Saturday, July 13

Today was a great day, especially for the counselors, because we got to sleep in an extra half hour! Due to the rain we unfortunately had to skip chicken fat and go straight into breakfast, which was bagels and cereal.

Because of the rain the first three classes were moved inside. Swimming played scattergories, boating drew pictures of boats, and sports played games inside.

Lunch was chicken parm and spaghetti, with butterscotch pudding for dessert.

Luckily the rain let up, and we were able to have a normal general swim and fourth period. After activity period the kitchen had another day off, so dinner was hotdogs by the flagpole and cookies for dessert.

Evening program was campers against counselors in an intense, but not close, game of Cops and Robbers, with counselors coming out on top. The counselors were bandits, running through the woods trying to tag and steal campers’ “treasure” before they found their partner and were safe. Counselors and campers were sweaty after that game, so we ended the night with a quick dip!

Tomorrow will be another sweaty day because it’s track meet! So stay tuned!

Melissa <3