Friday, July 12

We are back today, starting off strong with chicken fat and waffles for breakfast. Today was a great break from the heat, with intermittent showers, but not enough to effect swimming and boating! Because of the rain, there was no pogo sticking on the A field for sports. Instead, we were inside the lodge playing a fun game of “Roll or Die.”

Dinner was a camp favorite of Shepards pie, and dessert was pears. Activity period was filled with a ping pong tournament and fishing with a view of a rainbow over the lake.

Supper was another camp favorite of chicken melts. Some campers went up for sevenths and eighths!

Today was filled with camp favorites as the evening program was Pirates! Campers ran around in the woods, wearing dark clothing, engaging in pirate battles and looking for the treasure.

See you tomorrow!

Melissa :)