Yesterday the weather held out for us to have our first swim as an entire camp. Last night for supper we had chicken patty sandwiches, chips, apple sauce with chocolate cake for desert. Later that night we experienced storms so we were not able to play a game on the athletic field. Instead we played the popular game called murder by night. This game resembles the game clue where the campers travel around camp interviewing suspects about a crime to see who was the culprit. The cool weather last night allowed the campers to sleep well. Following our morning exercises, we had cereal and english muffins for breakfast. We are experiencing fantastic weather here today with sun and a light breeze. Morning classes ran smoothly with swimming in the lake, spud on the athletic field, pillow making in arts and crafts, and boating classes out on the lake. Many campers went out fishing today on boats during counselor's swim. For our mid-day meal the campers loved the chicken tenders, rice, and green beans with peaches for desert. We were able to enjoy a camp-wide swim following rest hour today without any weather interruptions. The campers are enjoying 4th period now with hilltopers at sports, seniors at arts and crafts and the girls by the lake at boating.
Wonderful week here at wamah so far. Until next time!
Emma Tuthill, Cabin Old 6