November Camp News

Dear Asto Wamah Friends, Well, I have clearly missed the first of the month deadline for this blog.  It seems as though this entire first week of November was lost to the winter snowstorm that has wreaked havoc on the entire region.  We were only without power for 3 days, but somehow that disruption of routine derailed my motivation and focus.  At this writing 200,000 are still without power.   I know West Hartford, our largest camp town, was severely impacted and I am hopeful that all of you are by now back on the electrical grid and returning to a normal life.  This past week has clearly demonstrated how much we depend on electricity and how critical it is to communication.

Amazingly enough, camp never lost power.  There was a great loss of tree branches, but the lights stayed on.   Clean up there has been an entire week’s work so far and is still not done.   It seems that we hardly finished with the Irene damage, and now this.  Thank goodness for the good weather to follow the bad.

Despite all of this, we have been able to continue with some big projects that are underway at camp.  The new bathroom is now ready for the delivery of the composters that will be lowered into the basement.  Within a few weeks the building will be constructed and the task of installation will be ready to begin.  I am very excited about this new “green” facility.  It is a step toward conserving precious natural resources.

The other camp improvement is a new roof on the Lodge.   The old membrane roof had functioned way past its guaranteed life.  There were many signs that indicated that it was failing fast.  Bob Dunn, the father of Hillary, Laura and Christine, is undertaking this big job.  Within a week we will have in place a roof that will be dependable and a major improvement.

The water has been drained and the lake is rapidly receding.  The nights are cold and the trees are mostly bare.  But there is still lots going on at Asto Wamah.    Our 2012 schedule has now been determined and you should have received a postcard a few weeks ago outlining the new dates and fees.  We look forward to your return to Asto Wamah in the summer of 2012.

Check for an updated blog in early December.

Until then, be safe and take care,
