Boys - Day 5

Today was a little cloudy when we woke up, but Sue our amazing cook was able to brighten our morning with blueberry bread and hot chocolate!

This morning’s classes went well. In swim classes we were able to take a few first time swimmers into Deep Water and jump off of Grey Raft! This was a big accomplishment for these Level 3 swimmers and the smiles were contagious. Meanwhile, during nature, a few campers were able to work on their forts that they’ve been building in the woods!

After a lunch of pork chops, mashed potatoes and carrots, campers enjoyed Rest Hour and General Swim. Later on, during fourth period, the wind picked up! This made it slightly difficult for the row boaters to make it out, but the sailors loved every minute. Luckily the wind continued during activity period and a few staff members and LTs were able to take campers out on the sunfish. The wind blew consistently the whole period and everyone had a blast!

The wind was foretelling of a rainstorm, so after dinner tonight we decided to stay indoors for Evening Program. Campers quickly returned to their cabins to grab a few props, and made it back to the lodge before any rain started coming down. We will be playing “Reverse Scavenger Hunt”, where cabin groups use the props they brought to act out different skits! This Evening Program always ends in a lot of laughter. Hopefully the rain will be gone by tomorrow!