Our morning began with flag raising and Chicken Fat. The kids seem to be more and more agreeable with our version of morning calisthenics. Many are now starting to learn the words and sing along with the song. “Push-ups next, nice and steady, not too fast, readyyyyyyy…”
Breakfast was French Toast and cereal, with OJ and hot cocoa. Counselors predictably enjoyed one or two cups of coffee (or tea… Maggie!) After the meal, it was very interesting walking through camp as campers started to clean their cabins. It was like listening to 9 unique concerts, each with their own set list.
While it was on the cooler side, campers still enjoyed swim classes, where they refined their strokes. Boats got to go out in the lake today! With so many first year campers, every rowboat was full! Arts and Crafts continued with the same projects. I believe tie-dye day is approaching. Girls sports classes this morning were inside because the field was too wet from overnight rain. Seniors played with a floating, light-up, gyro-orb we just bought. Lakeside girls played a few camp classics (Wild West Showdown, Pattern Game, Zip Zap).
Counselors’ Swim saw many kids fishing again. The showers were also surprisingly full. I suppose we should be happy they are showering without being prompted! The knock hockey boards were full, and Shul-Bak was also out for the first time.
Dinner was meatballs with gravy, green beans, and mashed potatoes (peaches for dessert). The store rotation had cabin 2 first (cabin 1 now being relegated to last). Mostly candy purchases, with a few letters/stamps/envelopes. My informal poll outside the store had about 50% of the kids saying they had written a letter home. I will inquire with David the Mailman tomorrow as to the accuracy of this 50% estimate. Rest hour was actually a full hour; most people slept.
General Swim saw almost everyone go in swimming, and the only 3 boys in level 5 (deep water) jumped off the tower unobstructed for about 30 min. Lucky them! I offered a rock finding contest for Intermediate swimmers. A girl from cabin 7 barely beat out a boy from cabin 2 for the flattest rock. Aquarium swimmers “dove” for rings, and generally laughed and giggled with their friends.
4th period saw senior girls continue with their Art & Crafts projects from yesterday and Lakeside girls begin to learn how to row a boat. They did very well, seeing as it was quite windy here today (we’ll circle back to this point in a minute). Boys played various games in sports today on the field; Active Flyer, Frisbee, Pindaloo, Football and Soccer. Activity Period was awesome. A handful of campers got to go out on our big sailboat (The Hunter) with Captain Carmela and First Mates Joey and Sophie. They were zooming around the lake, enjoying the steady, strong wind.
Supper was grilled cheese, tomato soup, chips, pickles, and CHOCOLATE PUDDING PIE for dessert. I normally do not indulge in dessert; CPP is one of the few exceptions.
We played Capture the Flag for Evening Program. Luckily, campers heard the rules and asked all their questions yesterday, so the game tonight was a little longer than usual. Snack (pretzel rods) and 3 songs preceded a Quick Dip. We encouraged them to QD, which consists of jumping in the water for 5-10 seconds to get rid of the dust and sweat from our evening game. Julianne again played taps on her trumpet. Perhaps in 2024 your child could be our taps player…