July 14th and 15th!

Well the end of camp is here.14 days and only one of them was rainy! We were so fortunate for these beautiful sunny and hot days! Campers had a great day yesterday and enjoyed the annual Banquet celebration. At Banquet we eat a Thanksgiving dinner (turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, corn, cranberry sauce and ice cream for dessert!). What makes Banquet really special however, is the presentation of year awards and the candlelight service. Each child who comes to camp receives a year award to recognize their bravery, hard work, and dedication to Camp Asto Wamah.  It is not easy to leave home for 2 weeks but this is a great bunch of campers who were helpful, considerate, and enthusiastic about every aspect of camp!  The candlelight service occurs at the end of the meal after the songs and year awards.  One camper from every cabin is chosen to read a line from the New Testament and each line is related to light. Every camper is then given a candle and we all stand in a circle around the flagpole with our candles lit. Once the last line is read, we all blow out the candles together. It is so beautiful to see the large circle of light! Today was the last day of classes or more importantly, for most campers, the last chance to show their teachers that they know all their strokes! It was also a special day because campers got their favorite dessert after dinner, chocolate pudding pie! Campers found out today if they passed their swimming and boating classes and, if they passed, they will receive an award at campfire! Tonight we are having a short evening program to get out all the extra energy (nonstop cricket) and then campfire! Campfire is an event always held on the last night of camp where campers sing songs, receive swimming and boating awards, receive the cleanest cabin awards, and get s’mores! The campers are a little sad to be going home but they have made so many happy memories from 2 weeks packed full of fun!  Tomorrow campers get up early for breakfast and then they pack their things. Parents should pick up campers between 9-10:30!

We’ll see you tomorrow!

- The Birch Blogger