone appreciated a nice Rest Hour, a time in which everyone must relax on their bunks and enjoy a silent activity.

General swim followed Rest Hour. The water was refreshing!

4th period was whatever class the campers had not had in the morning. Following 4th period was Activity Period, a free time for the campers to choose an activity offered by the counselors. Some of today's choices were jumping off the tower, zumba, and volleyball.

Supper was meatball grinders, carrots, chips, and applesauce, with vanilla cake with chocolate frosting for dessert to satisfy everyone's sweet tooth!

As I write, campers are gathering for Evening Program in the lodge, as more rain approaches.

Hopefully tomorrow's weather will be bright and sunny!

-the Birth Blogger

First Girls Session 2012!

Welcome and Welcome Back GIRLS of Asto Wamah! Hooray, Hurrah, Hurrah!!! As our camp song goes: "We're the girls from Asto Wamah you hear so much about! Most everybody likes us whenever we go out, We're noted for our wisdom and the clever things we do,  Most everybody likes us we hope you like us too!"

Today, the girls moved into camp on a beautiful day full of sunshine! Over the course of the afternoon the campers were introduced to their excellent counselors, picked out their bunks for the next week or so, met new cabin mates, took a tour of camp, and rekindled friendships by playing a few ice-breaker games. Once all that was done, campers unraveled their sleeping bags, unpacked their camp knick-knacks, and changed into their bathing suits to get either classified into a swim level (if they are new) or go in for a quick general swim.

Dinner followed our swim and it was delicious! The dinner(or supper as we call it at Asto Wamah)  included: hot dogs, tater-tots, baked beans, and pickles, with fudge brownies for dessert!

As I type, all of the campers are playing a game called Medical Wars up on the Athletic or A-Field. This is our traditional first night dodgeball game that is a lot of fun! They will then sing some songs and get ready for bed. Once everyone is in bed, around 9pm,  the counselors in each cabin have selected a book they will read to the cabin until they settle down. The first night can be hard for campers because no one is on Wamah time yet and they usually take a night to adjust to their new surroundings. Tomorrow however, will be so packed with classes and activities they will fall asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows.

This session is also the beginning of our special leadership program for the girls. The LT's arrived today to learn how to be counselors at Asto Wamah and they are already helping the staff with projects around camp! They are sure to be a great bunch of leaders!

Check back tomorrow around the same time for more wamah updates! Morning bell rings at 7:30am!!!  Can't wait! :D

-The Birch Blogger

A Rainy Last Day

After a busy two weeks, we all enjoyed a cozy, rainy last day at camp. We began the day with eggs and English muffins for breakfast. Since there was no thunder and lightning, swimming and boating classes carried on as usual, with the option of indoor games if the campers had already passed their levels. In arts and crafts, campers wrapped up their projects; campers making baskets put the final touches on those.  Sports classes played games inside.

We had Texas Hash for lunch, with chocolate pudding for dessert.

There was no general swim today. Instead, campers had a choice between an extra 30 minutes of Rest Hour, or indoor board games in the lodge. 4th Period then started early, and Activity Period was extended. While the air was still chilly, the rain had stopped and the water was warm, so some new Level 4 swimmers enjoyed their first jumps off the tower. Other campers played badmitten, Ultimate Frisbee, and Uno in the lodge.

We had chicken patties for supper, with Italian Ice for dessert.

As I write, campers are gathering belongings and starting to pack. Kindling has been gathered for our campfire tonight, and campers are excited to sing, eat s'mores, and receive awards for swimming, boating, cabin cleanup, and LT trivia.

While everyone is sad to leave, they will be happy to see you tomorrow! Please come between 8:30 and 10:30.

the Birch Blogger

Banquet Day!!

Today was a special day indeed! It started off with a dress up breakfast. Each cabin had to come to the morning circle as cartoon characters. Some cabins even acted out a little skit! It was SO funny!!! Highlights included: Cabin 1 as Tom and Jerry, Cabin 2 as The Smurfs, Cabin 3 as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Cabin 4 as The Avengers, Cabins 5 and Old 6 as Pokemon figures, Cabin 6 as The Lion King, Cabin 7 as Phineas and Ferb, Cabin 8 as Scooby Doo. Even the LT's came as members of Transformers and extra staff came as Charlie Brown and the Peanuts! Breakfast was cornbread and cereal! It was a much cooler day today, which was a nice break from the sweltering heat and humidity of days past. Testing campers on their newfound swimming and boating skills took place today and will continue tomorrow. We feel that all the children have worked very hard and have improved significantly.  Dinner or Lunch was various sandwiches and apple pie pastries for dessert! Then as campers had their rest hour, counselors prepared the Lodge for our traditional Asto Wamah Banquet. The campers had a choice of a game on the Athletic field or a general swim after rest hour. After fourth period, activity period was very exciting becuase there was a Pirate battle on Columbia lake between sailboats, canoes, and rowboats. It was epic!! Activity period was also special today for those who passed into a higher level of swimming. Those who passed into level 4 had the option of jumping off the tower and swimming in deep water! Many campers took out their sunday best and showered (hopefully not for the first time :D ) to look snazzy for banquet supper at 6:30pm. Banquet resembles a Thanksgiving meal of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, corn, cranberry sauce, gravey, and even mints for after the meal. Then dessert was supplied by Shady Glen! The choices of ice cream were chocolate caramel crunch and chocolate chip cookie dough.

Campers received their Birch Barkers (newspapers) after supper and boy is it great!! There are some funny stories and interviews this session you will have to take a look at! Then campers sang songs and received their year awards. To cap the evening, we had a candlelight service! One camper from each cabin, usually the one who has shown the most leadership and cooperation, was chosen to read a Bible passage about the importance and significance of light. Then we sang goodnight songs and enjoyed a silent and reflective bedtime.

The last day tomorrow is sure to be memorable! We have a special campfire planned for tomorrow night and campers will receive their awards for the Olympics and Track Meet!

Goodnight Readers!

The Birch Blogger

Day 10 X!

Today we endured record-breaking heat and humidity. In the morning, we did some different things to stay cool: quick dips and capsizing for boating, Drip Drip Splash in sports class (see pictures), and extra hydration. During cabin cleanup, we organized trunks- refolding clothes and sorting out the clean and the dirty. Hopefully it will last 'til Saturday! Dinner was pork patties, with vanilla pudding for dessert. The afternoon brought with it some nice cooling thunderstorms. Luckily they passed over during Rest Hour, so nobody was outside.  Instead of general swim, we played board games in the lodge. My group made a huge spiraling domino setup that, to the gathering crowd's delight, successfully fell.  Following this excitement, we had indoor 4th period classes.

Supper was "eat-out" indoors. Everyone enjoyed their picnic sandwiches and chips at their usual cabin tables in the lodge.

Tonight, we have a fun indoor Evening Program planned: Reverse Scavenger Hunt. In this game, campers bring 10 random items (such as flashlight, broom, blanket, etc) and use them as props to make skits with their cabins, competing against other cabins from their section of camp. For example, we might say "rock band," "a Camp Asto Wamah boating class," or "going to the prom" and each cabin would use their objects to act out this theme. It is a game that is always highly amusing.

Hopefully tomorrow will bring cooler weather!

-the Birch Blogger

Day 9!!!!!!!!!

Today was another scorching hot day. We returned to our regular schedules after two exciting days off for track meet and the Wamah Olympics. The campers were happy to get back into their classes. The lake was especially delightful, and sailors enjoyed strong winds. Dinner/lunch was a camp favorite: Shepherd's Pie!

We were lucky to have a special program today during Activity Period: Buana Iguana. A man named Ray Ward brought his collection of reptiles including snakes, alligators, and turtles. Some campers participated in holding these animals and helping with the demonstrations. It was really fun!

Supper tonight was pizza, with camp's famous chocolate pudding pie for dessert!

For Evening Program, the LT's led a Wild West Carnival, which included games such as musical chairs, "horse racing," an obstacle course, and various ball-tossing games. The campers dressed up in their best Western costumes, which was very creative and entertaining! Campers received pea-beans as tokens for winning games. The cabin that had the highest total beans at the end won the Golden Waffle Award. The winner was Cabin 5!

Talk to you tomorrow!

-the Birch Blogger

Day 8!!!!!!!! Wamah Olympics Continue!

Hello Birch Blogger followers! Today, camp deviated from the regular routine of classes to bring campers more Wamah Olympic events.  We awoke and started the day off right with French Toast followed by a full day of exciting competition. The morning events included, swimming and boating races, an  archery shootout, a tennis, soccer, sailing, diving, volleyball and kickball competition. They then had a much needed general swim, followed by a scrumptious meal of lasagna and ice pops for dessert. Rest hour was highly anticipated by ALL Wamah Olympians today :D

Following rest hour, campers had many more events including, a canoe race, a badminton game, a tower jumping competition, and the first ever Wamahathalon (boating instead of biking). We had another general swim and a wonderful meal of tacos! Peach Crisp was a refreshing yet tasty dessert before campers went to evening program tonight.  As I write campers are playing nonstop cricket and due to the heat and how busy the campers have been today, there will most likely be a quick dip in the lake before a much needed bedtime.  I know all the campers will fall into a deep sleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows tonight !!!

Regular schedule tomorrow!! Goodnight!

-The Birch Blogger

Day Seven!!!!!!! Track and Field Day!

Today, track and field day marked the half-way point of the 2012 boys camp session! And oh what a day it was! :D Campers prepared for the day ahead at breakfast by devouring large bowls of cereal and large pieces of cinnamon swirl coffee cake. Next most campers switched bunks, which allowed  campers with top bunks to try the bottom and vice versa.  Then it was off to the races!!! On track and field day, morning classes are canceled and special athletic events are held instead. A few days ago the campers where equally split into two teams: Green and White (camp colors). Those two teams competed today in the softball throw, running long jump, standing long jump, 50-yard dash, and the marathon (which is maybe half a mile).

This session we are not doing the traditional Indian War Relay in place of 4th period because we are celebrating the Olympic Games here at Asto Wamah.  In honor of the games being held this summer in England, this afternoon campers will participate in several events  including, a basketball tournament, a knock-hockey tournament, and a ping-pong tournament. It has sure been an exciting day of competition, team work, and great sportsmanship!

Today for lunch campers had ham and noodles and tonight we will feast on hamburgers, followed by green and white cake for dessert! YUM! The results of the days events will be posted in our traditional Birch Barker and it will be given out during banquet (this Thursday) for campers to bring home and share with you. The next night at campfire (this Friday) those who placed in the events will receive their ribbons and awards!

I'll have some more updates for you all tomorrow!

-The Birch Blogger

Day 6!!!!!!

Today began with a few drops of rain, which slightly lessened the dust being kicked up during Chicken Fat (morning stretches). Breakfast was rich, delicious chocolate chip bread and cereal. Today was a real scorcher, making the lake even more refreshing than usual. Classes are going well; campers are receiving progress from their teachers as to what they still need to work on to pass. Everyone is excited to take a break from classes for track meet tomorrow!! Hopefully it won't get postponed by any rain.

It was the kitchen's afternoon off, so we enjoyed another "eat out" supper. Cabins went together to various locations around camp and ate a picnic of hot dogs, chips, cookies, and lemonade.

Tonight we will play a game that was created by our very own Drew and Catherine. It is called "Sniper Wars" and is a combination of many other camp games such as Pirates and Mission to Mars. It's sure to be a boys camp favorite because most of the game is about running through the woods :D

Can't wait to fill you in on track meet tomorrow!

-the Birth Blogger

Day 5!!!!!

Today Campers awoke to the early morning mist coming off Columbia Lake.  We enjoyed a special breakfast of waffles with peanut butter (as is Wamah tradition!) , butter, and REAL maple syrup from a generous camp family :D It was AWESOME!!!  Next we had our usual cabin cleanup and morning classes. Today level 6 swam their 500yrds, level 4 learned butterfly, and Water Safety learned how to make rescues. There was an EPIC canoe and rowboat battle on the lake during second period which was the highlight of their morning. Lunch/Dinner was meatballs with gravey, mashed potatoes, green beans, zucchini, and bread with butter, followed by butterscotch pudding for dessert.  It was another beautiful high 80's day so campers enjoyed their general swim. The staff is hoping for rain soon to  get rid of all the dust being kicked up by the active campers. Several exciting activities were offered today for Activity period, jumping off the tower, basketball, ultimate frisbee, sailing, badminton, and sailing on the largest watercraft in camp, THE HUNTER.

After the nurses inspection, cabins 2,5,and 6 won cleanest cabin of the day.Tonight's game is my favorite: MURDER BY NIGHT!!!  Campers will search all over camp for counselors to track down and figure out who the murderer is.  ( no one has actually been murdered :) ) It is sure to be a hoot and holler.

Till tomorrow!

-The Birch Blogger


Day 4!!!!

We woke up today to another beautiful mid-80 day. We had a hearty breakfast of oatmeal (or cold cereal) and English muffins. Classes were making large strides in their levels. Level 6 swimmers have almost perfected the butterfly stroke, and it hasn't even been a week! Sailors delighted in learning how yell "coming about" as they tacked in the strong winds. In arts and crafts, some campers began new projects, such as coloring their own knock hockey stick or making geckos. Sports classes enjoyed playing kickball. For dinner, the chicken parm was a big hit, and the chocolate pudding for dessert was delightful. The afternoon continued as planned. For activity period, campers enjoyed ultimate frisbee and nukem (an exciting game in which a ball is thrown over a net to "nuke" out the nearest player who does not catch it).  I took an excited 14 campers to jump off the tower.

Supper tonight was a cozy meal of grilled cheese and tomato soup, with churros for dessert.

Evening program last night was a camp favorite: Pirates! Campers searched for hidden treasures and had "pirate gun" (rags filled with flour) battles. It was a close game. Campers also voted for Green and White Team captains for our track meet on Sunday, which is sure to be thrilling.

Tonight, we will have a game of King Dodge- a variation of a classic dodge ball.

Talk with you tomorrow!

-the Birch Blogger

Day 3!!!

Today began the same as yesterday.We had cereal and blueberry bread for breakfast.  YUM!!! We enjoyed it!!!  Another 80 degree day made for wonderful progress in the water classes although sailors suffered due to lack of wind.  They practiced capsizing on the lake which was a quite refreshing way to cool off.  Sports class was super hot but sought out refuge in the shade-covered ropes course.  Arts  and crafts was thrilling today; campers progressed even further on their projects. Some worked on their gimp and  friendship bracelets while others put the finishing stitches on their pillows!! Today, the kitchen staff had a half day off, so campers enjoyed an eat out, where counselors selected a different location in camp to have a picnic dinner.  Popular locales included docks which came with water views.

As promised, we have the report on last night's evening program. Drumrolll......... Spies and Smugglers! My FAVORITE!! It was an intense game of running up and down camp, tagging the opposing team bringing slips of paper (points) to the A-field.  Tonight's game remains a secret! Check back again tomorrow to find out!

My favorite meal is tomorrow at lunch.... CHICKEN PARM!!!!! - The Birch Blogger :D

Day 2

Today the campers enjoyed yet another beautiful day on Columbia Lake. It was perfect weather for swimming, boating, and sports. We had French toast for breakfast, and chicken fingers for dinner, with vanilla pudding and sprinkles for dessert.  After a nice Rest Hour, everyone enjoyed the general swim. For Activity Period, some of the choices were soccer,  jumping off the tower, and fishing off the raft. I was with 3 campers who caught 4 big fish (in total). Having never been fishing before, I was impressed by the campers' ability to catch and then send each fish back to safety. It was an exciting afternoon. As I write, cookees are setting their cabins' tables for supper, and a delicious meal of meatball grinders is being prepared. Apple crisp- one of the camp favorites- is for dessert!

As foretold last night, the campers and staff enjoyed an exciting game of Capture the Flag, followed by a satisfying quick dip in the lake.

Check back tomorrow to find out which game is played tonight. Whatever it is will be a lot of fun!


-the Birth Barker

The Fun Continues

Today we woke up bright and early to a beautiful Monday morning on the shore of Columbia Lake. As promised, we all enjoyed a delicious breakfast of cornbread and cereal. Believe it or not, campers and counselors alike then cleaned the cabins and helped out with various camp duties, such as sweeping the lodge and bailing boats. Campers were eager to begin swimming, boating, sports, and arts and craft. For our big meal of the day, we scarfed down as many helpings as we could of ravioli (garnished with parmesan cheese), French baguettes, and cucumber slices, with Italian Ice for dessert. After an exciting morning, campers looked forward  to Rest Hour to nap, write letters, read books, or partake in any other silent activity. Feeling refreshed, everyone made their way down to the lake for a general swim. The water was beautiful and warm.

Various activities were offered during the campers' free period, known as Activity Period. Water polo, soccer, and jumping off the tower were a few of the popular options. Hungry from all the activities, we enjoyed chicken fajitas and vanilla cake with chocolate frosting for dessert. Before I sign off, I will share with you something the campers do not yet know: Evening Program tonight will be an intense game of Capture the Flag.

Check back tomorrow, same time, same place, for more updates!

-the Birth Blogger

Boys Camp First Night 2012

Today we welcomed 87 excited and enthusiastic boys to Camp Asto Wamah! After they moved in their belongings, staff played ice-breakers and gave tours of camp on this beautiful day. Next, new campers were classified into their various levels and we all went in for a general swim to cool off. Then we prepared the first meal of camp- hotdogs, tater-tots, and baked beans with brownies for dessert, as per tradition. As I am writing, the boys have gathered on the Athletic field for a campwide game of Medical Wars which is a dodgeball game. They will then enjoy a quick dip,a snack, a story read by their counselors, and a long deep sleep. Tomorrow's lineup is sure to bring even greater amounts of smiling and laughter. They will participate in 4 periods of classes (boating, swimming, arts and crafts, and sports). Check back here tomorrow for more CAW updates. This is the Birch Blogger signing off!

-The Birch Blogger

P.S. Cornbread for Breakfast!!! YUM :)


Coed Last Day

Last night for dinner the campers enjoyed grilled cheese and tomato soup with a camp favorite dessert of chocolate pudding pie.  Our evening game was the popular Pirates where the campers chased each other throughout camp trying to win more points than the other team while also looking for their teams treasure.  Before bed last night the campers enjoyed some songs, watermelon, and a quick dip. Today is our final full day of the first session.  The campers had normal morning classes where they showed their teachers how they have improved throughout the session in swimming and boating.  The sports classes had fun at the ropes course and the arts and crafts classes finished up their projects.  Some of the projects the campers did this session were baskets, bracelets, origami, pillows, and bean bags.  For lunch we enjoyed texas hash with salad and bread.  The weather was exceptional today for general swim.  This afternoon the campers will have their last chance to participate  in some activities offered by the counselors such as basketball, jumping off the tower, archery, and paddle boards.  We look forward to camp fire tonight where we will sing songs, eat s'mores, give out boating and swimming awards, receive cleaning awards, and enjoy fun skits put on by the counselors.

Tomorrow morning the pick up time is between 8:30 and 10:30 A.M.  We will certainly miss this exceptional group of campers.  See you tomorrow!

Emma Tuthill, Cabin Old 6

Coed Day 3 and 4 2012

Tuesday night we had a fun-filled evening.  For evening program the campers enjoyed a camp favorite capture the flag on the athletic field.  They then went down to the upper lodge to enjoy a music program given by Dennis Waring who kept everyone mesmerized with his performance.  Nature classes are using some of his ideas to make their own musical instruments. The campers had a fantastic Fourth of July.  We had regular morning classes with swimming, boating, sports and arts and crafts.  For the mid-day meal the campers enjoyed ham and noodles.  At night time the campers packed picnic baskets with their cabin and found a site around camp to eat.  The campers all came back to the lodge to make an icecream sundae for dessert.  For evening program we had a Fourth of July themed carnival with card games, musical chairs and limbo.  We were also able to sit and watch the fireworks display across the lake.

This morning we enjoyed chocolate chip bread and cereal for breakfast.  We had a normal schedule this morning with boating, swimming sports and arts and crafts.  We had ziti, french bread and salad for our mid-day meal.  This afternoon the campers will have fun participating in activities that counselor's have offered such as jumping off the tower, aquarium games, basketball, learning how to hair wrap, and sailing on our sailboat, "The Hunter." We are lucky to be experiencing great weather today!

Until next time.

Emma Tuthill, Cabin Old 6


Coed Day 2 2012

Yesterday the weather held out for us to have our first swim as an entire camp.  Last night for supper we had chicken patty sandwiches, chips, apple sauce with chocolate cake for desert.  Later that night we experienced storms so we were not able to play a game on the athletic field.  Instead we played the popular game called murder by night.  This game resembles the game clue where the campers travel around camp interviewing suspects about a crime to see who was the culprit.  The cool weather last night allowed the campers to sleep well. Following our morning exercises, we had cereal and english muffins for breakfast.  We are experiencing fantastic weather here today with sun and a light breeze.  Morning classes ran smoothly with swimming in the lake, spud on the athletic field, pillow making in arts and crafts, and boating classes out on the lake.  Many campers went out fishing today on boats during counselor's swim.  For our mid-day meal the campers loved the chicken tenders, rice, and green beans with peaches for desert.  We were able to enjoy a camp-wide swim following rest hour today without any weather interruptions.  The campers are enjoying 4th period now with hilltopers at sports, seniors at arts and crafts and the girls by the lake at boating.

Wonderful week here at wamah so far.  Until next time!

Emma Tuthill, Cabin Old 6

Coed Day 1 2012

All the campers settled into their cabins yesterday without a problem.  We went over general camp rules and played games to get to know each other as cabin groups.  Unfortunately the weather did not hold out in order to classify every camper so we played some games in the lodge until we were able to go outside again and continue with classification while other campers played knock hockey, ping pong and teatherball.  Our evening meal was hot dogs, tater tots, carrots, and pickles with delectable brownies for desert.  With the weather still holding out we headed up to the athletic field for a camp wide game of medical war.  All of the campers really enjoyed the night game as a whole camp.  Following the game we sang some songs and went in for a quick dip before bed time.  Taps blew while all campers were in bed.  Following taps the cabin counselors read a book that was chosen by the campers.  The cool breeze last night helped all of the campers to sleep peacefully. The first bell rang at 7:30 A.M. (although many campers were up and ready to begin the day much earlier).  We had cereal and french toast for breakfast with some orange juice and hot chocolate.  We began our day by cleaning up the camp by fulfilling cabin duties such as cleaning the cabins, bailing the boats, and sweeping the lodge.  The morning ran smoothly with morning classes following classification such as swimming, a fun game of nuccum on the athletic field, and origami and baskets during arts and crafts.  For our mid-day meal we had meatballs, mashed potatoes, and carrots followed by chocolate pudding with whipped cream.  Following dinner the campers had a chance to go over to the store and buy candy or anything else they might need such as toothpaste, a flashlight, or stamps.  All the campers spent a relaxing hour on their bunks after store reading books, writing letters home, or engaging in any other silent activities.  We heard a little bit of thunder after rest hour today so we will put off the swim until after fourth period today.

As a staff we are happy to have all of the campers here at Camp Asto Wamah for the first session of summer 2012.  They are all enthusiastic and respectable young boys and girls and we are looking forward to a successful session!

Emma Tuthill, Cabin Old 6

May Camp News

Welcome to May! Hope these longer and warmer spring days are reminding you of summer and fun days at Asto Wamah.  When you look at the updated photos I am including this month you will see a stark difference from April 1st pics.  The world at camp is exploding in green.  It is a beautiful sight and always an anticipated one after the bare CT winter.  I am hopeful that many of you will be able to come to camp on May 5th for Open Camp Day.   I always am looking for tour guides to take first year campers and their families around between 3 and 5.  You are all invited!

Progress is moving ahead with our new “green” bathroom.  I am confident that all the remaining steps will be completed by mid June and we will have a new facility up and running when you arrive.

Just a reminder, we still have a few openings remaining in the one-week coed session for both boys and girls and the Aug. 5-18th all girls session.  Spread the word!  Thank you.

At this point, the staff is hired and it includes many returning members.  The 2011 LT group is well represented on this summer’s staff so those will be familiar faces to many of you.   Sam will be back from his teaching in China, Catherine and Chris will be married, Kyle and Gillian will have graduated from college and we will all be back a year wiser.  We look forward to seeing ‘old’ campers and new, learning and growing together as we engage in the activities of play, work and living in community.

I will be back in touch in early June.  In the meantime stay well and safe,
