2023 Co-ed Camp began Sunday. After a short tour of camp, we all met in the Council Ring. Chris introduced the staff, and went over a few rules. Catherine talked about our swim classification for new campers. Then, 50+ first year campers got to go in the water and show off their swimming skills. As you can probably imagine, it took a good amount of time to get through everyone.
That led us up to Cookee Bell (time to set the tables), and Supper. The kitchen prepared Hot Dogs, Tater Tots, and Brownies.
After Supper, we had a short amount of free time. Finally, we met up on the A-Field logs for Evening Program and a rousing game of Medical War. The campers had a great time, and especially enjoyed watching the “Counselor Round” from the logs. There was a competition to see which cabin could cheer for their counselor the loudest.
Lastly, we sang a few songs. Camp classics like “Bill Grogan’s Goat” and “Princess Pat.” Chris went over nighttime rules, and we sang our 2 goodnight songs. Starting tomorrow, we will have a duo of instruments playing Taps (Trumpet and Flute).
Each cabin counselor picked a book to read aloud as their campers drifted off to sleep. We had a calm and pleasant nights sleep, as the temperature was perfect for sleeping here at Asto Wamah!