Happy Wamah Wednesday! It was another beautiful day here at Columbia Lake. Breakfast this morning was waffles with peanut butter- a camp tradition. Classes are coming along nicely, the campers enjoyed playing hand ball on the field for sports class and sewing pillows in arts and crafts.
Meatballs in gravy, mashed potatoes, and corn were served for lunch and butterscotch pudding was a delicious end to the meal. After general swim and fourth period we had a special program. Two representatives from the Born to Be Wild Nature Center in Rhode Island came to educate us about birds of prey that are being rehabilitated. The brought an Eastern Screech Owl, an American Kestrel, a Barred Owl, a Peregrine Falcon, and a Great Horned Owl. The birds that were shown around were all injured and taken to the rehabilitation center where they are nursed back to health to be set free or if they can no longer live in the wild, they lead a happy and healthy life at the Nature Center. The birds were such a hit with both campers and counselors alike, the two representatives were extremely knowledgable and answered all questions that were asked of them. To learn more about the program we saw, check them out on Facebook or their website.
Wednesdays and Saturdays are the kitchen staff’s night off. During lunch, counselors took sandwich orders for their cabins. Options were turkey, ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato, mayo, or mustard. Campers choose their preferred sandwich combo. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are offered as an alternative or in addition. Then, instead of gathering in the lodge for supper, cabins disperse throughout camp to have a picnic. Most of the other cabins sit by the water either on the docks or on the picnic tables by the shore.
Some cabins are still out enjoying their picnics and most are wrapping up and getting prepared for evening program. Tonight, we will play Garbage Collector on the A-Field. It's fast-paced game that's similar to handball but with a few twists. It’s a great game for everyone, campers and counselors, to get involved in.
We are looking forward to another fun day tomorrow on Columbia Lake!