To our valued followers:
We trust that you enjoyed the Halloween fun and treats, and are looking forward to the approach of the holiday season!
Now that November is here, there is a remarkable difference in how Asto Wamah looks. Some trees are already bare and the ground is covered with fall-colored leaves. The paths are buried and quiet fills the air. From Cabin 3 on the hill, you can easily see the lake and from Cabins 7 and 8, Hungerford is clearly visible. Without the leaves, camp is taking on a very different, “empty” look.
At this time of year, we send a postcard to all families announcing the dates for the 2020 season. The sequence of sessions will remain the same as in 2019. Here is the official schedule for our upcoming season:
Coed: June 28 to July 4
Boys: July 5 to July 18
1st Girls: July 19 to August 1
2nd Girls: August 2 to August 15
Online registration will open on Saturday, February 1st, 2020. We hope a session (or two) at Asto Wamah will be a part of your summer plans!
Remember to spread the word about camp to your friends! If they would like more information, please direct them to
May November remind you of the many things for which you are grateful. We are grateful for you and your family’s involvement at CAW! THANK YOU!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Catherine, Jen, Chris and Nancy