Today we welcomed 87 excited and enthusiastic boys to Camp Asto Wamah! After they moved in their belongings, staff played ice-breakers and gave tours of camp on this beautiful day. Next, new campers were classified into their various levels and we all went in for a general swim to cool off. Then we prepared the first meal of camp- hotdogs, tater-tots, and baked beans with brownies for dessert, as per tradition. As I am writing, the boys have gathered on the Athletic field for a campwide game of Medical Wars which is a dodgeball game. They will then enjoy a quick dip,a snack, a story read by their counselors, and a long deep sleep. Tomorrow's lineup is sure to bring even greater amounts of smiling and laughter. They will participate in 4 periods of classes (boating, swimming, arts and crafts, and sports). Check back here tomorrow for more CAW updates. This is the Birch Blogger signing off!
-The Birch Blogger
P.S. Cornbread for Breakfast!!! YUM :)