A Rainy Last Day

After a busy two weeks, we all enjoyed a cozy, rainy last day at camp. We began the day with eggs and English muffins for breakfast. Since there was no thunder and lightning, swimming and boating classes carried on as usual, with the option of indoor games if the campers had already passed their levels. In arts and crafts, campers wrapped up their projects; campers making baskets put the final touches on those.  Sports classes played games inside.

We had Texas Hash for lunch, with chocolate pudding for dessert.

There was no general swim today. Instead, campers had a choice between an extra 30 minutes of Rest Hour, or indoor board games in the lodge. 4th Period then started early, and Activity Period was extended. While the air was still chilly, the rain had stopped and the water was warm, so some new Level 4 swimmers enjoyed their first jumps off the tower. Other campers played badmitten, Ultimate Frisbee, and Uno in the lodge.

We had chicken patties for supper, with Italian Ice for dessert.

As I write, campers are gathering belongings and starting to pack. Kindling has been gathered for our campfire tonight, and campers are excited to sing, eat s'mores, and receive awards for swimming, boating, cabin cleanup, and LT trivia.

While everyone is sad to leave, they will be happy to see you tomorrow! Please come between 8:30 and 10:30.

the Birch Blogger