Welcome to May! Hope these longer and warmer spring days are reminding you of summer and fun days at Asto Wamah. When you look at the updated photos I am including this month you will see a stark difference from April 1st pics. The world at camp is exploding in green. It is a beautiful sight and always an anticipated one after the bare CT winter. I am hopeful that many of you will be able to come to camp on May 5th for Open Camp Day. I always am looking for tour guides to take first year campers and their families around between 3 and 5. You are all invited!
Progress is moving ahead with our new “green” bathroom. I am confident that all the remaining steps will be completed by mid June and we will have a new facility up and running when you arrive.
Just a reminder, we still have a few openings remaining in the one-week coed session for both boys and girls and the Aug. 5-18th all girls session. Spread the word! Thank you.
At this point, the staff is hired and it includes many returning members. The 2011 LT group is well represented on this summer’s staff so those will be familiar faces to many of you. Sam will be back from his teaching in China, Catherine and Chris will be married, Kyle and Gillian will have graduated from college and we will all be back a year wiser. We look forward to seeing ‘old’ campers and new, learning and growing together as we engage in the activities of play, work and living in community.
I will be back in touch in early June. In the meantime stay well and safe,