Good Evening Blog followers! As promised- the story teller was really cool! he told us four different stories that originated from different cultures such as African and Hatian! He captivated the audience with his charisma and goofy impersonations!
Today was a beautiful, cool morning- great for sleeping! We had oatmeal, cereal, and cornbread for breakfast, which was delicious and hearty! We had a normal morning schedule. Campers cleaned their cabins and then went to arts and crafts, sports, swimming, and boating.
Dinner was chicken fingers, rice, summer squash, carrots, and bread, with vanilla pudding and sprinkles for dessert!
Following dinner, we had a nice, relaxing rest hour, and a refreshing general swim. Campers went to 4th period- whichever class they had not had in the morning. For Activity Period, some of the activities offered were jumping off the tower, zumba, and yoga. Some campers who had signed up previously got to go on the Hunter, our big sailboat.
For supper, we had chicken fajitas, applesauce, chips, and a camp favorite for dessert- apple crisp!!
As I write, campers are getting ready to play Capture the Flag. It is sure to be an intense and exciting game!
Check back tomorrow for more updates!
-The Birch Blogger