CAW's November Update

Greetings to all of you who have been a part of the Asto Wamah Community!!

It has been too long since we published a CAW Blog.  Hope you missed us as much as we have missed you.  Although we all yearn for the lake, the woods, and the buildings, the real and deepest loss comes from missing our friends and the many people who are an important part of the Asto Wamah experience.  We trust you have discovered ways to connect with those you miss most.

By now you all must be back to at least a somewhat normal routine.  It may be a school day in the building, online, or some of each. We hope that you are staying safe and well.

In the future, we will return to a new Blog early every month.  We need your help!  If you like to write, please consider submitting an entry about camp, somewhat like the Birch Barker.  Tell about a memory that has stayed with you or a person who became a true friend or a special event that you will never forget. Interview a parent or friend who attended years ago. The more articles the better!!!  All submissions will be gratefully received!!  Please email them to  We are looking forward to receiving your Blog entries!! Thank you!

Who would have guessed we would see an early snow at Asto Wamah on October 30??? In addition to the snow, you can see what the lake looks like at its winter level.

We will continue to keep you updated on what is happening at camp as we prepare and make ready for the 2021 season with anticipation and optimism.  The dates for the new season will be announced soon.  Stay tuned!

Keep on Remembering the Other Fellow!!!

Jen, Catherine, Chris, and Nancy