Today was a very special day, it was banquet. Our day started off normal, we had banana chocolate chip bread for breakfast. After our morning classes we had sandwiches for dinner.
The big excitement today was supper. Our banquet supper is on the last Thursday of every session, except for coed. Campers and counselors dress up in their cleanest clothes for a Thanksgiving like meal. This meal consists of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn, bread, and more. All filled with essential amino acids which give us protein.
Also at banquet, we debut the camp slide show filled with both funny and sweet photos from the session. Another part of the meal is year awards. Each camper is called up and given a different award depending on what year it is for them at camp. Our hardworking LTs also received their clipboards which signifies the end of their time as an LT, and the start of their time on staff! Congratulations to them!!
Finally, we end the day with candle light. Each camper and staff gets a candle and we go around the circle to light them. This is a very peaceful and reflective time about our time here at camp. The day ends in silence as campers went to go get ready for bed.
See you tomorrow for our last day at camp!
Melissa <3