The Last First Day.... Day 1, Second Girls

Second Girls, the last session for the summer, began today! Once everyone was settled and moved into their cabins, campers listened to the camp rules, and new campers completed their swimming tests. The camp sat down in the lodge to eat the traditional first night meal of hot dogs, tater tots, and baked beans, with brownies for desserts. The food was delicious and we all enjoyed eating it as we started to build new relationships with counselors and cabin mates. After supper the girls will continue the traditional First Day events by playing Medical War on the A-Field for evening program. For those of you in the “real world” we also went to “camp time” which means we at camp are 30 minutes ahead of you- this little trick allows us to gain 30 minutes of daylight in the evening, which we would lose due to the days getting shorter. Fingers crossed for a good first nights sleep!

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram at CampAstoWamah!

Banquet night!

We woke up this morning to the sun shining and a nice breeze. After our morning exercises, we had blueberry bread and cereal for breakfast. Cabin clean up and camp duties went well and then we were off to first period! Campers worked hard in their swimming and smallcraft classes with the hope of passing into the next level. Everyone has made great progress and has learned many new skills these past 2 weeks! Campers are also beginning to wrap up their arts and crafts projects. We have many artistically talented campers who have created beautiful projects! For dinner, we had our traditional egg salad and tuna salad sandwiches. Campers were also able to choose whether they wanted delicious leftovers, including lasagna, meatballs, and beef BBQ.

After dinner, campers went to store and then rested before going to general swim. We had a special treat for the campers today - before general swim started, our seniors superstar swimming class put on a synchronized swimming performance! They did a great job!

After fourth period and activity period, campers and staff prepared for Banquet! Banquet is a favorite for many staff and campers. Our meal is similar to a traditional Thanksgiving dinner - turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, cranberry sauce, and even stuffing! We also had ice cream for dessert! After the meal, campers sang camp songs; we even had a guest (former staff member) lead a song, which was a nice treat! Campers then received their year awards, which symbolize and celebrate their ability to increase their independence by leaving home for 2 weeks. Banquet ended with our candlelight service. We were lucky to have very little wind and put our candles into the lake to end the evening. Campers are now fast asleep so they can reenergize before our busy day tomorrow!

Another Hot One! 1st Girls Day 10

Today was French Toast, with cereal, yogurt, and hard boiled eggs as options! What a fulfilling breakfast. The morning was filled with activities, including the swim to Frog Island! This swim which happens every year takes just about an hour, and is open to swimmers levels 5 and above. This year 12 girls participated in and completed the swim, and got to see a whole other part of the lake! The morning was full of regular activities like swimming lessons, small craft lessons, sports, and Arts and Crafts. Lunch was Baked Ziti, a camper favorite, and the afternoon brought General Swim, and for Activity Period the sailers became Pirates on the Lake, with the Sunfish battling the Hunter. While there was no winner declared, fun was had by all. Tonight involves a lot of different things, including a new dinner to the rotation- Beef Barbecue! It is delicious, eaten on rolls, and was a hit! Tonight is also different, with a short General Swim, followed by a low key game of Murder By Night.

P.S. If you don’t already, follow us on Instagram at CampAstoWamah!

1st Girls- Day 9

To start off our second week of the session we had cornbread, cereal, and yogurt for breakfast. After breakfast campers headed back to their cabins for cabin clean up to get ready for the nurses inspections and camp duties. It was a hot one today, campers were very excited to be getting in the water for swim lessons during their morning classes.

After our morning classes campers headed back to their cabins to get out of their wet swim suits and ready for lunch. Today we enjoyed meatballs and mashed potatoes and peaches for dessert. After lunch campers headed back to their cabins to get out of the sun and catch up on their summer reading.

Once the bell rang ending rest hour we headed down to the waterfront for general swim and fourth period. After fourth period campers had the opportunity to go on the Hunter, paddle boards, sunfish, play Gaga and learn how to play the ukulele. Tonight for dinner we had chicken patties, carrots, apple sauce and potato chips. For dessert we had gingerbread cake. For evening program campers will be playing Pirate Gangs, a camp wide treasure hunt.

1st Girls- Day 8

This morning we started our day off with cinnamon bread, cereal, and yogurt. This morning we had a different schedule than usual due to track and field day, white team vs. green team. Instead of morning classes we headed up to the a field for four different events the fifty yard dash, standing long jump, running long jump and the softball throw. Hilltop, Lakeside, and Seniors green and white teams competed against each other for first, second and third place in these events,. After the morning activities campers headed down to the waterfront for the first general swim of the day.

For lunch we had our track and field day traditional lunch of ham and noodles with churros for dessert. After lunch campers headed back to their cabins for rest hour, giving them a chance to refuel before the afternoon events. After rest hour campers had the option to run a “marathon” to get points for their team. After the marathon everyone participated in our camp wide triathlon where the green and white team raced against each other. The race started on the camp road with runners and made its was down to the water front where there were six swimmers and eight boats to finish off the race with two senior swimmers racing to main dock. Once the triathlon finished campers had the opportunity to get more points for their team in swim races where they competed against other campers in their swimming levels. After all of the afternoon events commenced campers headed into the water for a second general swim before dinner.

Tonight for dinner we enjoyed pizza, salad and apples sauce with another track and field day tradition, green and white cake for dessert. For evening program there will be different relays on the a field.

We dodged the storms! 1st Girls, Day 7

Today started off with English muffins (with jelly and butter), accompanied by the usual cereal, milk, OJ, and cocoa. The mornings activities went off without a hitch, and we even had some swimmers pass into the next level mid-session today! Dinner was homemade lasagna (delicious!), with baguettes, and salad. Our afternoon included General Swim, and it seemed like all the boats were out today during Activity Period, which was amazing! The Hunter went out, Sunfish, Stand-up Paddleboards- almost every kind of vessel we have was out! Dinner was Eat Out so the Kitchen Staff can have a well earned afternoon and evening off, and the weather cooperated! We had hot dogs, chips, and all the accessories! Tonight is Spies and Smugglers, a camper favorite- wear your long pants and extra layers!

1st Girls- Day 6

With the first week almost over we started our morning off with blue sky and sunshine. Today for breakfast we had waffles and peanut butter, cereal, yogurt and bananas. After breakfast campers headed back to their cabins for cabin cleanup and camp duties. Camp duties are jobs that each cabin is assigned to help keep camp clean which include bailing boats, cleaning the bathrooms, collecting trash from cabins and sweeping the lodge. Once camp cuties were over we met in the cousin ring for morning thought. Today our kitchen staff talked about respect and manners in camp.

For our morning classes we did not have a cloud in the sky, campers practiced their swimming and boating, crafted new crafts and adventured on the ropes course. After our morning classes campers have thirty minutes of free time to shower, take out boats or go fishing before cookee bell rang. For lunch we had pork chops, mashed potatoes, carrots and sorbet for dessert. Following lunch campers had the opportunity to go to store, where they can get once piece of candy, and postage to write letters during rest hour. Once rest hour was over campers headed down to the waterfront for general swim and fourth period classes.

After fourth period campers had the opportunity to jump off the tower, take out paddle boards, do yoga or play Gaga ball. Before dinner we circled up around the flag pole for cabin inspection results and to take down the flag. For dinner we had hamburgers, carrots, chips and vanilla cake for dessert.

Tonight for evening program campers headed up to the a field for a game of capture the flag for evening program.

1st Girls - Day 5

We had the perfect weather today! It was sunny, not humid at all, with a slight breeze to keep us cool.

During our morning classes campers worked on their strokes during swimming. We are gearing them up for tomorrow as during morning swim classes Levels 5 and 6 will be completing our “Butterfly Bootcamp”! The Butterfly is a notoriously difficult stroke with a particular cadence, so we like to break it down over the course of one or two days to help campers get the hang of it. We pull out all of the stops: flippers, pull buoys, and even some demonstrations from our seasoned swim teachers. By the end of this weekend, all of the campers will have perfected it!

For lunch campers tried meatloaf! Sue makes it with extra ketchup and the campers always love it. With their stomachs full, campers retreated to their cabins for Rest Hour. Afterwards, everyone checked in for General Swim. Most of the campers stayed in for the full time because the weather was so nice and the water was super refreshing. Afterwards, campers went to their last class of the day. If they chose to go to nature, campers had the opportunity to paint and decorate bird houses! Tomorrow they will go hang them around camp in hopes of providing a nice home for our neighbors.

This evening’s dinner was chicken melts, applesauce and carrots. Now campers are up at the A-Field playing evening program. Tonight’s game is '“King Dodge”, a camp variation of dodgeball. We cannot believe that tomorrow marks the end of the first week! Time has been flying by this session.

1st Girls ~ Day 4

Here comes the sun! After a little bit of a rainy stint the sun came out and gave us some amazing weather and made the day easy to enjoy. For breakfast we had blueberry bread (a camp favorite) with our usual variety of cereals. In no time at all we were out and busy with our morning classes.

The girls enjoyed the option of Nature Class first period where we were able to go out and learn about the ecosystems around camp! Everyone also loved every second of being in the water for swimming and boating classes, as a splendid breeze kept the camp feeling nice and cool on the hot and sunny day.

With a chicken finger lunch all of camp was ready to take a little time for themselves with our rest hour, and proceed with fourth and activity period after our General Swim. Currently everyone is back in the upper lodge to hear a special message from Marcella A. MacDonald, a highly accomplished swimmer to say the least. Marcella has undertaken swimming adventures including in the English Channel (16 times!!!), Manhattan, Jersey England, and many more. She will be talking about motivating to accomplish what you set your mind to, female empowerment, and more great topics that everyone is looking forward to, we are very fortunate to be hearing from her! Afterwards we will be heading to the A Field for an abbreviated Evening Program to get some energy out before bed.

It looks like we are in clear with blue skies in the forecast for the week ahead, we can’t wait to enjoy every minute of life at Asto Wamah!

Until next time, Dan

1st girls- day 3

This morning we were woken up with some chilly weather and a lot of rain which was a huge difference after the scorching hot weekend we just had. For breakfast we had chocolate chip bread, oatmeal, cereal, and bananas. After breakfast campers headed back to their cabins for cabin cleanup and camp duties before their morning classes.

Todays classes were a little different because it was raining all morning and campers could not go in the water or on the field. For swimming campers played scattagories with their swim classes against the other swimming levels. In sports class campers played a camp special, Roll or Die, a game created by a staff member. In boating classes campers played Small Craft Jeopary, which is an interactive way for campers to get to know fun facts about camp and all of the boats we have.

For lunch we enjoyed ravioli, baguetts, salad and pears for dessert. After lunch campers headed back to their cabins for rest hour which is a time for campers to get some rest, work on art projects and it is a good time for our book worms to catch up on their summer reading. Following rest hour campers had the option to go in the water for a general swim, play Gaga ball or other games around the lodge since it stopped raining, but it was still chilly. After general swim lakeside got to go out in the boats for fourth period, seniors had arts and crafts and Hilltop headed back up into the lodge for another intense round of Roll or Die.

Today for activity period campers had the options of getting their hair braided, learning how to make a friendship bracelet, or play board games in the lodge. For dinner we enjoyed grilled cheese and tomato soup, and a personal favorite of mine for dessert, cheesecake. Following dinner campers headed up to the field for evening program. Tonight we played Garbage Collector, a combination of basket ball and handball with ten balls, 100 players and two baskets.

The Heat Subsides... and Brings the Rain (1st Girls Day 2)

Today was a great camp day! We started the day with a new camp meal- pancakes! It was a great addition to our breakfast rotation. All campers had their regular classes- sports (including tennis and archery!), swimming, boating of all kinds, and Arts and Crafts! Girls started making their baskets, had a great General Swim, and luckily the rain held off for all of our afternoon activities. Dinner was tacos with all the fixings, and cherry cake. Tonight’s activity is a combination of a Sing-Off and Reverse Scavenger Hunt. For Reverse Scavenger Hunt campers each bring an item, and then are given a topic to act out, using these items. It is always a great rainy activity- especially with the girls (campers and staff alike!) who get into the acting out of skits. The best news is, with this rain seems to have come some cooler air.

Girls Session 1 - Day 1

We were sad to see the boys leave early yesterday morning but returned today ready to start the first week of girls! Moving campers in this afternoon was quite warm, but people managed to stay cool by staying in the shade and drinking plenty of water. After goodbyes were finished and the girls were settled into their cabins, all of camp met at the Council Ring to go over camp expectations and to introduce our hardworking staff!

After expectations were set and new campers tested into their respective swim levels, campers were finally able to go into the lake! Everyone checked in today and swam for about thirty minutes. It was a welcome relief from the heat!

Once the last camper left the lake, everyone gathered in the lodge for our traditional first dinner - hot dogs. Campers were able to choose from a variety of salads to go along with their hot dogs and tater tots. They chose from garden salad, potato salad, cucumber salad and a couscous dish. It was the perfect refreshing side dish!

Now campers are enjoying some free time. A few campers are playing tetherball, others are enjoying a game of knock hockey, while others are chatting in their cabins and working on making new friends! In a few minutes we will head up to the A-Field to play our evening program. Afterwards we will all go into the lake once more before bedtime. Everyone will sleep much better once they have rinsed off!

Boys - Day 10

This morning we started off with cinnamon bread, bananas, yogurt, and cereal for breakfast. After breakfast campers headed back to their cabins for cabin clean up and camp duties. During camp duties campers will help, bail boats, sweep the lodge, collect trash and clean the bathrooms.

After camp duties campers headed to their first three periods of the day either swimming, sports, arts and crafts and small craft. After the first three periods of the day campers got out of their swim suits and ready for lunch. Today for lunch we enjoyed meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and green beans.

After lunch campers headed back to their cabins for rest hour, before heading down to the waterfront for general swim and fourth period. Once fourth period was over campers enjoyed activity period where they got the chance to play Gaga, basketball, can jam, and ultimate ball. There was also a special sailing game pirates. This is where campers and staff take out all of the sailboats at camp, sunfish vs. the hunter, and throw foam balls at each others sails. We had a perfectly sunny and windy day on the lake for the game!

Tonight for dinner we had shaved steak, potato chips, carrots, and roasted peppers. For evening program our LT’s will be hosting a Minecraft theme carnival where campers will be playing relay games on the A field.

Boys - Day 9

Today was a beautiful day! We started it off with cornbread and cereal, followed by our daily cabin cleaning. After camp duties, campers went to their morning classes. In arts and crafts campers made their own necklaces and paintings. Meanwhile, in swimming campers went snorkeling and worked on their butterfly. Many of the campers struggle to get the specific rhythm down during the butterfly so many staff put on the “Butterfly Bootcamp” where we break it down and have campers learn it bit by bit. Even by the end of the first “bootcamp”, campers looked much better!

After a lunch of ravioli and salad, campers enjoyed rest hour and general swim. A few campers in Deep Water have been working on their “Wamah Wall”. They have been moving small stones to a shallower part of Deep Water and making a little walkway of sorts so they can touch! It has been entertaining watching campers walk through 6 feet of water!

Campers have just finished their taco dinner and are heading up to the A-field for evening program. Tonight they are playing Pirates! Many returning campers love this game. Campers run around all of camp searching for keys to the other team’s treasure chest. Once all of the keys are found they can open the chest to find a map to the buried treasure. They can also collect litter and turn it in for points!

Everyone should be tired after tonight’s activities so we are expecting everyone to sleep well. We cannot believe we are in the home stretch!

Boys-Day 7

With the first week under our belts we started our day off with french toast, bananas, oranges, and cereal. After breakfast campers headed back to their cabins for our mid session bunk switch, allowing campers on the bottom bunks to have a chance to switch to the top if they wished.

After cabin cleanup campers headed off to the first three periods of the day. In canoeing we had a special day where we got to practice capsizing our boats. For lunch we enjoyed a camp favorite lasagna, with sides of salad and bread, followed by vanilla pudding for dessert. After lunch campers headed back to their cabins for some rest and time to catch up on summer reading.

Following rest hour campers headed down to the waterfront for general swim, fourth period, and activity period. During activity period campers had the opportunity to take a ride on the Hunter, play badminton, Gaga, soccer, and jump off the tower.

Tonight for dinner the kitchen staff was on their day off so we had a camp cookout by the flagpole. We ate hotdogs, potato chips, pickles, and oranges with chocolate chip cookies for dessert. For evening program the campers will be playing a dodgeball game on the a field. We are looking forward to our green vs. white track meet tomorrow.

Boys - Day 6

This morning, we woke up to a beautifully sunny sky after a night of rain. For breakfast, we enjoyed toasty bagels, an assortment of cereals, oranges, banana, and yogurt. The weather forecast brought great news to camp as it predicted a full sunny day.

Morning classes were terrific! Everyone is starting to master their new skills in boating and swimming classes! For lunch was the Camp Asto Wamah classic and fan favorite: Shepard’s Pie. It was such a hit the line for seconds filled the inner lodge. To top of the meal was yummy and entertaining Jello.

We had a wonderful afternoon here at camp. We had another great windy day that our biggest sailboat, The Hunter, set sail on Columbia lake for the first time this session! We had pulled pork for dinner with the favorite sides of carrots, chips, and applesauce.

For evening program, as the a-field continues to fully dry after a night of rain, we played Murder By Night. The kids have to get into some detective work and figure out which staff member committed “the crime”. The game outs the kids’ thinking skills to work to piece together the puzzle laid out by the counselors.

We hope for a cool night for everyone to get some well earned rest and be ready for another great day tomorrow!

Boys - Day 5

Today was a little cloudy when we woke up, but Sue our amazing cook was able to brighten our morning with blueberry bread and hot chocolate!

This morning’s classes went well. In swim classes we were able to take a few first time swimmers into Deep Water and jump off of Grey Raft! This was a big accomplishment for these Level 3 swimmers and the smiles were contagious. Meanwhile, during nature, a few campers were able to work on their forts that they’ve been building in the woods!

After a lunch of pork chops, mashed potatoes and carrots, campers enjoyed Rest Hour and General Swim. Later on, during fourth period, the wind picked up! This made it slightly difficult for the row boaters to make it out, but the sailors loved every minute. Luckily the wind continued during activity period and a few staff members and LTs were able to take campers out on the sunfish. The wind blew consistently the whole period and everyone had a blast!

The wind was foretelling of a rainstorm, so after dinner tonight we decided to stay indoors for Evening Program. Campers quickly returned to their cabins to grab a few props, and made it back to the lodge before any rain started coming down. We will be playing “Reverse Scavenger Hunt”, where cabin groups use the props they brought to act out different skits! This Evening Program always ends in a lot of laughter. Hopefully the rain will be gone by tomorrow!

Boys - Day 4

This morning we enjoyed cornbread and cereal for breakfast, after which we took our cabin photos! Each session all of the cabins group together for a photo. This photo is available at the end of the session and is a great way to remember each year’s camp experience. Older staff love digging out old cabin photos!

Up at the A-Field during sports class today, campers played “Non-Stop-Cricket”, kickball and handball. Meanwhile, on the lake campers worked on their swimming strokes, fisherman’s row and sailing skills. It was especially sunny and hot today, so campers were encouraged to drink plenty of water and apply lots of sunscreen!

For lunch, campers and staff had ziti and salad before heading off to their cabins for rest hour, followed by a general swim. Due to the heat, all of the campers went in for the swim today! Afterwards, campers participated in a bunch of different games during activity period. Counselors offered jumping off the tower, Gaga Ball, horseshoes and soccer on the A-Field.

Every night before dinner everyone gathers around the flagpole to hear cabin inspection results. The nurse has been really pleased with everyone’s cleanliness this session! Cabin 5 even left Carol our nurse a little message:


Tonight’s dinner was a little out of the ordinary as it is our kitchen’s night off. On nights like these we have what is called “Eat Out”. Every camper and staff member has a cold cut or hummus sandwich and as a cabin they eat somewhere in camp. Some cabins ate on docks, others at the picnic tables and some at the counsel ring. It is always a fun change for campers!

Campers are headed off to tonight’s evening program: Spies and Smugglers. Campers try to sneak points up to the A-Field without getting tagged by the other team. Everyone will surely be exhausted after all of the running!

Boys- Day 3

It was a beautiful sunny morning to start of the third day of boys camp. For breakfast we had a camp favorite waffles and peanut butter, orange juice, with an option of an addition of cereal and yogurt. After breakfast campers headed back to their cabin for cleanup in hopes of winning the nurses cabin inspection.

Morning classes were a success! The campers worked up an appetite, swimming, boating and running around during sports class. For a lunch of chicken tenders, rice, and green beans. After lunch the campers headed back to their cabins for rest hour, a nice break from the sun and a time for our bookworms to keep up with their summer reading.

After rest hour campers headed down to the waterfront for general swim and fourth period. Campers then had the opportunity to jump off the tower, play badminton, Gaga ball, or basketball for activity period!

After our afternoon activities we all gathered around the flagpole to lower the flag and hear inspection results. Cabins two, Old six and six had the cleanest cabins of the day. We then headed up to dinner where we enjoyed grilled cheese with sides of carrots, pasta salad, apple sauce and potato chips. For dessert we had a fan favorite cheese cake!

To end our day we will be playing an evening program of capture the flag!

Boys Camp - Day 2

We woke up to a pretty sunrise amongst the cloudy sky to kick off our first full day of the boy’s session. For breakfast, we had cinnamon bread and hot cereal along with a treat of hot chocolate. All fueled up for the day, the campers headed back to sweep under their bunks and straighten out the cabin. At ten o’clock classes began: swimming in the lake for lessons, taking out rowboats and canoes in small-craft, beading bracelets in arts and crafts, and playing nukem for sports on the A-field.

For lunch we ate texas casserole with salad and bread followed by chocolate pudding with whipped cream. After our noontime meal, the camp store opened for the campers to purchase candy and other necessities. At two o’clock the bell rang signaling our silent rest hour of the day where the campers recharged for free swim and their last class period. Activity period provided campers with opportunities to jump off our beloved tower, play gaga ball or horse shoes, dungeons and dragons, or kan jam on the A-field.

Dinner was meatball grinders with apple sauce, chips, and carrots; dessert was cherry cake with rainbow sprinkles. We ended the night with a camp favorite evening program of Garbage Collector. All in all, it was a great first full day, we can’t wait for the rest of the session.