Cars and minivans lined the camp road yesterday, as parents and relatives drove to the parking lot to unload the sleeping bags, duffel bags and trunks. One by one the cabins filled up with new and returning girls. The first day is always tough for the campers because they have to listen to so many important announcements about how things are done at camp. But by now, they've been here for over 24 hours, so they've already played an Evening Program (camp-wide game after supper), ate supper, breakfast, and lunch, had rest hour, and went to their four classes: Swimming, Smallcraft (rowboat, canoe or sailboat), Sports (including Tennis and Archery) and Arts & Crafts. Last night was tough for many of the campers, especially first-time campers, because they're not used to being a cabin with the noise of the crickets and wind blowing though the leaves, let alone the noise of the other nine girls sleeping or getting up to use the bathroom. But we didn't see any grumpy faces this morning. In fact, everyone has been in a great mood: excited to be here and eager to try out all the activities. Looks like we've got a great session ahead of us, and great weather to match it. Except for those rumbles of thunder I just heard... Let's hope they just pass by without developing into a storm! Until soon,
-the Birch Blogger