We have successfully made it through one week at camp! This lovely Saturday started off with bagels and cereal. It was another beautiful morning on the lake. After cabin clean up and camp duties, everyone got busy with the first three periods of the day. Lunch today was baked ziti served with salad and baguettes. We had chocolate pudding for dessert. At lunch today we had two exciting announcements. First, campers can start submitting articles and artwork for the camp newsletter, the Birch Barker, that will be printed on Thursday for Banquet. Second, the talent show will be Monday night! Everyone is already busy getting their acts together. This afternoon everyone was involved with some kind of activity. Counselors offered jumping off the tower, aquarium games, row boating and kan jam.
Tonight is another night off for the kitchen. Instead of taking sandwich orders and eating outside, we did "mix up" night in the dining room. Counselors sat at their usual table, and campers had to sit at a new table without any cabin mates. Everyone enjoyed hot dogs, chips and pasta salad and it was a great way to get to know some new people.
Tonight we are playing a brand new game! It's called "Step Up." The games will be similar to activities we hold during a carnival. There will be knock-out on the basketball court, hula hooping, ball toss, soccer shoot out, football throw, archery and ping pong bounce. All of the activities will take place on the A Field and the girls can go around to the different stations at their own pace. They will win pea beans as a prize. Two counselors will act as captains for the green and white teams. Every girl has been assigned to a team in preparation for our Track Meet tomorrow. When the girls win beans, they will give them to the team captains who will then count the beans and take that many steps towards the A Field. Whichever captain makes it the field first wins the game for their team! It should be a ton of fun!
Like I just mentioned, tomorrow is Track Meet. That means we will not be holding our regular schedule. We will all be up at the field running, jumping and throwing in individual and team activities. Be sure to check back tomorrow and I'll give you all the details!