Day Seven!!!!!!! Track and Field Day!

Today, track and field day marked the half-way point of the 2012 boys camp session! And oh what a day it was! :D Campers prepared for the day ahead at breakfast by devouring large bowls of cereal and large pieces of cinnamon swirl coffee cake. Next most campers switched bunks, which allowed  campers with top bunks to try the bottom and vice versa.  Then it was off to the races!!! On track and field day, morning classes are canceled and special athletic events are held instead. A few days ago the campers where equally split into two teams: Green and White (camp colors). Those two teams competed today in the softball throw, running long jump, standing long jump, 50-yard dash, and the marathon (which is maybe half a mile).

This session we are not doing the traditional Indian War Relay in place of 4th period because we are celebrating the Olympic Games here at Asto Wamah.  In honor of the games being held this summer in England, this afternoon campers will participate in several events  including, a basketball tournament, a knock-hockey tournament, and a ping-pong tournament. It has sure been an exciting day of competition, team work, and great sportsmanship!

Today for lunch campers had ham and noodles and tonight we will feast on hamburgers, followed by green and white cake for dessert! YUM! The results of the days events will be posted in our traditional Birch Barker and it will be given out during banquet (this Thursday) for campers to bring home and share with you. The next night at campfire (this Friday) those who placed in the events will receive their ribbons and awards!

I'll have some more updates for you all tomorrow!

-The Birch Blogger