Welcome back Birch Blog readers! It has been an awesome Friday here at CAW. This morning began with chocolate chip bread - a favorite among the campers and counselors. We enjoyed a gorgeous morning out on the lake. Rowboaters and canoers made great progress in their small crafts today. Lunch this afternoon Shepherds Pie. It was a great day for meals - today's lunch is also a favorite tradition at camp. After rest hour, everyone got in the water for a refreshing general swim. Activity period options included the tower, paddle boarding, sunfish sailing, and Nuke 'Em. A select group had their turn on the Hunter today with Colleen and Katie.
Dinner this evening was chicken melts served with tomato soup, applesauce, carrots and chips. Sue's yummy apple crisp was for dessert. Now, the girls are either back at their cabin changing for evening program or out around the flagpole playing tetherball and nok hockey. When the bell rings, we will all meet up at the A Field. Tonight's game is Pirate Gangs! This is a special night at camp because this game takes place throughout the entire camp boundaries. All of the girls get very into the game that involves gun (flour pouches) battles and searching for the hidden treasure.
Tomorrow holds another exciting day camp and we can't wait to give you the details here on the blog tomorrow night!