Today was a hot and hectic day for sure! As it was the last full day of the 2018 camp season, there was much to be done before we all leave tomorrow. Boats needed to be cleaned and tucked away, sports sheds tidied and packed, and everyone had to collect their arts & crafts projects. Swimming got one last day to enjoy the lake, as well as a few of the boaters! Dinner today was Texas Hash, a huge favorite that a lot of campers were especially excited for. Then came an extra special treat, double candy at store! After everyone had picked out their candy, it was off to our final rest hour.
Following general swim and fourth period, we all played non-stop cricket, as a final camp-wide game. After an intense battle between the green and white teams from track and field day, everyone was rewarded with an ice pop to cool off. Cookee bell rang and we all got ready for supper, meatball grinders!
Now, cabins are taking the last towel or two off the clothes line, packing up their trunks and getting ready for camp fire! Every session, on the final night, we head to the counsel ring for songs, s'mores and awards from swimming and boating classes. As well as track and field day ribbons, and the coveted cabin clean up award! Whichever cabin, within the three sections, passed Sue's inspection day in and day out, will be awarded a special prize tonight!
Mmm I want to linger, Mmm a little longer...
Until summer 2019,