1st Girls- Day 8

This morning we started our day off with cinnamon bread, cereal, and yogurt. This morning we had a different schedule than usual due to track and field day, white team vs. green team. Instead of morning classes we headed up to the a field for four different events the fifty yard dash, standing long jump, running long jump and the softball throw. Hilltop, Lakeside, and Seniors green and white teams competed against each other for first, second and third place in these events,. After the morning activities campers headed down to the waterfront for the first general swim of the day.

For lunch we had our track and field day traditional lunch of ham and noodles with churros for dessert. After lunch campers headed back to their cabins for rest hour, giving them a chance to refuel before the afternoon events. After rest hour campers had the option to run a “marathon” to get points for their team. After the marathon everyone participated in our camp wide triathlon where the green and white team raced against each other. The race started on the camp road with runners and made its was down to the water front where there were six swimmers and eight boats to finish off the race with two senior swimmers racing to main dock. Once the triathlon finished campers had the opportunity to get more points for their team in swim races where they competed against other campers in their swimming levels. After all of the afternoon events commenced campers headed into the water for a second general swim before dinner.

Tonight for dinner we enjoyed pizza, salad and apples sauce with another track and field day tradition, green and white cake for dessert. For evening program there will be different relays on the a field.