coed- day 3

We started our day off with a delicious breakfast of english muffins, yogurt, cereal and bananas. After breakfast everyone headed back to their cabins for cabin cleanup and camp duties before the first period of the day started. The sun was shining bright while campers took part in small craft, sports, arts and crafts, nature and swimming.

After the first three periods of the day campers had the chance to get ready for our noon time meal, where we enjoyed ravioli, salad, and french bread. For a sweet treat after lunch we enjoyed butterscotch pudding, a camp favorite. After lunch campers had the opportunity to visit the store, where they could choose a choice of candy before the went back to there cabin for rest hour.

After rest hour every single camper checked into general swim where they were able to work on their strokes and enjoy the water in the hot sun. After general swim campers went to their fourth period of day, small craft, arts and crafts or sports class.

After fourth period the campers had the opportunity to have some free time during activity period. Today counselors offered jumping off the tower, hair braiding and aquarium bootcamp where campers in levels one, two and three got to improve their swimming skills, as well as knock hockey, tether ball and fishing.

Every Wednesday kitchen staff has their day off every cabin got to choose a different location around camp to eat their dinner as a picnic rather than in the upper lodge. Each camper got a choice of a cold cut sandwich and/or a PB and J pair with chips, watermelon and bug juice.

After dinner we have a camp wide evening program, Pirates. Campers are split into two teams and their goal is to find the other teams treasure, which is hidden around the camp, before their own treasure is found.

See you tomorrow!