Greetings to all Asto Wamah Fans,
Although the temperature has not yet been too spring-like, the woods are bursting with new green growth so I have to assume that warm days will be here soon. If you doubted the arrival of spring, you should see the area beyond the Icky-Water Bridge. The stream is flowing high through a plush green carpet of skunk cabbage and the bright yellow flowers of marsh marigolds. It is an undeniable sign of spring on Columbia Lake.
Last Saturday, Asto Wamah was fortunate to have about 40 hard working volunteers (including 5 staff member!) rake mountains of leaves, clean the winter debris from each cabin and building, wash all the dishes and pots and pans - all in an effort to make sure camp is ready and welcoming for this new season.
On Saturday, May 26th from 3:00 to 5:00 we will be holding our annual Open Camp Day where new Asto Wamah families come to visit camp. Present and former staff and LTs take groups on tours and explain our program and answer questions as they walk. There are refreshments in the Lodge where people gather to learn more about CAW. Everyone is invited! Hope you can be a part of this enthusiastic group.
For the next 7 weeks we will be holding several trainings for our staff to make sure everyone is prepared and qualified for the amazing and challenging job ahead. Additionally, delivery trucks arrive daily with equipment/supplies we will use in programming and throughout each camp day. Plans are being made for some new and engaging activities. Nature will be front and center - fun along with instructive.
Hope you will be a part of this, our 109th season!
With great anticipation,