CAW's January 2021 Update

Dear CAW Family,

We have now arrived at January and are beginning a new year!  I am excited about the possibilities of 2021.  Hopefully, the vaccine we have all been waiting for will allow camp to happen this summer!  That is at the TOP of my wish list!

January is a very important month each year in preparation for the coming summer.  This is the time when we ask you to reach out to your friends, relatives, and anyone you know who may be interested in the program Asto Wamah offers each summer.  We hope they know why you love to come back each year!  All households will receive an email notification with updates regarding the online registration process. Registration opens on February 1st at 7:00 am! If you haven’t done so already, we strongly encourage you to register for an Ultracamp account on the camp website so you don’t miss updates!

Letters are arriving daily from 15-year-olds who want to be included in our Leadership Training (LT) program this summer.  Staff are also completing their applications.  We are very excited!  We have missed you all and look forward to returning to Asto Wamah to spend time with friends and participate in activities we love.  

In addition to “Spreading the Word” about CAW, please stay strong: wear a mask, maintain social distancing, wash your hands, and avoid large gatherings.  Do your part to help ensure that we can all return to Columbia Lake this summer and enjoy the fun, friendships, and experiences we have treasured in the past!

If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to email or call Nancy Maclean at 860-649-8614 (evenings are best).

Take care, stay well and Remember the Other Fellow,

Jen, Chris, Catherine, Nancy