Second Girls, the last session for the summer, began today! Once everyone was settled and moved into their cabins, campers listened to the camp rules, and new campers completed their swimming tests. The camp sat down in the lodge to eat the traditional first night meal of hot dogs, tater tots, and baked beans, with brownies for desserts. The food was delicious and we all enjoyed eating it as we started to build new relationships with counselors and cabin mates. After supper the girls will continue the traditional First Day events by playing Medical War on the A-Field for evening program. For those of you in the “real world” we also went to “camp time” which means we at camp are 30 minutes ahead of you- this little trick allows us to gain 30 minutes of daylight in the evening, which we would lose due to the days getting shorter. Fingers crossed for a good first nights sleep!
Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram at CampAstoWamah!