Today campers awoke excited not because it was the last day of camp but because today is the last day to show their stuff in swim class, swim in Columbia Lake, dive off the tower, hang with their new friends, finish their art's and crafts projects, plus tonight is campfire. Campfire is always the last Friday night of camp. Campers receive their track and field day ribbons, swimming and boating awards (if they passed), and we sing lots of songs and eat s’mores of course! Counselors will also be preparing a skit for the camp that should be pretty funny! Today's meals are camp favorites: waffles with peanut butter (after you put peanut butter and maple syrup on your waffles you'll never go back - just a heads up parents :D so you won’t be surprised when they ask for it with their waffles ), Sheppard’s Pie ( mashed potatoes, corn, and ground beef layered together), and tonight is Hamburgers! Today’s schedule is a little different because not only is it the last day of the session but it is also the last day of the Camp Asto Wamah 2011 Season. The last day of the season means that we take out all the boats, put away all the waterfront equipment, wash everything, and take down most of camp for the winter. While counselors are doing most of this while the day goes on, some older campers are helping out as well. It was a busy morning for sure! Sports class divided into two groups: one collected kindling for tonight's campfire while the other did Zoomba around the flagpole ( a great start to the day in my opinion) All boaters took out a rowboat while the sailboats and canoes where lifted out of the water and had rowboat races. Swimmers either tested or did fun things like jump off the tower. While some staff finishes up the work around camp, the campers are playing two games that should last until suppertime. The first game they are playing is a Camper/Counselor Hunt (basically a hide and go seek game). The campers hide around camp first while the counselors try to find them. The campers are worth one point to a counselor who finds them but the counselor has to say the campers name to get the point. Next the campers are the seekers and try to find counselors and the same rules apply but counselors are worth more points :D After that game the campers will divide up into their cabin groups and play a Reverse Scavenger Hunt. Campers go back to their cabins and choose 10 things they think they will be able to use to act out several scenarios. The boys session played this and some funny skits were thought up ( Justin Bieber ) :D Common objects include: broom, blanket, flashlight, hats, and water bottles. I can’t wait to see what this group of girls will come up with !!
Finally, I’ll let you in on a little secret: tonight after the campfire and reading is done in each cabin and campers are beginning to fall asleep, the counselors are going to come around in a group and carol outside the cabin. This used to be a last night of camp tradition but over the years it hasn’t been done. Counselors are really excited to surprise them with songs like Angels, Ashgrove, Barges, Kumbya, and a few other sweet nighttime songs. These have been a great bunch of campers that the Asto Wamah staff will really miss. I hope you all enjoy the end of your summers. Pick up tomorrow is 8:30am to 10am. Have a great night and we will too!
- The Birch Blogger