Sunday, July 14

TRACK MEET!!!!!!!! Today started off normal with English muffins for breakfast, but our regular schedule was replaced with one of the best days of the session, track meet!

Campers split into two teams, green and white, to compete in various track events. The first part of the day consisted of softball throw, running long jump, and standing long jump. Then was the 50 yard dash and a new event, a 400! Because of the heat we had an early general swim to cool down.

Lunch was track and field classic, ham and noodles! We had another break from the heat with popsicles for dessert.

After rest hour the campers ran an optional “marathon”, 0.5 miles. We then had our camp wide triathlon. Campers were either runners, swimmers, boaters, or passengers. We ran, swam, and boated throughout camp passing a baton. Following the triathlon was our last individual race, optional swim races.

Supper was meatball subs with green and white cake for dessert, depending on your team.

Evening program was some more relay races. We had typical running races, as well as fun competitions such as “Outrageous Obstacles,” “Soccer Soirée,” “Hula Hoopla,” “Kickball Khaos,” and “Ping Pong Palooza” where the winning teams won points.

We ended such a great day with songs, including a boys camp favorite, “Titanic.”

Melissa :)