Today was a great day on Columbia Lake!

We started our morning with Flag Raising and Chicken Fat (a time honored camp tradition of stretching to get the blood flowing before breakfast). “Touchdown, every morning, ten times!” Our first meal of the day was waffles; PB and butter optional. OJ and hot cocoa flowed aplenty, although most staff visited the coffee pot a few times instead.

Next, everyone went back to their cabins to clean, now knowing that the nurse would be by at some point during the day to inspect. Colleen, Melissa and Jackson led Morning Thought which centered on “Making New Friends at Camp.” This is an important part of camp, and we strive to help each camper make at least one new friend each day.

Morning classes were next. Sports played Nuk’em (a Volleyball derivative). Campers enjoyed their morning swimming classes, with many ending their class today with a ring finding contest. Smallcraft started with the obligatory safety rules and regulations. Arts and Crafts projects available today included: Friendship Bracelets, Canvas Painting, Bead Animals, Sewing (mostly pillows) and Banded Bracelets.

Dinner was chicken tenders, rice, corn and butterscotch pudding for dessert. Campers then went to Store. Every single camper bought candy… Many also bought stamps/ envelopes/ postcards, so keep an eye on your mailbox! Rest Hour followed, much to the Counselor’s liking. Our afternoon free swim, General Swim, was next. Campers paired/tripled up with friends, and checked into the water. 4th Period classes were next. The boys game of Nuk’em in sports was amazing. The older girls got their turn in A&C, and the younger girls got to hear boating rules.

Activity Period options included: Jumping off the tower with Melissa and Sarah, Gaga with Colleen, Friendship Bracelets in A&C with Mason, and Soccer on the A-Field with Ryan. Many campers did their own thing and went fishing, hung out in their cabin with friends or took showers.

Supper was Tacos. Many campers said we should have saved this meal for Tuesday. Chips were included, with cake for dessert.

Evening Program started on the A-Field… Drew finished rules for Capture The Flag, we split up and prepared to start playing but it began to rain. So we transitioned to the lodge, where each counselor led a game (Uno, Apples to Apples, Scategories, etc.) and the campers could pick and choose what they wanted to play. The evening ended with a few songs led by Sophie, Jack and Maggie. Taps was played by Julianne from cabin 7 on her Trumpet.