Day 10 - LT Carnival

Today was hot, hot, hot! Luckily that meant everyone was eager to get in the water and have swimming lessons, after making sure to clean their cabins this morning. Campers were very focused this morning and the first three classes ran smoothly. Swimmer learned new strokes, lots of butterfly bootcamps, and boaters worked on their own skills too! Some even learned how to capsize safely. Arts and crafts is a perfect time to work on secret sister projects, our secret santa spin at camp, which will be revealed tomorrow!

For dinner we had pork shops and butterscotch pudding! Rest hour was a perfect time to attempt to cool off in the cabins, with the fans on of course. Then everyone went in for general swim before finishing up the day with fourth period and activity period. Sunfishes (our smaller sail boats), paddle boards, and snorkelers all enjoyed the water during activity period today! Then it was off to dry off and change for supper - grilled cheese!

Tonights evening program is extra special, it is completely run by the LT's! Every year LT's pick a theme and plan all session for one night, where they create various games and activities or all campers to participate in. LT Carnival is certainly a night to remember, and this year I'm sure it will be OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!!! You'll have to ask your campers about it when they get back!

Until tomorrow,


Track Meet!!!

Today was our yearly all-day event.... Track Meet!  Today is a different schedule then normal, and campers are split into Green and White teams, and compete in events like Standing Jump, Long Jump, Softball Throw, a 50 Yard Dash, a "Marathon", and Swim Races.  Luckily, Track Meet usually entails a morning General Swim, and we sure needed it today, because it was hot!  

Some of the events take place after lunch, including the Wamah Triathlon.  This event involves every camper, and most staff, and takes participants from the very top of the camp road, onto the lake, back onto land at Hungerford, and a grand finale finish in the water.  Some people run, some people swim, some people are in boats and canoes- and everyone gets to watch the final leg, of a longer distance swim.  Special thanks to Drew who orchestrates the whole thing, because its an important tradiaional event here at Asto Wamah.  

We had our usual ham and noodles for lunch, and dinner was "pick-up"- the all camp version of leftover night at home.  It is one of my favorites, because you get to eat a variety of items all at once!  We of course had green and white cake to finish off supper.  

Campers are off to bed now, and just finished some team relay games, which are always fun.  These included Dizzy Lizzy, a soccer ball dribble, a Relay Race, and more.  It's a fun, silly way to end the day.  We were so lucky with today's weather, and as we look into the forecast and hear about the heat that is to come, we always try to remember how lucky we are here at Asto Wamah to have beautiful Columbia Lake to go in!  

Day 7- A rainy start, but a beautiful end!

Today started out rainy, with indoor games instead of regular activities.  Sports class played a hilarious game that involved acting, guessing, and most of all... laughing!  Swim classes played Scattergories and Charades, and Boating classes played Smallcraft Jeopardy.  Before we had a slightly longer Rest Hour, we all had the fan-favorite lasagna!  It was the perfect day for it, with the drizzle and clouds.  The afternoon brought a Sing-off, but by 4th period the sun was out, so boats were able to go out!  Activity Period was full of fishermen, girls jumping off the tower, ukulele playing, as well as plenty of boating practice.  

This evening was Eat Out, with hot dogs, potato chips, and the fixings, and we were lucky enough to be able to eat outside!  Evening Program was my own personal favorite game ever.... King Dodge (although some of the girls requested that we call it the appropriate Queen Dodge instead!) Tomorrow is our traditional Track Meet, so we hope that everyone gets a lot of rest! 


Day 5 & 6

The fifth day of camp began with chocolate chip bread, much to the campers delight. We were able to avoid the rain until much later in the day, and so morning classes went off without a hitch. For dinner we had chicken parmesan and sorbet (both strawberry and lemon). After a nice and relaxing rest hour, it was time for general swim! Campers paired up, and went into their respective swimming levels before fourth period and activity period. Supper this evening was pulled pork and cherry cake. Due to a quick, but heavy rain storm, evening program was inside. It was Deck-A-Counselor! Each cabin picked 2 staff members, and a few LT's, and created skits with them - all while dressing them up however they decided! It was a very entertaining night to say the least!

Today camp began with waffles and peanut butter, a fan favorite. Our morning ran as normal, as we luckily avoided the threat of rain once again! Dinner was meatloaf, a new recipe this camp season, and the campers really liked it. Butterscotch pudding followed, before it was time for rest hour. 

Then the day really got interesting! A special African Drumming program visited camp today, and each group of campers got to participate with their cabins. While very loud, it was very exciting and the campers really enjoyed it. With a funky schedule to fit everyones classes in, as well as this program, it took us right up to supper. Tonight we had chicken melts and gingerbread cake. Now all the campers are getting ready for evening program, in long pants, tied shoes, and dark clothing. Any guesses???? PIRATES! 

Until tomorrow,


Day 4

Our fourth day here at camp kicked off with chocolate chip bread and cereal! Then came time for cabin pictures! Chris got all the cabins taken care of quickly, so that they could go back and clean the cabins, in hopes of impressing Sue - the nurse! Everyday Sue inspects each cabin to find the cleanest within the three groups (hilltop, lakeside and seniors) to find a winner of Cabin Clean Up.

The rain held off and we were able to get all classes in this morning. Sailors enjoyed a perfectly windy day on the lake and each class went out! For dinner, we had ziti and salad, with vanilla pudding for dessert. Following rest hour, we practiced a fire drill incase of emergencies, and then a quick passing of rain prevented us from getting to go into the water for general swim. Luckily, fourth period was able to go on as normal (minus sports in the upper lodge). Activity period was filled with tons options from LT's and counselors! A few LT's lead a dance party in our activity room and had an awesome turn out! Brendan and Sloane even took out a group of girls in the Hunter, our largest sail boat! They all had a blast!

Supper tonight, was eat out! This meant counselors packed up picnic baskets, filled with sandwiches and bug juice (camp slang for lemonade), and set off for different places around camp! From docks and picnic tables, to the lean-to and counsel ring, cabins were spread out all over! Afterwards, we headed back to our cabins and put on tied shoes and long pants, because tonights evening program was Capture the Flag! Everyone got really into it tonight, and now they're changing into their bathing suits for a quick dip before heading to bed!

Until tomorrow,

Gillian and Olivia

Day 2 & 3

Second day of camp, our first full day, kicked off beautifully! French toast for breakfast, ravioli for dinner and tacos for supper! Classes began yesterday, and seeing the various swim classes out and boats in the water was awesome! Evening program was 'garbage collector.' Each team has one camper, or 'collector' in charge of holding the bucket while the rest of the team shoots different point-based dodge balls in! Then it was time for a quick dip and off to bed!

Day 3 began quite foggy, but luckily cleared after our blueberry bread breakfast and lead into another beautiful day! Classes really got into it today, with sailboats getting a chance to go out, as well as the canoes and row boats! Carol, our designated basket lady and her slew of campers have started their respective projects and they are starting to really take shape! 

For dinner today, our noon time meal, we had chicken tenders followed by cherry jello for dessert. Everyone went in for the general swim that follows rest hour and then it was off to fourth period. Activity period options today included jumping off the tower, playing gaga, making bracelets and more!

Pizza and, Sue (the cooks), famous apple crisp, were a big hit at supper tonight. Now the campers are off to get tied shoes on and wear clothing with LOTS of pockets! Any guesses to what we are playing tonight?

Spies and Smugglers!

Until tomorrow,


Day 1

Last first day of the 2018 camp season! Second girls kicked off on this beautiful and sunny day, making drop off a breeze. With seventeen LT's (leadership trainees) to help carry trunks and show campers to their cabins, it was made even easier! After everyone was all moved in, introductions and rules given out, it was time for a quick general swim! Everyone got into the water to cool off just before supper, our evening meal!

Supper tonight, per camp tradition, was hot dogs and brownies for dessert! Evening program, another first-night tradtion of 'Medical Wars' got the whole camp involved! Every night we, as a whole camp, come together to play one big game!

After a few intense rounds, quick dip was offered before campers got ready for bed. Then counselors read the camper-choosen book to help with falling asleep. They will read this book for the rest of the session as a great way to wrap up the day!

Now it's time for everyone to get some sleep in preparation with our first full day of classes and activities!

Until tomorrow, 


Last Full Day!

To start off our final full day for this session, we had English muffins for breakfast with cereal alternatives. We were fortunate enough to have a sunny and clear-skied day for final testing in all classes. Campers put in their best efforts to pass their swimming and small craft classes, and finished up arts and crafts projects.  The great weather continued and we had a great general swim after rest hour.  

A little later in the afternoon, a group of campers took to the lake in all seven of the Sunfish sailboats and our big Hunter sailboat to play a game of pirates! It was a lot of fun and everyone had a great time. Currently campers are headed to the council ring for our campfire where they will receive rewards if they passed their small craft and swimming classes. Awards will also be given to those who placed in Track and Field events, and to those who maintained the cleanest cabin throughout the session. What everyone is most excited for however are the s'mores! Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow for pickup in the morning from 8:30-10am!

See you soon and signing off, Dan and Sloane

Day 12

Yesterday we had a great day and despite thinking the weather would make things challenging we lucked out for the most part!  Sailboats and other small crafts were able to go out and practice on the lake, and campers had a great time in swimming class as well.  We had a quick storm that came by in the afternoon but we had clear skies after for banquet!

The second Thursday is a special day with banquet, as the whole camp gets together and has supper in the main room of the upper lodge.  After a great meal consisting of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and more, we sung songs and watched a great slide show of pictures taken from throughout the session which everyone loved.  Banquet closes with a candlelight service, where each camper gets a candle in a bowl.  Most of the time we gather in a circle around the flagpole and light each candle one by one, but because there was minimal wind on the lake, we were able to float the candles onto the lake and enjoy the beautiful sight of watching all the candles slowly float away.  It truly is a special sight to see and everyone enjoyed it.  We have great weather for our last full day of camp which everyone is excited and thankful for.  

Day 10

Today brought a wide variety of weather, including torrential rain before, during, and after General Swim, where many swimmers just swam in the rain- we're wet anyway, right?  Supper tonight was grilled cheese and tomato soup, perfect for the slightly cooler weather that rolled through with the rain clouds.  

Tonight's evening program was a Talent Show- and it was amazing!  From comedy skits, to ukulele performances, Irish Step Dancing- we had a little bit of everything, and it sure is amazing to get to see some talents that people have that we wouldn't normally get to see in camp.  At the very start of the Talent Show there was a rainbow over Columbia Lake- a beautiful end to a beautiful day.  

Tomorrow marks the last regular day of camp- Thursday is Banquet, Friday is campfire, and Saturday.... Shhh.  It can't be ending this soon!  

Days 8 & 9

On Sunday, we were lucky enough to avoid most of the rain storm and get classes in! Campers enjoyed cinnamon bread for breakfast, ham and noodles for dinner, and pick-up (our left over styled meal) for supper. Evening program was where the real excitement began, Deck - A - Counselor!!! Cabins chose two staff members out of a hat to bring back to their cabin and plan a skit together, decking them out however they wanted! Everyone laughed and loved this game which hasn't been played in years!

Monday morning, after rough storms through out the night, a tree branch fell right on the lodges power line! Due to this issue, and the lack of power, we got to sleep in, which the campers enjoyed. After a quick fix by a repair man, power was restored and everything could proceed as usual. The first three classes went on without a hitch, with rest hour following our Swedish meatballs dinner! Then came an optional general swim/gaga/tetherball time frame, and fourth period. Activity period today consisted of various games in the upper lodge, gaga and a huge focus around working on Secret Sister projects. Each camper got to pick a "secret sister" yesterday to compliment, do nice things, or make cards for. The idea is every similar to "secret santa." They have until Wednesday at supper, when we do the big reveal!!! So exciting!

Now we are off to play Garbage Collector, tonights evening program! 

Until tomorrow, 


Day 7

Welcome back to the Birch Blog!  Today at camp we started off with english muffins, and we had our Track and Field day!  Generally we have Track and Field day on Sunday however due to impending weather we decided to have it a day early and it was fantastic.  Campers had a great time participating in events which included running and standing long jump, softball throw, 50-yard dash, a “marathon” run (which is around a mile), and swim races.  There was also our classic team triathlon, where every camper has a role in a giant relay race.  Swimming, row boating and canoeing, and running takes place at different sections of the race.  

Kids are currently getting long pants and dark clothes on in preparation for evening program which will be Pirates!  This game includes being able to run about in the woods and involves lots of teamwork.  Before that we will have one last quick track and field event, the 220 and 440 meter dash.

Until next time,


Day 6

Our day today started with a camp staple, waffles and peanut butter! Then came cabin clean up, and a normal rotation of our first three periods (sports, boating, swimming or arts and crafts). For dinner we had chicken parmagain and sorbet, followed by the picking of green and white team captains. Tomorrow is track and field day here at camp, typically Sunday but moved up because of the impending rain! Captains went with Drew just before rest hour to divide the camp into green and white teams for tomorrows events!

After rest hour, we had a special guest join us! Carla, along with various African drums and musical instruments, visited camp and taught the campers different popular rhythms from the amazing places she's visited. Carla was able to showcase her love for this style of music, and her passion to help others, when she explained to our campers what visits like this meant for the villages she goes back to - fresh water wells and even a future bridge! It was an amazing treat for campers and counselors alike!

Supper tonight was burgers, followed by delicious cheesecake! Now everyone is off to get tied shoes on, in preparation of tonights evening program - Step it Up!

Until tomorrow, 


Day 5

Good evening everyone, today for breakfast we had bagels and oatmeal. We also enjoyed some hot cocoa on this chilly morning. Our normally scheduled classes were changed due to a very special guest speaker, Bobby Daly. He is a former Camp Asto Wamah staff member and has been serving in the peace corps for 2 years now. He presented information regarding the lives of those he has worked with in Uganda. Bobby explained how life in Uganda is different from our lives in the United States. He taught the campers a few songs and they seemed to have a lot of fun!

For lunch today we had baked ziti, baguettes and a fresh green salad on the side. After lunch we resumed our typically scheduled classes. Campers got to enjoy swimming, boating, sailing, and stand up paddle boarding. 

For supper we had chicken melts! Pretty soon we will be heading up to the field to begin our evening program. We are playing King Dodge ball. This game is different from medical war. In this game when a person gets out, they have to go to the other side and try to get out of jail by hitting someone with a dodgeball. Tonight's game is sure to tire everyone out! 

Until tomorrow, 


Day 4

After yesterdays rain storm, we were thrilled to be back to our normal camp activities today! The day began with a fan favorite of chocolate chip bread, a perfect start to this sunny, beautiful day! Then came the task of cleaning up the cabin and dealing with very wet clothes lines -- luckily we started an overflow line to help the drying process along!

The first three periods ran as normal, and then came dinner (our lunch time meal) of meat loaf that was enjoyed by all! A new recipe which was a hit amongst the campers! Rest hour, a time to relax, nap, work on small projects and get ready for the rest of the day, followed a trip to the store for, most likely, a piece of candy. 

Activity period included games of frisbee, jumping off the tower and playing gaga. There was no cookee bell tonight as kitchen staff had the day off, meaning eat out!!! Sandwiches of PB&J, turkey, ham and hummus were packed into baggies and into picnic baskets. Cabins got to eat together at various parts around camp, docks and picnic tables included! Bug juice (lemonade) was passed around along with chips and cookies! 

Now were all getting ready for evening program, Spies and Smugglers! 

Until tomorrow,

Gillian and Sloane

Day 2 & 3

Yesterday was a very successful first full day of camp! Everyone was excited to start classes and begin improving their swimming and rowing skills, as well as starting arts and crafts projects. In sports classes, we played the classic first day game called "Nuke 'Em", which helps everyone learn each other's names!

After dinner (we call lunch "dinner" at camp because it is our largest meal of the day) and rest hour, we were able to enjoy the beautiful water with a general swim. For activity period, campers were able to jump off the tower, play Kan Jam, and corn hole. We also started a sign-up list for the Hunter, Sunfish, and Paddleboards to be used throughout the session.

For evening program, we played a classic game of "Capture the Flag." About 30 girls came to the a-field early to expel some extra energy. This game was a huge hit and a great way to start off the week!

After a good night's sleep, this morning we served blueberry bread and cereal alternatives, and now everyone is back at their cabins getting ready for the day. We're hoping the rainy weather holds off for morning classes, but we are prepared for a day of indoor activities such as small craft jeopardy, board games, counselor trivia, and Reverse Scavenger Hunt!

Until tomorrow,

Amanda and Sloane

Day 1

Good evening everyone, today is the start of girls' camp! We had many returning campers, as well as 17 brand new ones. Once all of the campers were moved in, cabins began reviewing rules and went on tours of the camp. Brand new campers tested their swimming skills in order to see where they would be placed for swimming classes and general swim. 

For dinner tonight we enjoyed hot dogs and tater tots, along with baked beans. We also had brownies for dessert! For tonight's evening program the camp will be playing a camp wide game of "medical war". This is a huge game of dodgeball, and the camp is split into two teams. The goal is to get as many of the other team's players out. This game is for sure a camp favorite. The campers had a very busy first day and will likely be tired and ready for bed soon!

Until tomorrow, 


Days 12 and 13

Good morning everyone, yesterday was a busy day here at camp. We had normally scheduled classes until the evening when we played a camp-wide game of non stop cricket. Yesterday was the camp's traditional Banquet! This is our supper and evening program mixed into one. Our night takes place in the main dining hall of the lodge. Guests from outside of camp also come to partake in our night. We even had the minister of Center Church as a guest. We enjoy a Thanksgiving style meal (Turkey, potatoes, and all the fixings) followed by ice cream. The campers also received their year awards at this event. These awards are given each year to recognize the number of summers a camper has come to camp. To finish our night we have a candle light reading. This is a reflective period, where campers have the chance to remember their two weeks here at camp. 

Today for breakfast we had chocolate chip bread and orange juice and hot cocoa. Following breakfast campers are beginning to pack their belongings up for pick up tomorrow. Pick up tomorrow is between 8:30am- 9:30am. Today campers will begin to test in classes to see if their skills have improved to move on to the next level. Tonight the campers will be in for a treat. Tonight is Camp Fire! This is where the camp comes together as a whole to sing songs and receive awards. 

Until next session, 

Day 11

For breakfast this morning, we served cornbread and cereals! In place of first period, level 6 and above swimmers were able to participate in the much anticipated "Frog Island" swim! The campers were followed closely by lifeguards and row boats, as they swam their way to the shallow 'island' of Colombia lake. Many of them choose to take a famous "Frog Island" rock back with them as well!

Dinner, our noontime meal but called dinner as it is our largest meal here at camp, was the famous shepard's pie! Deb, our arts and crafts director, was able to bring two young pigs to visit camp today. Rather than wasting left over food, here at camp, we put everything into the 'pig bucket' and it goes on to feed these very same pigs! Campers got to enjoy petting and even bottle feedings these cute 6 week old piglets just before rest hour began. 

Supper this evening was eat out, meaning cabin counselors picked up their picnic baskets and took off to various places around camp, such as Cook's dock, the gazebo and the counselor ring. "Bug juice" (camp slang for lemonade) and cookies were a great addition to the PB&J's and turkey sandwiches. 

Todays supper was important as it was the last opportunity for Birch Barker submissions. The Birch Barker is our camp newsletter that goes out during banquet, which is tomorrow! 

This evening program will be "Murder by Night". This game is a giant, camp wide version of the popular board game Clue. Campers go around in groups quizzing counselors about their "alibis" and trying to figure out who did it. Shhhh - this time Olivia was 'killed'!

Stay tuned for the excitement banquet brings tomorrow, our Thanksgiving styled supper!

Until tomorrow,

Sloane and Gillian

Day 10

Good evening everyone!  Today for breakfast we had delicious cinnamon bread with hot cocoa! The campers were excited to start their day because many have begun to perfect their strokes in swimming, and boating. As for sports class today, the campers had the choice to go to the ropes course! 

For dinner today the campers enjoyed pork chops and mashed potatoes, with a side of green beans! For dessert the campers enjoyed another camp favorite of butterscotch pudding! Following lunch and rest hour we had a normal general swim. This swim was appreciated by many as it was such a perfect day to enjoy the water! 

For supper today we enjoyed pizza with a fresh green salad on the side. For dessert we had vanilla cake with chocolate frosting, partially to help celebrate the 3 birthdays in camp! Following tonights meal, the campers are in for a treat tonight as it is LT Carnival! This carnival is hosted by our counselors in training who will be providing multiple games and challenges for the campers to participate in! With such a busy day the campers are sure to fall asleep quickly!

Until tomorrow, 
