Dear Campers, Staff and Other Asto Wamah Fans, It is hard to believe that October is here. I don’t understand how the 8 weeks since the end of camp could have passed so quickly.
By now I imagine that most of you are well engaged in the routines of school. I hope the transition from the carefree days of summer back to the rigors of school has gone smoothly and you are finding ways to display your best Asto Wamah behaviors and attitude in that setting.
You may be surprised to know that a lot has been going on at camp since the middle of August and the end of the camping season. Family Camp ended just as Irene hit. In addition to having no electricity for most to the week following the storm, there were a number of very large trees that became victims of the storm. Luckily, no building was damaged, however the road was impassable for a number of days. Since Irene, there has been an abundance of rain. I guess it is the rain that we seemed to avoid all summer during camp.
During the past month we have begun to make visible progress with the construction of our new bathroom facility. Having more toilet capacity has been a goal for decades. Some of you are aware that the new building will be located between the old bathroom and the Activity Room. It will house 6 toilets, 2 urinals and 4 sinks which will be a welcome addition to what we already have. The most exciting thing about this bathroom is that it will be green. That means each flush will take a fraction of the water used in a conventional toilet or urinal. This green technology’s impact on the environment will in everyway be friendly. The foundation is close to being poured. I will give you an update on the progress in November. Stay tuned.
Decisions are being made about the camp schedule for the summer of 2012. A postcard will soon be mailing outlining the dates. Hope that will help assure that a session at Asto Wamah is in your schedule for next summer.
Don’t forget to Remember the Other Fellow,