Boys - Day 1

We had a beautifully sunny day to kick off the Boys session of 2019! As the campers rolled in throughout the afternoon, the counselors helped them get comfortable in their home for the next two weeks. The afternoon settled in as we gathered in the council ring to meet the staff and listen intently to the expectations for the session spelled out by Chris, the director. We then completed swim classifications as others played their first games of tetherball and knock hockey of the session. To close the afternoon, we all jumped into the glorious water of Columbia lake for a spectacular general swim with an impressive first buddy check.

Per Camp Asto Wamah tradition, our first dinner of the session was hot dogs, tater tots, pickles, and carrots. To top off this first meal were Sue’s delectable brownies for dessert.

Currently, campers are on the newly refurbished A-field to play a super fun and active dodgeball game of Medical War. We look forward to the night coming to a close as campers get snuggled in their bunks and ease into the cool night. We hope for a night full of rest to be ready for the early morning rise and getting this fantastic session truly started!

See you tomorrow!

Coed - Day 5

We woke up to yet another sunny day here at Camp Asto Wamah. For breakfast, we had french toast and cereal as well as our favorite, hot chocolate, for a special sugary treat. Ready for the last full day of the session, we tidied our bunks and straightened out our clotheslines. Once the bell rang, we headed off to our last boating, swimming, and sports classes.

All the strokes and dives that the campers were working on this whole week prepared them for the final day of showing off their newly learned skills on the waterfront. With the water warmed up from this week’s heat wave, the campers were eager to jump into the water. The strength of each boating class was tested as the mild wind created subtle waves that the campers had to navigate. In arts and crafts and sports, campers finished up last projects and ran off all their extra energy. Our noontime meal consisted of ham, noodles, and cooked carrots followed by jello.

After rest hour, the campers headed down to the docks for one last swim in Columbia lake. Everyone was excited to get into the water and cool off from the hot busy day. With swim tests in the morning, many campers moved up in swimming levels and were now able to swim in Intermediate and Deep Water. For some, they were able to jump off the beloved tower for the first time.

For dinner, we filled our stomachs with chicken melts, apple sauce, and chips followed by chocolate cake for dessert. Yum! Then the campers headed up for our evening program King Dodge (a fun and competitive dodgeball game) where they got all sweaty before cooling off in our tradition of a “Quick Dip”- jumping into the lake before bed. The campers were extra lucky to end the night off with a campfire where we sang camp songs and ate s’mores. All around it was a great day and an even better session. We can’t wait to see you tomorrow morning!

Coed - Day 4

This morning, campers woke up to decorations all over camp to celebrate the Fourth of July! Staff had decorated the lodge with balloons and streamers to get everyone in the spirit. After a breakfast of blueberry bread and cereal, campers returned to their cabins with clean and help out with camp duties. This morning we brought back “Morning Thought”, something that the older staff remember doing! At Morning Thought, one or two counselors give a short talk on something that they want the campers to keep in mind throughout the rest of their day. This morning, two staff members reminded all of us about the importance of water conservation, and gave us some tips to help preserve water around Asto Wamah.

Once morning classes were finished, campers returned to the lodge for shepards pie and pears. After such a big meal and campers tired from their busy morning activities, all of camp happily retreated to their cabins for Rest Hour. However, once the bell rang signaling the end of our down time, campers rushed down to the waterfront to cool off in the lake for general swim.

Dinner tonight consisted of grilled cheeses and carrots, followed by a sugar cookie decorating extravaganza! Campers were given frosting and sprinkles and were able to decorate their cookie before enjoying it for dessert. Right now, campers are up at the A-Field playing carnival games and getting their faces painted to continue the Fourth of July celebrations. The campers don’t know this yet, but waiting for them at the lodge after the carnival are small ice cream sundaes and some time to all sing some camp songs together! It has been a fun and busy day and we cannot believe tomorrow is our last full day with these incredible kids.

coed- day 3

We started our day off with a delicious breakfast of english muffins, yogurt, cereal and bananas. After breakfast everyone headed back to their cabins for cabin cleanup and camp duties before the first period of the day started. The sun was shining bright while campers took part in small craft, sports, arts and crafts, nature and swimming.

After the first three periods of the day campers had the chance to get ready for our noon time meal, where we enjoyed ravioli, salad, and french bread. For a sweet treat after lunch we enjoyed butterscotch pudding, a camp favorite. After lunch campers had the opportunity to visit the store, where they could choose a choice of candy before the went back to there cabin for rest hour.

After rest hour every single camper checked into general swim where they were able to work on their strokes and enjoy the water in the hot sun. After general swim campers went to their fourth period of day, small craft, arts and crafts or sports class.

After fourth period the campers had the opportunity to have some free time during activity period. Today counselors offered jumping off the tower, hair braiding and aquarium bootcamp where campers in levels one, two and three got to improve their swimming skills, as well as knock hockey, tether ball and fishing.

Every Wednesday kitchen staff has their day off every cabin got to choose a different location around camp to eat their dinner as a picnic rather than in the upper lodge. Each camper got a choice of a cold cut sandwich and/or a PB and J pair with chips, watermelon and bug juice.

After dinner we have a camp wide evening program, Pirates. Campers are split into two teams and their goal is to find the other teams treasure, which is hidden around the camp, before their own treasure is found.

See you tomorrow!

Coed - Day 2

We had a chillier morning here at Asto Wamah to start off the second day of our coed session. Luckily, Sue, our fantastic cook, was prepared, serving us warm cinnamon bread and hot chocolate for breakfast. Following cabin clean up and camp duties, the sun was peaking out of the clouds and campers enjoyed a busy morning of swimming, sports, arts & crafts, nature and boating! With one day under their belts, campers have already been improving on their front crawl and fisherman’s row. After a filling lunch of meatballs, mashed potatoes and corn, campers took advantage of some down time during rest hour. Campers soon re-emerged from their cabins excited to jump into the lake for general swim or to take part in a rousing game of gaga ball. After swimming for rings or floating on noodles, everyone transitioned to fourth period to finish up their classes for the day. For activity period, campers were able to choose from badminton, stand up paddle boards, card games and jumping from the tower. A few lucky campers were able to go for a ride on the “Hunter”. The Hunter is our largest sailboat that campers and staff enjoy on windy days! Following activity period everyone enjoyed chicken patties, chips, and carrots, with apple crisp to finish off the meal. Campers are now gathering for our evening program! Tonight we are playing a long time favorite, “Spies and Smugglers”. In this game campers try to smuggle points up from the flagpole to the A-Field without being tagged. Everyone will be sure to fall right to sleep after such a busy day!

First Day of Summer 2019!

Yesterday was our first day with campers for the whole summer, and the start of Co-ed 2019. We were lucky, in that the rain held off until after most people were here. We were inside playing games in the afternoon for a little while, but it was a great chance for people to get to know one another. Dinner was, of course, our traditional hot dog and tater tot meal, with brownies. We played Medical War for Evening Program, and then went to bed to get ready for today- which is a beautiful day already! As we speak, campers are getting ready for their day, cleaning their cabins, and doing camp duties (our version of chores!) Sorry for the delay in posting, we will be posting every evening for the rest of the summer :) Enjoy your days!

June Update

May was a very busy month at CAW.  The LTs began the month taking a CPR course. This is a requirement for Lifeguard Training and a skill all the Asto Wamah staff have.  At the end of the month we held Open Camp Day to give new campers a glimpse of what the campsite is like.  Both ‘old’ campers and staff led tours for the new campers and their families.  Our tour guides also spent time talking about the program at Asto Wamah and answering questions.  It was a beautiful day and everyone appeared to have had a great time.  There was lots of excitement and anticipation in the air! 

 It is hard to believe that in one month Coed camp will have started!!  

We are anxiously looking forward to the arrival of our 40 girl campers and 47 boys on June 30th.  Each day we are getting closer to being COMPLETELY ready.  We still need to get out all the sports, archery, crafts and swimming/rescue equipment. The rafts will need to be floated into their proper places in the lake. Clotheslines need to be hung and each cabin needs to get its final cleaning.  Of course the food needs to be ordered!

Prior to the 30th, the entire staff will spend 4 days in Staff Training preparing for the 7 weeks ahead.  This is a very important part of the season.  It is a time of sharing, learning, playing and bonding.  The staff works as a team so team building is a focus.

You are all surely getting to the end of your school year.  We hope it has been a success and you are counting the days until you will be at camp.  We are too!

Watch for the next BLOG on June 30th. From that time on you can expect to read a daily accounting of life at Asto Wamah!  Stay tuned.

Can’t wait!

Catherine, Chris, Jen and Nancy

May Update

Welcome to Asto Wamah’s May BLOG!

Hope this new month finds you well and happy! 

 We have just survived a VERY wet April at Asto Wamah.  Because of the record-breaking rain, Columbia Lake is now FULL.  It is very unusual for this to happen so early in the year but we are not complaining.  A full lake will result in lots of fun in and on the water.

Saturday, April 27 was our traditional Spring Work Day at Asto Wamah.  Thirty-five energetic volunteers spent the morning raking, stacking brush, cleaning cabins, washing dishes, and in general, getting camp ready for the 2019 season.  Camp looks great and is well on its way to being prepared for the first campers to arrive on June 30. THANK YOU to all who participated!  The improvement is obvious!  Your help is sincerely appreciated! 

Hope you have all marked your calendars for our May 25th Open Camp Day.  This is an opportunity for new families to visit camp that Saturday between 3 and 5 pm and have a tour of the grounds.  Counselors and returning campers will be present to show you around and answer questions.  We are all looking forward to meeting first-year campers and their families!

There are still a few places open in Boys’ camp and Second Girls’.  If you know someone who may be interested, please spread the word. We are close to having a full camp and your help is always appreciated.  Thank you!

We trust you are as excited about the upcoming Asto Wamah season as we are.  The staff has been hired and they are exceptional!  They have all been a part of Asto Wamah as campers or LTs in the past.  All are enthusiastic and focused on providing the 2019 campers with an awesome Asto Wamah camping experience!  Only 2 months to go!

 Catherine, Chris, Jen and Nancy

April Update

Greetings to ALL Asto Wamah followers,

The April Blog should be filled with images from camp, but unfortunately I waited too long and lost the opportunity for sunny, bright pictures. During the first week of April, I will be sure to take pictures that will give you an idea of the changes that are transforming camp from bleak and stark to full of new life.  Stay tuned!

There is finally a buzz of activity here.  The snow is gone and the lake is free of ice.  The winter seemed to hold on a bit too long, but I believe we are now on the path to warmer times. We are at the time of year that will bring camp back to its recognizable, summer-like look. Many tasks are underway. One of the major jobs at Asto Wamah each spring is turning on the water.  Our water pipes are on the ground’s surface so they need to be drained each fall to avoid having them freeze and break during the winter.  

The last Saturday of April is always our Spring Clean-up Day. Volunteers come to camp and rake leaves, clean up fallen branches, wash windows, clean the cobwebs out of the buildings, and spruce up the cabins. In general, we prepare Asto Wamah for the new season.  We start working at 9:00am and end with lunch at noon.  There is a lot to be accomplished and many hands make the jobs easier.  If you are interested in helping, email Nancy through the CONTACT page on the website – that way there will be enough food.  We work RAIN or SHINE. (Come prepared!!)

This is an exciting time for camp!  We are ordering new fun activities and equipment as well as upgrading programming supplies.  The A-Field has weathered the snow and heavy rainstorms and is now green, level, and waiting for the FUN.  We are filled with anticipation for the new camping season on the horizon.

Asto Wamah’s staff is looking forward to your time at camp.  There are a few spots still open for campers (coed is the only session with a waiting list). If you have a friend or relative that may be interested, SPREAD THE WORD!

Wishing you a terrific April!!

Jen, Catherine, Chris, and Nancy

March - Camp Updates

March 2019 BLOG

Happy March!  Spring is on its way:)

The update on Asto Wamah and what is happening on Columbia Lake is a COLD story. 

It seems as though the month of February brought colder, icier and windier weather than usual.  Several of the ‘snow’ events turned to thick ice making the Camp Road treacherous and walking the paths a challenge.  Luckily the wind did not take trees, just random branches.  For a while Columbia Lake froze over and gave the ice-fishermen some opportunities to sit and fish.  The lake presently has a number of areas that still have large floating ice areas that move with the wind.  Fortunately the water is nowhere near our docks which stand to be ruined if hit by moving ice.

It won’t be long before the dam will be closed and the lake will begin to rise to its summer depth.  That will be a sure sign of spring and warmer weather:)

February was, as usual, a very busy month for Asto Wamah.  Enrollment opened on the first and by the end of the month there are a few openings remaining (except for coed-girls).  We are starting a week earlier this summer to better accommodate snow days.  That mean we end go a week later into August.  At this time there are a few openings in each session so pass the word to friends, schoolmates and neighbors.  Invite them to check out the videos that are on the website to get a better idea of what Asto Wamah looks like. On one video there are drone views of the A-Field that give you an idea of the improvements that have been made there.  Can you see the huge rocks down by the basketball court?  Those were pulled from the field during the grading stage.  They were moved with the idea of making seating for Newcomb viewers!

We are happy to see that so many of last summer’s campers are returning along with returnees from the 2018 staff.  Plans for the 110th season at Asto Wamah are moving along with more of the ‘to be expected’ and some exciting new activities and initiatives.  We very much look forward to seeing you this summer!


Catherine, Chris, Jen and Nancy

P.S. We are always ready to answer questions and concerns! 860-649-8614


February Camp Updates

Dear Asto Wamah Followers,

Welcome to a new month!

February is the month of enrollment at Asto Wamah.  Beginning on Friday the 1st, registrations come in and the season officially begins!  We cannot wait!

Because camp looks so different in the winter, I am sending 2 photos that will make the difference between summer and winter clearer. Both pictures were taken on January 28th from the Little Dipper Dock.  The first is looking toward the Main Dock.  You can see that the water has been drawn down leaving a lot of sandy bottom and rocks exposed.  In the foreground you can see the anchors for the White Raft sitting atop the raft, then the Pollywog Dock. Beyond that is the Gray Raft which is hard to make out, then the floating dock and finally the Main Dock.  The rafts are floated into shore at the end of the summer to keep them safe during the winter.

Picture #2 is looking the other way, toward Hungerford and the Icky Water Bridge. I hope you can make out Cabins 7 and 8 on the right side and a slight glimpse of the White Cottage and the Tool Shed in the background.  The most interesting aspect of this picture is the rocks.  They cover the shore.  Aren’t we lucky that we swim in another area?  Can you see the ice?  I would guess the ice-fishermen and skaters will soon be out enjoying those winter sports.

Thanks to all of you who have ‘spread the word’ to friends, relatives, neighbors and others who may be interested in an Asto Wamah experience.  You are our best form of advertising and we appreciate all your efforts to introduce new people to CAW!  Thank you.

Stay well and happy!


January 2019 Update


We hope you have each enjoyed a wonderful holiday/ school vacation!

The Asto Wamah Blog this month will contain lots of important information.  This month begins in earnest the start-up of the 2019th season at camp.

To start the month off, we will be holding our annual Camp Reunion on January 5th.  The reunion will run from 2 to 4 PM at Center Church House, 60 Gold Street, Hartford, CT.  The Church House is located between Bushnell Park (the one with the carousel) and Wadsworth Atheneum.     

Because parking is difficult in this part of town, you may be interested in the following directions. Parents can let their camper(s) off on Gold Street and camp staff (Drew and Nancy) will be outside to make sure all children arrive safely.   If you know where Lewis Street intersects with Gold you can take advantage of the ‘pull off’ at the end of Lewis which is just feet from the door at 60 Gold. We will handle pick-up with the same level of supervision.

The Camp Reunion is lots of fun!!  We have slides from the past summer to watch and lots of games to play.  It is an awesome time to reconnect with your camp friends and reminisce about warmer days.  Ice cream will be our treat. We hope you will be able to attend. It won’t be the same without you!

Within a few days, you will be receiving, via USPS, our 2019 giant postcard with information about the dates and fees for this summer.  The purpose of this mailing is to remind you that registration will open on February 1. Registration is online and done on a first-come-first-served basis.  Last year a good number of people ended up on a waiting list. Don’t let that happen to you!! To register, login to or create a new account using the UltraCamp link.

As we enter 2019 our hope is that good health, happiness and remembering the other fellow will fill your community and with your help will spread!

Catherine, Chris, Jen and Nancy

December Update

Greetings to ALL ASTO WAMAH Followers:

Welcome to the December 1st Blog.

This has been a quiet fall at Asto Wamah.  Many days were either too cold or too wet for outside work.  Nevertheless we did manage to rake (carefully) the leaves off the new green grass on the A –Field.   The grass continues to thicken each day.  Our hope is for a sturdy green playing field by the time camp starts in June.

If you have not already checked out the latest video, take a look at the drone footage, on our Home Page, taken in late in October.  The leaves were still on the trees but the lake had been drained to its winter level.   You can clearly see the shoreline rocks that escape our view in the summer.

Shortly you will receive an invitation via email inviting you to the Camp Reunion.  It will take place on Saturday January 5that the Church House, 60 Gold Street in Hartford from 2:00 to 4:00.  The Church House is located between the Wadsworth Atheneum and Bushnell Park (with the carousel).  We will watch 2018 slides, reconnect with camp friends, enjoy ice cream and play Minute-to-Win-It games.  Please join us!!  The invitation will outline the RSVP procedure.  Our fingers are crossed for good weather: NO snow, ice or extreme temperature!!

Early in January our “2019 postcard brochure” will be sent to you with a reminder that registration opens on February 1st.  Last year a good number of people found that the sessions filled quickly and the only places left were on the waiting list. Register as soon as possible. We would also suggest that you send the names and addresses of interested friends so that they will get the pertinent notifications in a timely manner.

We are hopeful that your month of December will be filled with wonderful events. 

Wishing you and your family a joyful Holiday Season and a Happy and Healthy New Year!

        This is the perfect time of the year to Remember the Other Fellow.

Catherine, Chris, Jen and Nancy

November Update

Greetings to all CAW BIRCH BLOG Followers, 

Welcome to November and Eastern Standard Time.  We trust you are happily embracing the arrival of cold and snowy weather.  At this point it seems that those bone-burning days of summer are a distant memory.  Today the camp road is covered with a blanket of leaves, the lake has been drawn down to its winter level and the woods are thinner, more open.

As was noted in the last blog, the A-Field has been leveled, graded, de-rocked and seeded.  We are now seeing a lot of green on this new flat playing field.  The picture does not do credit to the wonderful improvement.  It doesn’t look like the same place.  You will be amazed when you see it!


We are well into the planning stage for the 2019 CAW season.  The biggest hurdle has been to decide on: THE START DATE. You may remember that last summer many schools were not out until quite late in June.  That meant some of our ‘teaching’ staff did not finish until after staff training was over.  With that memory clear in our minds, it has been decided that coed will begin a week later that usual.  So coed will go from June 30 to July 6. The boys’ session will go from July 7 to 20.  First girls will go from July 21 to August 3 and second girls will finish the season from August 4 to August 17.  A postcard will be sent to you shortly with all this information. 

For the past 2 years Mother Nature have kept us from having our traditional Camp Reunion.  We will try again on Jan 5, 2019.  Save the date and we will be sending you more details via email very soon.  We are keeping our fingers crossed for good weather so that you can all come and enjoy an afternoon of games, fun and reconnecting with camp friends. 

As in the past, we ask that you help us spread the word about Asto Wamah!  YOU are our sole means of advertising.  Introduce your friends, neighbors, relatives, and everyone you know to the Asto Wamah experience.  Direct anyone who is interested to visit our website: and set-up an account with Ultra Camp.  That will allow them to access the latest news and information about camp and be prepared when enrollment opens on Feb. 1.  If anyone would like to ask questions or learn more they can call Nancy, evenings, at 860-649-8614. 

Enjoy November!!  It is the month of Thankfulness!  Show Gratitude!


Jen, Catherine, Chris and Nancy

October Update

Welcome to fall,

            We are now officially in the fall season with Halloween right around the corner.  Hope all is going well for you!

            Life at Asto Wamah at this time of year is usually very quiet; however, this year has been a bit different.  As you may remember, the basketball court was resurfaced in June to replace the old, broken up one.  Well, now the entire A-field has been dug up!  There will be no more holes, rocks, or bumps.  The field has been graded so that it is now smooth and flat. Grass seeds have been planted and by mid-June, the A-field will be green and lush. The logs have been raised so seating is more comfortable and not so close to the dirt.  Both the running long jump and standing jump areas are now clearly defined with wooden frames and will provide us with more of a “regulation” area for our Track Meet during two-week sessions.  We will post pictures in the next Blog.  We use the A-Field so many hours each day and for many different activities.  We look forward to this improvement and think you will enjoy it!

            Between Hurricane Florence and last Tuesday’s 8 inches of rain, Columbia Lake is overflowing.  The dam is now open to allow the excess water to run off.  At this point, it appears that there will be no worry that the lake will be low next summer.

            In October, information about the dates and fees for the 2019 season will be announced.  STAY TUNED!

            Hope your memories of the past summer are still vivid and make you smile!

Our best to you all,

Catherine, Chris, Jen, and Nancy

September Update

Dear Asto Wamah Blog Followers,

This is the first of the off-season blogs since the end of camp on August 11th.

My intent is to update you with information about Asto Wamah so that you can know what is going on during the ‘quiet’ season.

To begin with, we hope you are well, have enjoyed this wet and hot summer, and are now ready to begin a new school year with energy and determination.

Camp is very quiet and peaceful.  Major activities include the squirrels and chipmunks running about.  The latest change is that the canoes and sailboats are packed away in the Activity Room, the rowboats are lined up on the logs where you are used to seeing the canoes, and both rafts are now in winter mooring next to Polywog dock (grey raft) and Little Dipper (white raft).  Columbia Lake is strangely empty off Main Dock.  The cabins are all locked and the clotheslines have been put away.  The Gaga Pit and tetherballs are the only evidence of past fun and laughter.

Now that our contact information for campers and parents is managed through UltraCamp, there will be some changes in the way we communicate.  Moving forward, you will be notified of important information via email, which means it is necessary to have an account in UltraCamp.  If you came to camp this summer you are all set.  However, if you have a friend or relative who is interested in getting news and updates, please encourage them to go to create an online account using the Log Into/Create An Account link on the  Camp Asto Wamah website menu bar or by using the following link, UltraCamp/Camp Asto Wamah.  We would greatly appreciate if you would kindly spread the word.

Day 13 - Last Day & Campfire!!!

Today was a hot and hectic day for sure! As it was the last full day of the 2018 camp season, there was much to be done before we all leave tomorrow. Boats needed to be cleaned and tucked away, sports sheds tidied and packed, and everyone had to collect their arts & crafts projects. Swimming got one last day to enjoy the lake, as well as a few of the boaters! Dinner today was Texas Hash, a huge favorite that a lot of campers were especially excited for. Then came an extra special treat, double candy at store! After everyone had picked out their candy, it was off to our final rest hour. 

Following general swim and fourth period, we all played non-stop cricket, as a final camp-wide game. After an intense battle between the green and white teams from track and field day, everyone was rewarded with an ice pop to cool off. Cookee bell rang and we all got ready for supper, meatball grinders! 

Now, cabins are taking the last towel or two off the clothes line, packing up their trunks and getting ready for camp fire! Every session, on the final night, we head to the counsel ring for songs, s'mores and awards from swimming and boating classes. As well as track and field day ribbons, and the coveted cabin clean up award! Whichever cabin, within the three sections, passed Sue's inspection day in and day out, will be awarded a special prize tonight!  

Mmm I want to linger, Mmm a little longer...

Until summer 2019,


Day 12 - Banquet

The last Thursday of the session is a very important one here at Camp Asto Wamah, it's banquet night! The schedule runs as normal, just with an emphasis on trying to get a shower in today, as everyone attempts to look their best for this evenings Thanksgiving-style supper. Turkey, stuffing, gravy - you name it, it's on tonights menu! Campers got dressed in their cleanest, green and white outfits, and we all piled into the main room in the upper lodge to eat together. 

After enjoying ice cream, chocolate caramel crunch or cookie dough, it was time for the much anticipated slide show. Pictures from track and field day, general swim, and other various activities at camp made an appearance. As well as old throw back pictures of staff, LT's and campers! Charlotte and Gina lead us in songs that we hadn't gotten the chance to sing all session, as well as a few fan favorites. Then came time for year awards. First years get a green hat, so make sure to ask your new campers to try them on for you when they get home! 

Candle light is how we wrap up banquet, with each cabin counselor choosing one camper to read a short passage. During this, everyone gets an individual candle, which gets lit and placed into the lake. At the end, after everyone at camp has placed their candle into the lake, we sing good night songs and watch as the candles float away. Now, campers are off to get ready for bed, silently, as there is no more talking tonight. Giving time for campers to reflect on this session overall.

Until tomorrow, for camp fire and the final full day at Wamah!



Day 11 - Talent Night!

This morning was a rare morning at Camp Asto Wamah, we slept in for a WHOLE HOUR!!! Some campers were thrilled, others chose to use it as a time to read or write letters, and the counselors for sure used it as time for more sleep! Cabin clean up time was cut a little short because of it, but the campers still managed to have the cabins looking fabulous before first period rang. 

Classes went on as normal, with an even greater focus on learning new skills as this session is nearly over! Sailers, swimmers, and boaters all enjoyed the water today, as well as the hot sun. Dinner, our noon time meal ended with a perfect treat for this hot and sunny day, ice cream! Then campers were off to rest hour before cooling down in general swim. 

Tonights evening program has been in the works for a few days, talent night! There were skits, comedy acts, singers/dancers and even a few magicians. Many of the cabins even chose to come together and create a group skit, which was awesome to see. After enjoying grapes for snack, its off to read more of the cabins book and get ready for bed!

Until tomorrow, 
