Today the girls of Asto-Wamah moved in! Campers hugged goodbye to loved ones and got ready for tours of camp, cabin “ice breaker” games, and general swim! Before the swim the whole camp of girls met Nancy, our camp director, and the entire staff. They learned about how we use the buddy system for general swim and all the waterfront rules. New campers were tested to see what level they would be in for the swim. We have three main areas on the waterfront, Aquarium (swim levels 1,2,3) is a very shallow and sandy area where all swimmers can touch, Intermediate (swim level 4) is shallow in parts but about 6 feet in others, and Deep Water (swim levels 5, water safety, 6, and super stars) is anywhere from 6-13 feet deep. After buddy check campers had hot dogs for supper with beans, tater tots, applesauce, and pickles followed by brownies for dessert. Then the whole camp played our traditional first night evening program, Medical Wars on the field! Now our campers are singing Goodnight Songs on the A-field (One is a short hymn and the other is Taps) before heading back to their cabins to get ready for bed. Tonight each counselor will read a book they chose for the cabin or a story a camper brought with them before bed.
Wake up bell is at 7:30 tomorrow morning and we will start our first full day of swim, boating, sports, and arts&crafts classes! So much fun!
- The Birch Blogger