Off to a Good Start

Every afternoon after 4th period classes, counselors offer a variety of activities that campers can join in on. Today campers had the opportunity to participate in water zumba: a watery twist on the new dance workout; jumping off the 12 ft. tower for swimmers in level 4 and above, Nuke 'Em (a cross between dodge ball and volleyball); sailing slowly on the sunfish sailboats; Apples to Apples (a silly word game). The great thing about Activity Period is that this is one of the few times of the day when campers of all ages and cabins can participate in the games, so campers often make new friends. Yesterday afternoon Nancy met with the 14 year old campers, who are in their last year of camp and are eligible for the Leaders in Training program next year.  The requirements for this program are enthusiasm for camp, participation in activities, genial character, and helping younger campers. We've seen several of these young women step up to the plate today and engage with younger campers throughout the day. Looks like we'll have lots of good candidates for next year's LT program.

It's almost supper time, and we'll be singing Happy Birthday to Libby in Cabin 7 during our chicken fajita meal, followed by one of the more popular games, Cops and Robbers.

-the Birch Blogger