We had very cool weather last night- great for sleeping. The campers did their normal "chicken fat" exercises this morning before a camp favorite breakfast of french toast. Regular morning classes this morning ran smoothly with swimming, arts and crafts, boating, and sports. In sports class today many campers played an exhilarating game of soccer on the A-field. The campers are enjoying projects such as pillow making, friendship bracelets, bead looms, and baskets during arts and crafts.
For the mid-day meal the campers enjoyed ravioli, salad, and chocolate cake for dinner. Following the meal the campers went to store to buy candy or anything else they might need and went to rest hour to write letters home (hopefully), read or listen to music. The campers are beginning to enjoy this time of the day to spend time relaxing on their bunk.
Following rest hour, the campers checked in for general swim. We have been enjoying some fantastic weather today with a breeze that is excellent for sailing. While I write to you many campers are out sailing on our sunfishes and the Hunter. Other activities include jumping off the tower and playing aquarium games.
Tonight we have our first eat out of the session. As a cabin, the counselors and campers pack a picnic basket with their sandwiches, potato chips, cookies and lemonade and find a spot around camp to eat together as a cabin. This has always been a great bonding experience for cabins and we look forward to our first eat out of the session.
For the evening game tonight we will play a camp favorite of spies and smugglers!!
Until next time..
Emma Tuthill, Cabin Old 6