Pick up tomorrow (Saturday) morning from 8:30am to 10:00am! Good afternoon Birch Blog readers! It has been a very eventful last two days of camp. Yesterday we had our last banquet of the summer. All of the girls gathered in their green and white for our thanksgiving-style meal of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, corn, gravy and cranberry sauce. In honor of banquet, we had a special treat for dessert - ice cream! After the festive meal, we continued into the evening program portion of the evening. We (Colleen and Maddy) emceed the evening and led the camp in a few favorite songs before Nancy took the floor to do some introductions and thank yous. Part of the reason banquet is a special night is because we have guests come from the Center Church in Hartford. They are usually people who are involved with the camp committee who work hard all year long for the camp. Banquet is their opportunity to see how their efforts are appreciated by our wonderful campers and staff. Afterwards, we sang some more songs and had a slideshow of the session and watched a video that Colleen and Danny put together using the camp goPro! The photos from this session and the rest of the summer will be available online in a few weeks. Next, every camper got an award to mark their number of years at camp. The evening concluded with the Candlelight Service.
Today has been quite a whirlwind for the campers and staff because not only is the last day of the session, but it is also the last day of the CAW 2015 season. Luckily, we have had gorgeous weather all day. We woke up to french toast and cereal for breakfast. During the first three periods of the day, girls in Arts and Crafts participated in a nature scavenger hunt. Rowboats and canoes went out like normal and the girls in sailing class got to help the staff get the sunfish out of the water so they could be washed and dried.
Lunch today was chicken strips with rice and green beans. For dessert, we had chocolate cake. Everyone is getting tired by the end of the session so we had a slightly longer rest hour. Afterwards, we all got in the water for our last general swim. Everyone was enjoying the beautiful weather, so we extended that for a bit too. Instead of regular fourth period and activity period, all of the girls are now up on the field. We are playing non-stop cricket which a fast-paced baseball-style game that everyone gets a turn in.
Tonight, we will enjoy meatball grinders for dinner. Afterwards, everyone will return to their cabins to do some packing. All of the towels will come off the clothesline tonight so no one will end up without their belongings tomorrow! Evening program will be our closing campfire. We will eat s'mores, sing songs and receive awards for boating, swimming and track and field. I heard that some girls in cabin 7 will be performing a duet! It should be a great way to end a successful session and an incredible summer.
We are so lucky to have had such an incredible group of kids come through our program this summer! Remember to spread the word about Camp Asto Wamah to all of your friends, relatives and neighbors! You can find us on Facebook and Instagram @campastowamah.
Thank you for reading; We hope you have enjoyed the Birch Blog this summer!
Pick up tomorrow (Saturday) morning from 8:30am to 10:00am.