We are so sorry for the delay, we are just busy adjusting back to camp life and all that it entails! Campers are doing well, and I think anyone you ask would tell you how grateful they are to have Columbia Lake here for us to use. Yesterday we were in three times! In the morning for lessons, in the afternoon for General Swim, and again for a Quick Dip before bed. You always sleep better after a quick dip!
Camp food is delicious and kid friendly as always. Monday’s supper was tacos, breakfast was coffee cake- a fan favorite- and dinner (what we call lunch around here!) is meatballs and gravy- MY personal favorite, in case you wanted to know :) We are drinking plenty of water and doing everything we can to stay cool. Really, what better place is there to be during a heat wave?!
All of the activities are full swing- archery, tennis, sports, nature, arts and crafts, swimming, boating- and all in all, it is like we never left. The campers are excited when they don’t have to wear masks, and wear them without complaint when they need to. Honestly, I think we all- staff included- are just thrilled to be back!
So, our sincere apologies for the delay in restarting the Birch Blog. We will be back to posting each evening starting tonight. In the meantime, feel free to follow us on Instagram where you will see pictures, participate in quizzes- maybe even a trivia question here or there. @campastowamah
We hope you are all staying cool in the “real world” and we won’t waste a minute of our opportunities here.