Coed Last Day

Last night for dinner the campers enjoyed grilled cheese and tomato soup with a camp favorite dessert of chocolate pudding pie.  Our evening game was the popular Pirates where the campers chased each other throughout camp trying to win more points than the other team while also looking for their teams treasure.  Before bed last night the campers enjoyed some songs, watermelon, and a quick dip. Today is our final full day of the first session.  The campers had normal morning classes where they showed their teachers how they have improved throughout the session in swimming and boating.  The sports classes had fun at the ropes course and the arts and crafts classes finished up their projects.  Some of the projects the campers did this session were baskets, bracelets, origami, pillows, and bean bags.  For lunch we enjoyed texas hash with salad and bread.  The weather was exceptional today for general swim.  This afternoon the campers will have their last chance to participate  in some activities offered by the counselors such as basketball, jumping off the tower, archery, and paddle boards.  We look forward to camp fire tonight where we will sing songs, eat s'mores, give out boating and swimming awards, receive cleaning awards, and enjoy fun skits put on by the counselors.

Tomorrow morning the pick up time is between 8:30 and 10:30 A.M.  We will certainly miss this exceptional group of campers.  See you tomorrow!

Emma Tuthill, Cabin Old 6